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21. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Anthony Dupont, Enrique A. Eguiarte Agustín y el agustinismo. Coloquio de Roma: "Academia Belgica’ (Roma) 2-3 de abril de 2009
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22. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Shiju Chittilappilly, Enrique Eguiarte Función de Cristo y de la Iglesia en la doctrina agustiniana de la predestinación: Evaluación crítica de la investigación reciente de la controversia semipelagiana
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The article deals with the discussion of some of the themes that are present in the doctrine of predestination in S. Augustine, in order to show that it neither contradicts the theme of universal salvation nor downplays the role of Christ or that of the Church.
23. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Anthony Dupont, Enrique Eguiarte La presencia de los temas antipelagianos ‘baptismus paruulorum’ y ‘peccatum originale’ en los ‘sermones ad populum’ de Agustín. ¿Una perspectiva pastoral sobre asuntos doctrinales y polémicos?
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The article deals about the relationship that exists among S. Augustine’s sermons and doctrinal writings about grace, more specifically, the Anti-Pelagian treatises. It uses as case study sermo 294, and also the collection of sermons 151-156, focusing on mainly on the topics of infant baptism, sin, and original sin.
24. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Wim François, Enrique Eguiarte Tomás Stapleton (1535-1598): La caída de Adán y sus consecuencias para la posteridad. ¿Exégesis agustiniana o criptojesuita?
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The article gives a survey of Stapleton’s life and an overview of his biblical commentaries, specially his commentary on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, in order to gain insight in his view on original sin and concupiscence, against John Calvin and Theodore Beza, and trying to answer the question whether Stapleton aligned himself with Augustinianism or he was promoting a Jesuit theology.
25. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Matthew Alan Gaumer, Enrique Eguiarte Tœnus disputator... non ego, sed Cyprianus Pœnus’. ¿Por qué necesitó Agustín de Hipona apropiarse de Cipriano de Cartago?
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The article deals with Augustine’s appropriation of Cyprian in the Donatist and Pelagian controversies, giving a preliminary overview of the evidence of the use of Cyprian in those controversies, and presenting the areas of clear reference.
26. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Jürgen Mettepenningen, Enrique Eguiarte Más allá del déficit de teología (1930-1965): la ‘nouvelle théologie’ y el redescubrimiento de Agustín
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The article offers a preliminary and general overview of a status quaestíonis concerning the influence of Saint Augustine on the development of the so-called nouvelle théologie, giving a theological-historical overview of the nouvelle théologie, interwoven with the interest shown by its representatives in favour of Augustine’s thought.
27. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Karim Schelkens, Enrique Eguiarte Cómo hacerse pelagiano en cuatro pasos. Ensay o de interpretación de Rm 5, 12
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This article deals with the importance of the text of Rm 5, 12 for S. Augustine and his initial development of the doctrine of original sin. It examines the way in which this doctrine, based upon Augustines reading of Paul’s verse, became subject to hotheaded debate in the 16th and 17th centuries, especially for the discussion on the relationship between nature and grace, within the baianist controversy. It deals also about the revived discussions on this very subject in the twentieth century.
28. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
M. Lamberigts, Enrique Eguiarte Epílogo
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29. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Bibliografía Agustiniana
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30. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Bibliografía General
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31. Augustinus: Volume > 55 > Issue: 216/217
Libros Recibidos
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