Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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Displaying: 61-80 of 84 documents

book reviews
61. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 4
David Carrier The Truth in Painting by Jacques Derrida
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62. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 4
Erratum Notice
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63. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 4
Notes and News
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64. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 4
New Books: Translations and New Editions
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65. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
Christopher Boorse, Roy A. Sorensen Ducking Harm
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66. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
William Lane Craig Tachyons, Time Travel, and Divine Omniscience
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book reviews
67. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
Ninian Smart Religious Experience by Wayne Proudfoot
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68. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
David Lyons Bentham by Ross Harrison
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69. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
Lawrence Sklar Foundations of Space-time Theories: Relativistic Physics and Philosophy of Science by Michael Friedman
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70. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
Peter Hylton The Philosophy of W. V. O. Quine by Lewis Edwin Hahn and Paul Arthur Schilpp, eds.
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71. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 3
Notes and News
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72. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 2
Edward N. Zalta Logical and Analytic Truths that are not Necessary
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73. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 2
Michael D. Resnik Second-order Logic Still Wild
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comments and criticism
74. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 2
Kent Bach Burge's New Thought Experiment: Back to the Drawing Room
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75. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 2
New Books
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76. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 2
New Books In Paperback
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77. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 1
Mohan Matthen Biological Functions and Perceptual Content
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book reviews
78. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 1
Edward J. Green Having Reasons: An Essay on Rationality and Sociality by Frederic Schick
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79. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 1
Stephen Schiffer The Varieties of Reference by Gareth Evans
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80. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 85 > Issue: 1
William G. Lycan On the Plurality of Worlds by David Lewis
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