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Displaying: 21-31 of 31 documents

21. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Thomas Storck Culture and the Embodiment of Cultural Ideals as Preliminary to a Philosophy of Culture
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In order to lay the ground for the construction of a philosophy of culture the origin, meaning and some of the implications of the word „culture” are examined and discussed in light of a working definition of the anthropological concept of culture taken from C. Dawson. In Section II another concept of culture is examined, based on the idea of culture as human perfection. Then in Section III the concept of cultural levels is introduced, that is, the differing levels at which the central concept of a culture can be understood or embodied.
22. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Petr Dvořák The Relational Logic of Franciscus Toletus and Petrus Fonseca
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The well-known Ratio Studiorum of 1599 states that logical instruction should follow F. Toletus (Toledo) or P. Fonseca. The latter authored the famousInstitutionum Dialecticarum Libri Octo (1564), the former a similar manual, Introductio in Dialecticam Aristotelis (1561). As is often observed, the contrast between the Aristotelian and present symbolic logics is perhaps most striking in their analysis of relational statements. Both authors recognize the relational logical form as independent from the traditional subject-predicate form and see the need to recognize relational inferential rules. They differ in their specific rules, however, so neither of the authors has captured the system of relational syllogism in its entirety.
23. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Marc Sultana How does the akratês intentionally do what he intended not to without changing his mind?
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24. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Piotr Stanisław Mazur The Dignity of the Person in the Context of Human Providence
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Thomas Aquinas understands providence as the reason of directing things to ends (ratio ordinis rerum in finem), and as the execution of that directing, i.e. governance (gubernatio). Thus, providence is one of the fundamental attributes of the person that reveals the person’s perfection and dignity. Providence consists in a free and reasonable directing of oneself and the reality subject to oneself in order to actualize potentialities of oneself and of other beings in the context of the ultimate goal of existence. Human providence joins the providence of the Absolute with regard to the world. In spite of its deficiencies human providence reveals the essential dignity of the human person.
25. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Paul Douglas Kabay Did God Begin to Exist ex nihilo?
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I argue that the following two claims provide us with sufficiently strong reason to conclude that God came into existence from nothing a finite time in the past: (1) that God is omnitemporal; and (2) that there is a first moment of time. After defending the possibility of God beginning to exist ex nihilo from various objections, I critique two alternative attempts at providing an account of the relationship between an omnitemporal God and the beginning of time (that of Alan Padgett and William Lane Craig). I show that these either fail to be an alternative to my own model or are less supported by the relevant evidence.
26. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Jacek Bielas, Rafał Abramciów Dimensions of corporeality. A metatheoretical analysis of anthropologists’ concern with the human body
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Since the very dawn of its history, modern philosophical anthropology has been addressing the issue of the human body. As a result of those efforts, Descartes,de Biran, Husserl, Sartre, Marcel, Merleau-Ponty and others have brought forward a variety of conceptions concerning various aspects of human corporeality.Anthropological explorations concerning the question of the human body, appear in a particularly interesting way, when they are considered in the context ofthose points of view which, in an essential way, refer to the subjective character of the human being. It is a matter of reconstructing and analyzing how the subject’s corporeality is given to the subject, originarily, according to the phenomenological rule zu den Sachen selbst. The aim of this paper is thus to put into some order the concerns of a variety of anthropologists with regard to the question of the human body, as it is given to, or experienced by, the subject. A metatheoretical analysis of this field proves it is possible to do so with the use of a tool, which is called here, a dimension of corporeality.
27. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Rafał Kazimierz Wilk Personalistic and Utilitarian View of Marriage according to Early Wojtyła
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The main goal of this paper is to present the philosophical (i.e. attained by the light of natural reason) explanation of the marital relationship according to the Polish philosopher Karol Wojtyła. In our research, our attention was focused mainly on his book Love and Responsibility; the early philosophical work of a young, 37 year old Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University in Lublin, Poland. In his writings, Karol Wojtyła – the future Pope John Paul II – presents marriage as a monogamous, indissoluble relationship between a man and a woman, which grows out of mutual love for the purpose of procreation. Such a relationship is ruled by the „personalistic norm” which says that a person can never, under any circumstances, be a mere object of enjoyment for another person, but can only be the object (co-object) of love. Love is a self-giving for the good of one’s counterpart, so Marriage as a personalistic unity persists as long as these persons are alive. Because love is fecund from its very essence, so it is fruitful from its nature. Thus, procreation belongs to the principle ends of marriage. Such an attitude – as K. Wojtyła proves – is opposed to the utilitarian point of view of man and Marriage. According to the utilitarian conception, a person can be used as a means for achieving the highest good, i.e., pleasure.
book reviews and notices
28. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Paweł Urgacz Historia filozofii XX wieku. Nurty [The History of 20th Century Philosophy. Currents] by Tadeusz Gadacz
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29. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Marek Piwowarczyk Religia i prawda [Religion and Truth] by Piotr Moskal
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30. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Agnieszka Salamucha The Lucifer Effect. Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Philip Zimbardo
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31. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 14 > Issue: 1
Kazimierz Rynkiewicz Einführung in die Erkenntnistheorie by Gerhard Ernst
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