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Volume 53, Issue 210/211, Julio/Diciembre 2008

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1. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Enrique Eguiarte Bendímez Nuevas predicaciones agustinianas
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2. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
José Anoz Enseñanzas de san Agustín laico y presbítero sobre los sacramentos
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This article lists and examines the Agustín’s texts, that he wrote as a layman and as a presbyter, on which the noun sacramentum is read alone or accompanied by verbs and other nouns or adjectives. The essay considers likewise later augustinian passages, in which the early original syntagm shows new overtones. On the basis of these textual and theological facts, it is possible to elaborate an augustinian sacramentology, not necessarily coincident with the sacramental doctrine, usual in theological Faculties.
3. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Isabelle Bochet, José Anoz ¿Qué tienes que no hayas recibido? La gratuita elección de Dios. Los comentarios agustinianos de Rm 9
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The article examines the first commentaries of Augustine to Rm 9, and from a comparison between exp. prop. rom. and Simpl., it underlines an important evolution in Augustine's explanation of Rm 9 and in his way of understanding God's election. It also examines, in some fundamental texts, the way in which Augustine uses and comments Rm 9 in the antipelagian polemic.
4. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
J. N. de Paulo Craig, Enrique Eguiarte La relación filosófica entre Agustín y Heidegger según la investigación contemporánea
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The article examines an 'hermeneutical revival' of Augustine, that is, the philosophical significance of the historical and methodological influence of St. Augustine on Martin Heidegger's Sein und Zeit, and how this is becoming increasingly more evident in the contribution of scholars of phenomenology and patrology to this discussion, especially since 1993.
5. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Enrique A. Eguiarte Bendímez Fil 1,29 en algunos sermones de san Agustín sobre los mártires
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The article studies Augustine's exegesis of Phil 1, 29 in his work De praedestinatione sanctorum, and analyzes how Augustine explains this text in some of his sermons about the martyrs, who have received, in a special way, as a gift, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for him.
6. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Mathijs Lamberigts, José Anoz Agustín y la predestinación: algunas ‘quæstiones disputatæ’ replanteadas
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The article presents a critical evaluation G. Kraus approach to Augustine's Predestination Idea, underlining its positive and negative elements. It also demonstrates that the argument of Predestination does not have an important place in the antipelagian polemic, and underlining some additional aspects, concerning the issue that those to whom Augustine wrote the works about Predestination were monks.
7. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Alejandro Powter La relación tiempo-eternidad en el libro un décimo de las "Confesiones’ de san Agustín
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This article proposes an interpretation of the 'time-eternity' relationship as exposed in Book XI of St. Augustine's Confessions, with the intention of searching for a circumvention of the dichotomy between objective and subjective time'. The key to this interpretation is the analysis of the terms distentio, attentio and intentio, which allows us to relate the 'chronologic and kairologic' dimensions of time, symbol of eternity.
8. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Karim Schelkens, Marcel Gielis, Enrique Eguiarte Recepción del concepto agustiniano de ‘naturaleza’, en el siglo XVI: de Driedo a Bellarmino
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The article studies the reception of Augustine's concept of nature in three Professors of the Faculty of Theology University Of Leuven, namely John Driedo (ca. 1480-1535), Michael Baius (1513-1589) and Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621), making a special remark on the form of Augustinianism that was later condemned as Baianism.
9. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Toom Tarmo, Enrique Eguiarte Agustín y la resurrección del ‘totus homo’
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The article examines that for Augustine, resurrection means the resurrection of ‘totus homo’, the resurrection of the whole human being, body and soul. It also shows that for Augustine the redemption of ‘totus homo’ must comprise the redemption of the relationships of individual persons with other living beings.
10. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Hans van Reisen, Nico Beumer Con la cabeza en el cielo, pero con los pies firmes en la tierra. La predicación de san Agustín en el día de la Ascensión
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The article studies the Augustine's sermons on the Ascention Day, underlining the meaning that the forty days have for Augustine, the relationship between the apostles and the rest of the Christians, what the Ascention communicates, the meaning of the Ascention for the spiritual life for the Christians and finally the importance of putting our eyes always in Christ.
11. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Marie-Anne Vannier, Enrique Eguiarte Los diáconos según san Agustín
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The article examines the role of deacons in the ancient Church, to underline the relationship that Augustine had with the deacons in his Church, and also the role they played in the Church of Hippo and in North Africa, based on the research of Elisabeth Paoli.
12. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Bibliografía Agustiniana
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13. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Bibliografía General
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14. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Libros Recibidos
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15. Augustinus: Volume > 53 > Issue: 210/211
Índice General: Vol. LIII-2008
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