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  • Issue: 17

Displaying: 1-20 of 33 documents

1. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Christine Battersby Editorial
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2. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
SWIP Meeting
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3. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Penny Florence, Drucilla Cornell Toward the Domain of Freedom: Interview with Drucilla Cornell
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book reviews
4. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Moira Hicks Utopias, Dolphins & Computers by Mary Midgley
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5. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Anne Scott Earthcare: Women and the Environment, by Carolyn Merchant
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6. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Miranda Fricker Pragmatism and Feminism-Reweaving the Social Fabric, Charlene Haddock Seigfried
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7. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Alison Stone Materialist Feminism, Toril Moi and Janice Radway
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8. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Margaret Whitford Passion in Theory: Conceptions of Freud and Lacan, by Robyn Ferrell; Freud and the Passions, by John O'Neill (ed.); La Dynamique qualitative en psychanalyse, by Michele Porte
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9. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Kimberly Hutchings Mourning Becomes the Law: Philosophy and Representation, by Gillian Rose
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10. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Penny Warburton Hypatia's Daugbters---Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers, by Linda Lopez McAllister (ed.)
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11. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Christine Battersby Women, Knowledge and Reality: Explorations in Feminist Philosophy, by Ann Garry and Marilyn Pearsall (eds)
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12. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Alistair Assiter Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought, by Mary Evans
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13. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Margrit Shildrick Lesbian Subjects, by Martha Vicinus (ed.)
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14. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Diemut Bubeck Care, Autonomy, and Justice, by Grace Clement
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15. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Christine Battersby From Sex Objects to Sexual Subjects, by Claudia Moscovici
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16. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Penny Florence Ludie Feminism and After: Postmodernism, Desire and Labor in Late Capitalism, by Teresa L. Ebert
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17. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Ismay Barwell Impossible Dreams, by Susan E. Babbin
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18. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Diemut Bubeck Gender is not a Synonym for Women, by Terrell Carver
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19. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Penny Florence Feminism and History, by Joan Wallach Scott (ed.)
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20. Women’s Philosophy Review: Year > 1997 > Issue: 17
Pam Hirsch This Far By Faith: Readings in African-American Women's Religious Biography, by Judith Weisenfeld and Richard Newman (eds)
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