Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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Displaying: 21-40 of 68 documents

21. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 9
T. R. Martland An Inquiry into Religion's Empty World
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22. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 9
Noah M. Lemos Higher Goods and the Myth of Tithonus
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23. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 8
Mark Kingwell Is It Rational to Be Polite?
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24. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 8
Ragnar Ohlsson Who Can Accept Moral Dilemmas?
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comments and criticism
25. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 8
Richard G. Heck, Jnr., Jason Stanley Reply to Hintikka and Sandu: Frege and Second-Order Logic
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book reviews
26. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 8
Philip Kitcher The Fixation of Belief and Its Undoing: Changing Beliefs through Inquiry by Isaac Levi
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27. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 8
New Books
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28. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 8
New Books: Paperbacks
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29. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
Lars Bergström Quine, Underdetermination, and Skepticism
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comments and criticism
30. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
John Morreall Fear without Belief
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book reviews
31. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
Gregory Currie Mimesis as Make-Believe: On the Foundations of the Representational Arts by Kendall Walton
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32. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
Richard Rorty Ideals and Illusions: On Reconstruction and Deconstruction in Contemporary Critical Theory by Thomas McCarthy
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33. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
Steven Galt Crowell Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I by Hubert L. Dreyfus
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34. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
David Carrier The Mind and Its Depths by Richard Wollheim
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35. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
New Books: Anthologies
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36. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 7
New Books: Translations
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37. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 6
Catherine Wilson On Some Alledged Limitations to Moral Endeavor
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38. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 6
Austen Clark Mice, Shrews, and Misrepresentation
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comments and criticism
39. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 6
David Leech Anderson What Is the Model-theoretic Argument?
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book reviews
40. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 90 > Issue: 6
T. H. Irwin Ethics with Aristotle by Sarah Broadie
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