Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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Displaying: 41-60 of 80 documents

41. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
Richard A. Healey Holism and Nonseparability
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book reviews
42. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
J. B. Schneewind Sources of the Self by Charles Taylor
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43. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
John Martin Fischer God, Time, and Knowledge by William Hasker and The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes by Edward R. Wierenga
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44. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference by Judea Pearl
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45. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
Isaac Levi Knowledge in Flux: Modeling the Dynamics of Episternic States by Peter Gärdenfors
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46. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
New Books: Anthologies
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47. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
New Books: Paperbacks
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48. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 8
New Books: Translations
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49. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 7
Lynne Tirrell Reductive and Nonreductive Simile Theories of Metaphor
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50. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 7
George M. Wilson Reference and Pronominal Descriptions
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51. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 7
New Books
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52. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 6
Samuel Freeman Contractualism, Moral Motivation, and Practical Reason
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comments and criticism
53. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 6
Eric Barnes The Causal History of Computational Activity: Maudlin and Olympia
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book reviews
54. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 6
David Luban Innocence and Experience by Stuart Hampshire
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55. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 6
Peter Ludlow Metaphor: Its Cognitive Force and Linguistic Structure by Eva Kittay
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56. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 6
Mark Steiner Hilbert's Program: An Essay on Mathematical Instrumentalism by Michael Detlefsen
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57. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 5
Joseph Almog The What and the How
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58. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 5
Roy A. Sorensen 'P, therefore, P' without Circularity
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book reviews
59. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 5
Andrew Levine History, Labour and Freedom: Themes from Marx by G.A. Cohen
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60. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 88 > Issue: 5
R. I. G. Hughes The Shaky Game: Einstein, Realism, and the Quantum Theory by Arthur Fine
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