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1. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Kolby Granville From the Editor
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2. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Erik Fatemi Thorn
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How does our own perspective limit our ability to understand the different perspectives of others, and what can we do to minimize our own bias? In this work of historical ethical fiction, Timothy the builder, the most important carpenter in the community, has gotten word of a talented upstart who seems perfectly content to stay poor while producing exquisite wood work. Timothy visits the carpenter on several occasions, first to hire him (he refuses) then to threaten to put him out of business. In each case Timothy is unable believe the reasons the carpenter gives for being disinterested in playing the competing businesses game. Even after Timothy’s loyal assistant leaves him for the carpenter, he is still unable to overcome his own bias and see the alternative perspective.
3. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Edward Daschle What We Talk About When We Talk About Reincarnation
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What makes one belief true, and another absurdly false? What does it mean to “be a man” or “be a woman” when biology is changeable? In this work of philosophical short story fiction, two couples have gotten together for a night of drinks. The conversation turns to reincarnation, fortune tellers, the 1980’s AIDS epidemic, and soulmates. Eventually, Jaime, who was born a woman, but transitioned to become a man, reveals to the group she is going to have a baby, “as a man.” The issue comes to a head when Mike, a gay man, questions how Jaime can have a baby yet identify as a man and questions what it even means to be a man, or a woman, if not by the ability to have children.
4. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Shannon Frost Greenstein The House of God
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What do you tell a sick child dealing with the Epicurean “problem of evil?” In this work of philosophical short story fiction, a mother takes her child to Sunday church. Her child is sick and his hair is slowly falling out. She reassures him God still wants him to come to church (even without hair), but a mean-spirited parishioner tells the boy, “Boys who wear hats in church go to hell.” The boy comes home and asks his mother how God can be both all powerful, all knowing, and all good, and yet he can still be sick. Furthermore, he tells his mother, he doesn’t want to go to church again.
5. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
C.S. Griffel Visions of Midwives
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Should a baby being born into exceptional suffering be terminated so as to prevent its suffering? In this work of philosophical short story fiction, Keery is a midwife in training. As part of her training she learns the midwives’ secret, at the moment a child is born, the midwife can see the child’s future. Keery also learns from her mentor when that future involves a life of extreme suffering, the midwife will often kill the newborn baby and tell the mother it was stillborn. Keery oversees her first birth, sees the future suffering of the child, but refuses to kill it. Later, at another birth, she sees the future suffering the newborn causes others as an adult, and decides the humane thing is to kill it.
6. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Ilan Herman Playing God
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If you had the ability to try and improve humanity by playing God, would you do it? Do you have an ethical obligation to do it? In this philosophical short story fiction, Jack is abducted by the Zoomarians, an alien race who seeded earthlings. However, the Zoomarians have come to believe humans are going astray; that they are too violent, too selfish, and too destructive to their environment. Accordingly, they have kidnapped Jack in an effort to have Jack play god by projecting his voice into the minds of various humans about to do wrong. It is the Zoomarians’ hope that, over time, Jack will be able to move humanity onto a more noble path. Jack initially declines the offer, but changes his mind and settles into a long life of trying to save humanity, one person as a time.
7. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Daniel James Peterson And Joy Shall Overtake Us as a Flood
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Are our choices in life, and throughout all time, predetermined, or is there the ability to make different, and better, choices with additional information? In this work of philosophical short story fiction, an older disfigured man has a horrible life. He is brought into a government facility because they have discovered that he met his older self when he was younger, thus establishing that he must now be sent back in time to take part in the action he has already experienced as his younger self. The old man lies to the agency and decides, while back in time, he will try to warn his childhood self away from the errors of his life. While talking to his childhood self the narrator makes realizations about the younger version of himself and the differences between memory and truth.
8. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Shani Naylor Boomchee
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At what point in a date do you owe the other party the duty to inform them you are engaged? Is marriage an exercise in love, or practicality? In this work of philosophical short story fiction, the law school student narrator working at a summer factory job decides to set up her shy female friend, Susie, with her boyfriend’s shy brother, Barry. They go on a double date and everything seems to be going fine. Only later does the narrator and her boyfriend find out that Barry is engaged to a mail-order bride from Southeast Asia that will be arriving shortly. The shy Barry, it turns out, wanted to “practice” going on a date before his new wife arrived. The law student narrator is embarrassed, and struggles with the moral duty both she, and Barry, owe to Susie.
9. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Author Information
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10. After Dinner Conversation: Volume > 4 > Issue: 4
Additional Information
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