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1. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2014 > Issue: 48
丁福寧 Paschal Fu-Ning Ting
The Metaphysical Foundation of Aquinas’ Anthropology

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人的完整統一性及靈魂不朽是中世紀時期人學最為困擾,也是爭議最多的 兩個問題。哲學家以二元論及普遍形質論來解釋人的完整性。如此二元論的人學思想以不同的方式成為中世紀時期主流的人學思想。多瑪斯反對任何形式的 二元論,他為人學尋找形上的統一基礎。為多瑪斯,人的完整統一性要求實體形式的統一性,靈魂是人的實體形式 及在自身的實體。唯人的靈魂是受造的,它的存有是分享自存有本身(Ipsum esse)。理性靈魂的本性是精神的,它是人的本質,唯非人的完整的種(species)。 精神的靈魂被賦予存有,它是自立的實體,但不在自身分開地存在,理性的精 神靈魂以其存有統一人的靈魂與身體,如此人具有完整的統一性。存有為現 實,是統一性的基礎,它具絕對的優先性。多瑪斯的存有為現實的概念超越亞 理斯多德形式為現實的概念,如此他為精神的理性奠定形上基礎。故在人的本 體結構上有雙重的潛能與現實的組合;在形上層次是存有-現實與本質-潛能 的組合。在物理層次是靈魂-形式(現實)與身體-質料(潛能)的組合。但 理性靈魂因是自立的實體,它是內在地獨立於身體。理性靈魂因其有存有,具 不朽的形上條件。
2. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2014 > Issue: 48
鄧克 銘 Keh-Ming Deng
An Analysis of Fang Yizhi’s View on Zhuangzi’s Xiaoyaoyou

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莊子在〈逍遙遊〉以寓言的方式表達高遠的精神世界,其意境及途徑引起 後人不斷地探索。方以智收集大量的古今註解,會通儒釋道三家思想,以獨特 的寫作方法詮解該篇蘊藏的豐富內容。本文從三個層面說明方以智詮釋的重要觀念。第一:關於莊子「小大之辨」 的問題,方以智強調小與大之無差別性與相異性,以消除片面的執著。第二: 方以智從「有」與「無」之對立的觀念,說明兩者相互否定、相互成立的關係; 並主張「不落有無」又「不離有無」,才能在現實生活中得到自在。第三:方 以智會通儒釋道,說明逍遙遊之途徑與形態,正是其自身生活經歷的反映。經 由本文的分析,可以了解方以智主張去除偏執以得心靈自由的詮釋方法與理論 依據。
3. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2014 > Issue: 48
張忠 宏 Chung-Hung Chang
莊子論「道」、「技」與「養生」: 以「庖丁解牛」為線索
Dao, Technê and Cultivating Life: Following Cook Ding’s Lead

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本文主張,莊子的「養生」是涵養生命之意,因此它的養生觀包含養親 的要求。「庖丁解牛」不是寓言,而是莊子舉例說明技藝在生命之涵養中扮 演了什麼樣的角色。技藝的重要性,不在於它能帶來心流經驗,而在於它能 將世界揭露為豐富多元、且可悠遊徜徉的場域。欲得養生,就必須擁有良好 的技藝,包括與父母相處、將父母揭露為相互成全、攜手共遊的養親技藝。 基於這樣一種養生觀,莊子雖然高度重視人倫的要求,認為得道者必能養 親,卻並未進一步進行倫理學與政治哲學思考。
4. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2014 > Issue: 48
Hsiu-Lin Ku 古秀 鈴
The Semantic Theory and the Availability Principle

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This paper aims to defend François Recanati’s Availability Principle approach to semantics by illuminating and responding to two major challenges from minimalists, in particular from Emma Borg: the first concerns the notion of intuitive content and “awareness-of” presupposed in the Availability Principle, and the second concerns whether the principle makes a semantic theory unfit with normativity and compositionality. I lead the discussion toward the kernel question--the bearer of the semantic content--and show that the Availability Principle is appropriate if we respect the empirical basis of meaning.
5. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2014 > Issue: 48
Tzu-Wei Hung 洪子 偉
Why the Enzyme Model of Modularity Fails to Explain Higher Cognitive Processes

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The enzyme model (EM), inspired by biological enzyme catalysis, is a computational-functional description of information processing and distribution in modular cognitive systems. It has been argued that EM offers advantages in solving both the allocation problem and global computation and thus may play a role in upholding the massive modularity hypothesis (MMH). This paper, however, argues that EM solutions are untenable, as EM avoids the infinite regress of allocation problem only at a high cost and with several critical drawbacks. Moreover, to clarify global processes, EM needs to satisfy two necessary conditions: first to demonstrate that the EM allows cross module communication, and second to be sensitive to not only the syntax but also the semantics of representations. I argue that EM only satisfies the first condition and thus fails to hold.