Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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1. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Arthur Fine Antinomies of Entanglement: The Puzzling Case of the Tangled Statistics
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2. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Peter Gärdenfors Imaging and Conditionalization
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3. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Douglas Ehring Causal Asymmetry
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book reviews
4. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Paul Horwich Theory and Evidence by Clark Glymour
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5. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Michael Jubien Ontological Economy: Substitutional Quantification and Mathematics by Dale Gottlieb
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6. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
P. F. Strawson The Logic of Natural Language by Fred Sommers
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7. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Notes and News
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8. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 12
Index to Volume LXXIX
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symposium: hume
9. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Annette Baier Hume's Account of Our Absurd Passions
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10. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Robert J. Fogelin Baier on Hume's Absurd Passions
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symposium: alasdair macintyre's after virtue
11. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
J. B. Schneewind Virtue, Narrative, and Community
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12. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Alasdair MacIntyre Intelligibility, Goods, and Rules
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symposium: moral education
13. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
James Rachels, William J. Bennett Moral Education and Indoctrination
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14. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
James Rachels Moral Education in Public Schools
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symposium: the logical tradition
15. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Alberto Coffa Kant, Balzano, and the Emergence of Logicism
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16. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Richard L. Cartwright Propositions of Pure Logic
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17. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Warren D. Goldfarb Logicism and Logical Truth
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symposium: causal decision theory
18. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Brian Skyrms Causal Decision Theory
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symposium: the socratic elenchus
19. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Gregory Vlastos The Socratic Elenchus
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abstracts of invited papers to be read at the meetings
20. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 79 > Issue: 11
Seyla Benhabib Communicative Ethics and Moral Autonomy
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