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161. Janus Head: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Geraldine Finn What Kind of Saying is a Song?
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This essay takes the risk of a formal adventure – both on and off the page – in order to do justice to the specificity of the event, the particular Saying, named ‘song.’ Written by ear to be (read aloud as) heard it has been explicitly composed for oral presentation to perform the ‘truth’ it tells. Taking Joni Mitchell’s rendering of ‘Answer Me’ as its inspiration and point of departure, reference, and return, and drawing on the work of and intellectual tradition associated with Nietzsche, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Lacan, Irigaray, Nancy, and Derrida, for example, the essay explores the power of popular song in the spirit of song itself. Neither music nor philosophy, neither poetry nor prose, but something in between: mousikē-philosophy/philosophy-mousikē.
162. Janus Head: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
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163. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Rajiv Kaushik, Athena V. Colman, Natalie Alvarez Introduction: On Corpses
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164. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Tina Chanter What if Oedipus or Polynices had been a Slave?: Antigone’s Burial of Polynices
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Examination of Sophocles’ Antigone reveals how the corpse remains a historically, culturally and politically inscribed subject. To leave Polynices’ corpse, by Creon’s decree, to the open air to be consumed by carrion is e!ectively to erase Polynice’s status as an Athenian citizen and transubstantiate the materiality of the corpse into one that is immaterial and non-human – that of a slave. Antigone’s refusal to leave the unburied remains of her brother - a refusal that has been traditionally romanticized as an act of rebellion against authoritarian control - circumscribes and rei”es class boundaries between the free, the civilized, and the unfree, uncivilized slave. In e!ect, Polynices’ unburied body unearths the ways in which a “western, hegemonic canon” has e!ectively buried a history of chattel slavery that has made much of this cultural output possible. An engagement with particularly notable ruminations on Antigone, such as Hegel’s and Derrida’s, serves to exemplify how the “gure of Antigone has been appropriated in ways that consolidate, rather than disrupt, a tradition of thought that evades its own implication in slavery and colonialism.
165. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Natalie Alvarez Bodies Unseen: The Early Modern Anatomical Theatre and the Danse Macabre of Theatrical “Looking”
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The struggle to “adapt” to the presence of the corpse serves as the central turning point for this investigation into the theatrical encounters with the corpse in the early modern anatomy theatre. Beginning with novelist W.G. Sebald’s claim, in The Rings of Saturn, that the art of anatomy was a way of “making the reprobate body invisible,” Alvarez queries how the corpse as the central “gure of this theatrical space challenges conventional modes of theatrical looking and how the particular viewing procedures invited by the anatomy theatre, as a theatrical space, effectively make the body “unseen.” Using Restoration diarist Samuel Pepys’ documented encounter with a corpse and the early phenomenologist Aurel Kolnai’s writings On Disgust, Alvarez attempts to account for the “perceptual and interpretive black hole” that the corpse presents in this schema. The corpse’s “radical actuality” and, paradoxically, its “surplus of life” act as a cipher that cuts through the virtual space constructed by the anatomical demonstration, undermining the gravitas of the scientific gaze that has acquired its weight in contradistinction to the theatricality of the event. But the corpse’s “radical actuality” and its “surplus of life” introduces a danse macabre of theatrical looking that moves between absorption and repulsion, reversing the otherwise consumptive gaze of the onlooker.
166. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Athena V. Colman Lacan’s Anamorphic Object: Beneath Freud’s Unheimlich
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Much of the current research on the constitution of subjectivity has been grounded on attempts to conceptualize the body without collapsing into reductive materialism or, to the contrary, theorizing a completely historical subject in the hope of doing ontological and ethical justice to formative specificity. With the rationalism-empiricism struggle put to bed by Kant’s transcendental turn and tucked in tightly by Hegel’s dialectic, the twentieth century was greeted with a maelstrom of world wars and efficient technology which produced the greatest number of corpses in the shortest time in world history; and still, to use Hegel’s famous saying, thought stood “at the crossroads of materialism and idealism.” Wrestling with articulating the interpenetrating quagmire of consciousness and body marked the beginning of twentieth century thought. For instance, Freud’s science of childhood development aligned emerging aspects of subjectivity with the very development of the body itself. In another effort, Husserl identified eidetic constructs which structured experience and, most importantly for our purposes, he distinguished between the phenomenal lived-body of the Lebenswelt known as Leib, and the anonymous thing-like quality of the body known as Körper. In this context, the corpse is the very opposite of the body insofar as the body is the site of the unfolding of subjectivity whereas the corpse seems to be the limit of subjectivity: a spatial-temporal marker of a subject which was. For instance, although it has been suggested that the corpse has somehow been emptied of subjectivity, is it not just as likely that it is we who are emptied before it? What is it about the corpse that disgusts us, intrigues us, fascinates us and reveals us to ourselves? The notion of the ‘uncanny’ is frequently invoked as a placeholder for the specific and irreducible character of such threshold experiences (such as encountering a corpse). But what is the structure of the uncanny? Moreover, what are the broader considerations regarding limit experiences as integral to the constituting of the subject?
167. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Drew Dalton The Object of Anxiety: Heidegger and Levinas and the Phenomenology of the Dead
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168. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Rajiv Kaushik The Obscene and the Corpse: Reflections on the Art of Jean-Michel Basquiat
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This paper examines Jean-Michel Basquiat’s obsession with the marginal and the obscene - understood literally as the ob-scene. The context of a graffiti art, and particularly the glyphic character of graffiti art, allows the work to defy the ordinary logic of the picture frame in order to figure, rather than represent, indeterminate into it. Thus, Basquiat characterizes death and the dead body not in the light of a transcendent space but as prolonged into the depths of an alterity, an ob-scene in the sense of an alter-side that belongs to the scene.
169. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Richard W. Bargdill Deleuzian Approaches to the Corpse: Serrano, Witkin and Eisenman
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Whereas memorial culture places the corpse in an aborescent hierarchy of values, Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome undermines this image of thought. The photography of Andres Serrano and Peter Witkin, and Peter Eisenman’s Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, are rhizomes: they form a productive network of chaotic, subterranean connections and ruptures ‘dismembering’ the corpse’s traditional semiotics.
170. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Brent Dean Robbins Confronting the Cadaver: The Denial of Death in Modern Medicine
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Through a cultural hermeneutic interpretation of the cadaver in the history of modern medicine, this study will argue that at least some medical interpretations of embodiment serve as a form of death denial. This analysis will draw on four major sources of evidence to support this contention: (a) the history of cadaver dissection in Western medicine, (b) diary entries by medical students taking a course in gross anatomy, (c) responses to a 2005 panel on cadaver dissection held at Daemen College, and (d) interviews with Guenther von Hagens, the creator of the “BodyWorlds” exhibit, which features plastinated corpses for the purpose of “edutainment.” In each of these cases, the data suggest that medical education works implicitly to manage death anxiety through a set of defenses which conceal the nothingness of death. Namely, by making death into a concrete event, preserved for example in the form of the cadaver or plastinated corpses, and by speaking rhetorically about death as a mechanical process, the medical model of death conceals the existential terror that comes with the lived experience of death as the termination of existence.
171. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Amy E. Taylor Introduction
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172. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Robert Gibbons Editorial: “Souling”
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173. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Rolf von Eckhartsburg Social and Electronic Immortality
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174. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Amy E. Taylor Body and Technology: Reframing the Humanistic Critique
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Technology critique, as taken up by humanistic psychology, has remained grounded in late Heidegger. This critique has had little practical effect on the development of technology and everyday technology use. I postulate reasons for this, which include that this critique regards technology in general rather than specific technologies, overlooking the multistability of any particular technology. I then discuss a different humanistic, phenomenological ground for technology critique from the position that human beings are at home with technology, meaning that technology does not threaten disembodiment or disengagement with any other important components of humanity. I draw inspiration primarily from Don Ihde’s and Marshall McLuhan’s phenomenological, descriptive works on the ways human beings are shaped and extended by technology. I end with a discussion of embodied experience in cyberspace which serves as a model for new humanistic, phenomenological techno-critiques.
175. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Nathaniel Rivers, Jeremy Tirrell Productive Strife: Andy Clark’s Cognitive Science and Rhetorical Agonism
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This article posits that Andy Clark’s model of distributed cognition manifests socially through the agonism of human activity, and that rhetorical theory offers an understanding of human conflicts as productive and necessary elements of collective response to situation rather than as problems to be solved or noise to be eliminated. To support this assertion, the paper aligns Clark’s argument that cognition responds to situated environmental conditions with the classical concept of kairos, it associates Clark’s assertion that language structures behavior (Being There 195) with the long-held rhetorical stance that language is constitutive, and it examines the online encyclopedia Wikipedia as an enactment of what Clark and rhetorical theorists claim about productive agonism and the litigious nature of identity and cognition.
176. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Julie Dunlop 2 Poems
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177. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Eugene M. DeRobertis St. Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophical-Anthropology as a Viable Underpinning for a Holistic Psychology: A Dialogue with Existential-Phenomenology
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In this article, the philosophical-anthropology of St. Thomas Aquinas is examined. In particular, the non-dualistic aspects of his anthropology are explicated and shown to have the potential to provide an underpinning for a holistic approach to psychology. In the course of this examination, parallels are drawn between Thomism and existential-phenomenology. The article concludes with an exploration of the ways in which a dialogue between existential-phenomenology and Thomism might benefit both traditions of thought, particularly as regards their relevance to metapsychology.
178. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Richard Hoffman Three Poems
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179. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Mark Fratoni What Do I Love When I Love My Patient?: Toward an Apophatic Derridean Psychotherapy
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This essay examines the implications of Jacques Derrida’s complex engagement with negative theology for the field of psychotherapy. Negative (or apophatic) theology is a long tradition which emphasizes God’s absolute otherness. This essay explores Derrida’s attempt in The Gift of Death to translate this theological language into the language of human intersubjectivity. John Caputo, the most renowned American interpreter of Derrida’s writings on religion, calls for a “generalized apophatics,” an application of apophatic thought to fields outside of religion. Caputo bases his exhortation on Derrida’s assertion that “every other is wholly other.” This essay is a preliminary attempt to sketch the outline of an apophatic psychotherapy, with an emphasis on Derridean themes such as the impossible, the secret, and translation.
180. Janus Head: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
Jerome Rothenberg Five Poems
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