Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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Displaying: 21-40 of 104 documents

21. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 20
Richard L. Cartwright Some Remarks on Essentialism
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22. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 20
Jerry A. Fodor The Appeal to Tacit Knowledge in Psychological Explanation
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23. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 20
Jaakko Hintikka Are Mathematical Truths Synthetic a Priori?
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24. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 20
Patrick Suppes The Desirability of Formalization in Science
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25. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 20
Notes and News
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26. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 19
Sydney S. Shoemaker Self-Reference and Self-Awareness
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27. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 19
Michael Woods Reference and Self-Identification
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28. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 19
Richard A. Wasserstrom Three Arguments Concerning the Morality of War
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29. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 19
Gilbert H. Harman Three Levels of Meaning
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30. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 19
Notes and News
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31. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 19
Program: American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting
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32. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 18
Robert H. Ennis Enumerative Induction and Best Explanation
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33. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 18
Gilbert H. Harman Enumerative Induction as Inference to the Best Explanation
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book reviews
34. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 18
Gertrude Ezorsky A Defense of Rule Utilitarianism against David Lyons who Insists on Tieing it to Act Utilitarianism, Plus a Brand New Way of Checking out General Utilitarian Properties
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35. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 18
Richard Brandt Morality and Utility
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36. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 18
Notes and News
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37. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 17
Peter G. Hinman, Jaegwon Kim, Stephen P. Stich Logical Truth Revisited
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comments and criticism
38. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 17
Leonard Linsky On Interpreting Doxastic Logic
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book reviews
39. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 17
Henry Kyburg, Jr. The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap
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40. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 65 > Issue: 17
Victor Lowe Whitehead's Metaphysics: A Critical Examination of Process and Reality
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