Cover of The Journal of Philosophy
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Displaying: 61-80 of 151 documents

book notes
61. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 16
Walter Eckstein The Theory of Education in the Political Philosophy of Adam Smith
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62. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 16
Norman L. Torrey Le Maeterlinckisme. Littérature, Science, Philosophie
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63. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 16
Notes and News
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64. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
Sterling P. Lamprecht Metaphysics: Its Function, Consequences, and Criteria
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65. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
John Herman Randall, Jr. Metaphysics: Its Function, Consequences, and Criteria
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comments and criticism
66. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
Arthur Pap Reply to Dewey's "Ethical Subject-Matter and Language"
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67. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
Harold Phillips Puritanism or Democracy--A Comment
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68. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
Joseph Ratner The Tastability of Good-Will
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book note
69. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
P. O. K. Epistolae, Orationes et Carmina. (Nuova Collezione di Testi Umanistici Inediti o Rari)
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70. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 15
Notes and News
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71. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
William Ernest Hocking Metaphysics: Its Function, Consequences, and Criteria
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comments and criticism
72. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
Virgil C. Aldrich Theory and the Integrity of Experience
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73. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
Nelson Goodman A Query on Confirmation
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book notes
74. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
E. A. M. Physics and Philosophy: A Study of Saint Thomas' Commentary on the Eight Books of Aristotle's Physics
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75. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
K. P. L. Studies in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy
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76. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
Current Journals
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77. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 14
Notes and News
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78. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 13
John Hospers On Explanation
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comments and criticism
79. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 13
Frederick C. Dommeyer Comments on Professor A. E. Murphy's The Uses of Reason
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book note
80. The Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 43 > Issue: 13
H. W. S. Man and Society: The Scottish Inquiry of the Eighteenth Century
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