Cover of Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process
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1. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Michel Weber Préface
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i. séminaires de recherche — research seminars
2. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Jean-Pascal Alcantara Renouveau de la question des universaux dans la philosophie analytique: Whitehead et Ramsey
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3. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
François Beets La plus belle plaisanterie du monde: La Mettrie et l’auto-organisation de la matière
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4. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Bogdan Rusu Whitehead’s Early Subjectivism: a Criticism from Dawes Hicks
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5. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Howard Woodhouse Storytelling for Life: Whitehead, Emotion, and University Education
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Teaching as a process of story telling allows faculty to reach out to students’ emotions, breathing life into the ideas that are being taught and learned. Story telling among indigenous peoples emphasizes the importance of balanced relationships with the land, with all living creatures, and with the cosmos. It serves different functions in other societies that can also enhance teaching and learning. Alfred North Whitehead’s account of emotions is relevant to the learning process and to teachable moments better understood as learning opportunities that enhance the value of students’ lives. I provide an example of such a learning opportunity in which one of my students experienced an energetic connection with her colleagues as a living community. Teachable moments and story telling can strengthen students’ range of comprehension, their imaginative and aesthetic appreciation, as well as their growing capacity to learn. Emotion also has a primordial role in Whitehead’s account of life in his process philosophy. Its vectoral character enables all entities to realize their distinctive value as a process of valuation in life. An appreciation of this process requires consciousness and the refinement of human understanding through art as the achievement of finite perfection. Whitehead believes an education which would allow students to appreciate art and beauty could be implemented quite easily to transform the lives of future citizens. Process pedagogy itself could include the creative power of story telling to promote the value of life.
ii. études critiques — critical studies
6. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Frédéric Bisson Le bon bout de la Raison. Ou comment enquêter avec Whitehead
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7. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Jean-Claude Dumoncel La vérité, Whitehead & les « detective novels »
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8. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Jonathan Bricklin Parmenides' Sphere, James's Wind-Rose: The Distal Margins of Unio Mystica
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Congruent mystical insights of two diametrically opposed philosophers, one ancient and one modern, support the circular configuration (“mandala” in Sanskrit) of all moments as the master inference of how the universe unfolds or seemingly progresses. Such configuration accounts for phenomena that linear time cannot; avoids its paradoxes; allows for a more coherent co-existence with whatever may be experienced and/or conceptualized as God; and accommodates an environment conducive both to sublime peace and ecstasy.
9. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Roland Cazalis Chamanisme et art pariétal du haut paléolithique
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L’hypothèse d’un chamanisme paléolithique peut être fondée en premier lieu sur la base de la particularité cognitive des sociétés comme le manifeste la complexité de leur art pariétal. En second lieu, ce même art signifie que ces humains vivaient dans un monde symbolique, qui devait, comme tel, être organisé selon un principe. Les images pourraient être le langage utilisé pour communiquer les réalités subtiles du monde, en prenant le relai du langage ordinaire.
10. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Ronny Desmet The Anti-Whitehead: Alberto Caeiro (Fernando Pessoa)
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11. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Philippe Gagnon Raymond Ruyer, la biologie et la théologie naturelle
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12. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Charles D. Laughlin, Jr. The Influence of Whitehead's Organism on Murray's Personology
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iii. comptes rendus — critical reviews
13. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Marina Bakalova Vesselin Petrov, Process Philosophical Reading
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14. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
François Beets Coniectura de ultimis diebus
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iv. informations réticulaires — reticular news
15. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Annick Stevens Pourquoi je démissionne de l’université
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16. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Oxford Centre for Mindfulness and Adaptation Practice
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17. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Séminaires — Seminars
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18. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
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19. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Abréviations — Abbreviations
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20. Chromatikon: Annales de la philosophie en procès / Yearbook of Philosophy in Process: Volume > 8
Table des matières — Table of Contents
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