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Displaying: 21-40 of 83 documents

symposium: the vanishing subject of contemporary discourse
21. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 11
Vincent M. Colapietro The Vanishing Subject of Contemporary Discourse: A Pragmatic Response
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22. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 11
John J. Stuhr Subjects Constructed, Deconstructed, and Reconstructed
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symposium: cartesian skepticism
23. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 11
Jonathan Vogel Cartesian Skepticism and Inference to the Best Explanation
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24. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 11
Berent Enç Is Realism Really the Best Hypothesis?
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25. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 11
Notes and News
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symposium: gender, race, ethnicity: sources of identity
26. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Anthony Appiah "But Would That Still Be Me?" Notes on Gender, "Race," Ethnicity, as Sources of "Identity"
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27. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Maria C. Lugones Structure/Antistructure and Agency under Oppression
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28. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Thomas E. Wartenberg Comments on Appiah and Lugones
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symposium: john locke after three-hundred years
29. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
John W. Yolton The Way of Ideas: A Retrospective
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30. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
James Tully Political Freedom
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31. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Vere Chappell Locke's Moral Psychology
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symposium: philosophy of sidney hook
32. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Paul Kurtz Pragmatic Naturalism: The Philosophy of Sidney Hook (1902-1989)
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33. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Nicholas Capaldi Hook, Dewey, and Marx
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symposium: philosophy of wilfrid sellars
34. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Bruce Aune Sellars's Two Images of the World
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35. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Jay F. Rosenberg Response to Aune
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36. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Johnsonian Prize Announcement
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37. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Notes and News
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38. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Program of the Meetings
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39. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
List of Program Participants
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40. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 87 > Issue: 10
Appendix: Programs of Group Meetings
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