Cover of Phenomenology 2005
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101. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
Ricardo Timm de Souza Da metamorfose da intencionalidade à metamorfose do sentido: Uma leitura de Levinas
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The article seeks to show how Levinas’s work, taken as a whole, brings about a reversal of sense of phenomenological intentionality by the introduction of the notion of “passive” or “nonintentional” consciousness, so as to operate a deeper, significant metamorphosis of philosophical activity as such, starting from the inquiry into the human question, as it is undertaken in his text “Humanism and An-archy.”O artigo pretende evidenciar como, na obra levinasiana considerada em seu todo, ocorre, a partir da inversão do sentido da intencionalidade fenomenológica pela introdução da noção de consciencia “passiva” ou “não-intencional”, uma metamorfose mais profunda e significativa da atividade filosófica como tal, a partir do exame da questão do humano, tal como esta investigação se dá no texto levinasiano “Humanismo e An-arquia”.
102. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
Dario Teixeira Significado Enquanto Atributo de Intenções nas Logische Untersuchungen de Husserl
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I intend to reconstruct Husserl’s conception of meaning, expounded in the Logische Untersuchungen, and to defend his central thesis according to which the meaning of an expression should be explained as the intentional content in specie of the speaker’s intention and thus as an ideal attribute (i.e. an universal) instantiated in the intentional content of the meaning intention that the expression intimates. I discuss some theoretical advantages of this conception, especially concerning the account of our ordinary consciousness of meanings.
103. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
Germán Vargas Gullén Phenomenological Description of Pain: On the Intropathic Experience of Pain
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This brief research turns on two questions: 1) What does the Husserlian renovation of monadology consist in; 2) Is it possible to feel another’s pain? In its two different formulations, as I understand it, the problem is only one: Is it possible to get an access to another’s experiences? This question, which appears over and over again, has an affirmative answer within itself: the possible achievement of human communication and, beyond it, the foundation of the social sciences. With a negative answer we find instead the definitive entrenchment in solipsism.
104. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
Roberto J. Walton Sense-Transmission and the Problem of Analytic Verification
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Sense-transmission has been highlighted as one of the main lines of inquiry to be followed after the breakthrough into transcendental life. In this paper, I first examine sense-transmission both in the natural and transcendental attitudes, and its role in the self-overstepping of egology. Second, I consider its relevance in overcoming the limitation to present others and problems linked to the sense-origin of the notion. Third, I analyze particularization and wholeness in the transmission of sense. Finally, I discuss the “analytic verification” of a transcendental intersubjective zone of absence with the aim of disclosing a fourfold structure, the moments of which reflect four dimensions of the intersubjective horizon. Th e guidelines are afforded by Eugen Fink’s projects for Edmund Husserl’s systematic work and the reworking of the Cartesian Meditations, published in the supplement volume to the Sixth Cartesian Meditation.
105. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
Antonio Zirón Quijano About the Notion of Phenomenology, One More Time
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Given the well-known fact of the ambiguity of the very term “phenomenology” and the lack of a unique notion of phenomenology, the paper invites the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations to an attempt at a dialogue among phenomenologists about the very notion that supposedly unites the members of those organizations or the organizations among themselves. In this trend, the paper prolongs reflections of the author concerning a first negative condition for the notion of phenomenology - namely, the rejection of the identification of the idea of phenomenology with the call “Back to the thing themselves” and the “Principle of all principles” - and discusses this identification in works by Jean-Francois Lavigne (Husserl et la naissance de la phenomenologie (1900-1913)) and Michel Henry (Quatre principes de la phenomenologie).
106. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
Notes on Contributors
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107. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 2
The Chronicle of Latin American Phenomenological Organizations
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108. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Zelijko Loparic, Roberto Walton Preface for all volumes + Introduction
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109. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Penha Regina V.L. Araújo, Florence Romijn Tocantins Necessidades Assistenciais de Mulheres Gestantes na Consulta de Enfermagem
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This investigation has as aim to understand, in the light of the lived experiences, which are the women health care needs when seeking for Nursing Consultation. It was opted for the phenomenological approach of Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenological Sociology through an interview with the following guiding question: “What do you have in mind when you come for the prenatal Nursing Consultation?” The comprehensive analysis of the 10 (ten) clients’ statements allowed building up the typical action of a pregnant woman who is demanding the Nursing Consultation: she needs to communicate with the health professional to know about her pregnancy and her baby. This study showed that dialogical conversation must be the starting point for a Nursing Consultation to be fully accomplished. Through dialogue, the clients indicate their “action project”, which can be understood as being their felt needs.The fulfillment of the needs of the female clients who seeks the prenatal Nursing Consultation should be directly linked to their way of life and to their care expectations. These include values, habits and customs, befitting the nurse with an open attitude in relation to the situations experienced by that group. The nurse should establish a relationship in which the scientific knowledge and the health care protocols are interlinked with the client’s knowledge of life, because only by doing so will she manage to provide the kind of care more orientated towards the client as a subject-person. Esta investigação tem como objetivo, compreender, à luz das experiências vividas pela mulher, o que as leva a procurar a Consulta de Enfermagem. Para alcançar este objetivo foi feita a opção pela abordagem fenomenológica da Sociologia Compreensiva de Alfred Schutz, sendo realizada uma entrevista com a seguinte questão orientadora: “O que você tem em vista quando vem para a consulta de Enfermagem em pré-natal?” A análise compreensiva dos depoimentos de 10 (dez) clientes permitiu a construção do típico da ação da gestante que demanda a Consulta de Enfermagem: ela tem necessidade de uma comunicação com o profi ssional de saúde, através da conversa, para saber sobre a gravidez e sobre o neném. O estudo mostrou que a conversa, o diólogo, é o ponto de partida para a realização de uma Consulta de Enfermagem, pois, através do diálogo, as clientes indicam seus projetos de ação, que podem ser entendidos como sendo suas necessidades sentidas. O atendimento das necessidades da cliente mulher que procura a Consulta de Enfermagem em pré-natal deve estar diretamente ligado às suas expectativas e ao seu modo de vida, o que inclui valores, hábitos e costumes, cabendo à enfermeira posicionar-se de forma aberta em relação as situações vivenciadas pelas pessoas. A enfermeira deve estabelecer uma relação em que os conhecimentos científicos e os protocolos dos cuidados de saúde devem estar interligados aos conhecimentos de vida da cliente, pois só assim poderá realmente estar prestando uma assistência mais voltada para a cliente como sujeito-pessoa.
110. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Carlos Belvedere The Reach and Limits of Social Phenomenology: Schutz’ Work Revisited
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A reading of Schutz’s work shows that phenomenology has found serious obstacles for a proper understanding of the social. It has often undertaken the study of the social by focusing on four fundamental fields: community, history, lifeworld, and action. It has adequately attempted to establish each of these spheres. But has phenomenology accurately accounted for the social? We recognize in Schutz’s work two different ways of exploring the social: a non-phenomenological ontology and a hermeneutical path which draws more on structural linguistics than on phenomenological hermeneutics. Nevertheless, Schutz’s work provides essential elements for reestablishing social thinking upon a more strict phenomenological foundation.
111. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Adrian Bertorello Narrative Time of Philosophy: Heidegger’s Long Way Hermeneutics
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The purpose of this paper is twofold. On one hand, it attempts to show the narrative aspect of Heidegger’s philosophy from 1919 on to the publication of Sein und Zeit (1927). It leans, as an instrument of analysis, on G. Genette’s narrative theory. The narrative condition of Heidegger’s philosophy can be expressed as a homodiegetic analepsis. On the other hand, the paper attempts to discuss the distinction introduced by Ricoeur between a short way for hermeneutics (Heidegger’s way) and a long way (Ricoeur’s).
112. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Marco Antonio Casanova O Homem Entediado: Tédio, Niilismo e Técnica
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The subject of the paper is Heidegger’s conception of nihilism as event of abandonment of Being and the consequences of this conception to human Dasein. In order to reconstruct such a conception and to undertake an analysis of these consequences, I concentrate myself on Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche’ thought as well as on the development of elements of this interpretation inside of Heidegger’s critics on modern technology. Through these two moments I come then to show in which measure Nietzsche’s philosophy and the world of technology as its radicalization imply a lost of the self for human Dasein. My final thesis in this context is: boredom is the fundamental attunement of the nihilistic world because boredom has an essential connection with the lost of the self.“O andarilho sem destino reparou então/ que seus sapatos tinham a poeira indiferente/ de todas as pátrias pitorescas; e que seus olhos conservavam as noites e os dias/ dos climas mais vários do universo;/ e que suas maos se agitaram em adeuses/ a milhares de cais sem saudades e amigos;/ e que todo o seu corpo tinha conhecido/ as mil mulheres que Salomão deixou./ E o andarilho sem destino viu/ que não conhecia a Tarde que está oculta no tempo/ sem paisagens terrenas, sem turismo, sem povos,/ mas com a vastidão infi nita onde os horizontes/ são as nuvens que fogem”. Jorge de Lima, “Tarde oculta no tempo”, em: Tempo e Eternidade“A primeira e única evidência que assim me é dada, no ambito da experiencia absurda, e a revolta. Privado de qualquer conhecimento, impelido a matar ou a consentir que se mate, só disponho dessa evidência que é reforçada pelo dilaceramento em que me encontro. A revolta nasce do espetáculo da desrazao diante de uma condição injusta e incompreensível”. (Albert Camus, O homem revoltado, p. 21)
113. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Elsa Oliveira Dias Winnicott e Heidegger: temporalidade e esquizofrenia
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Th e intention of this article is to establish some connections between the psychoanalysis of D.W.Winnicott and the existential analysis of M. Heidegger. I aim to, in particular, 1) examine the observations of Heidegger on the structure of the Dasein in newly born babies, formulated in paragraph 15 of Einleitung in die Philosophie (Introduction to Philosophy, GA 27) in the light of Winnicott’s conceptions on the constitution of the earlier self, giving a special emphasis to the primitive temporality of the baby and to the temporary character of the trauma; 2) analyse, while remembering the winnicottian theory of schizophrenic disturbances, the observations on a case of schizophrenia made by Heidegger in the Seminars of Zollikon.O objetivo deste trabalho é estabelecer algumas conexées entre a psicanálise de D. W. Winnicott e a analítica existencial de M. Heidegger. Viso, em particular, 1) examinar as observações de Heidegger sobre a estrutura do Dasein do recém-nasci-do, formuladas no parágrafo 15 de Einleitung in die Philosophie (Introdução a Filosofi a, GA 27) a luz das concepções de Winnicott sobre a constituição do si-mesmo infantil, dando ênfase especial à temporalidade primitiva do bebê e ao caráter temporal do trauma; 2) analisar, levando em conta a teoria winnicottiana dos distúrbios esquizofrênicos, as observações sobre um caso de esquizofrenia feitas por Heidegger nos Seminarios de Zollikon.
114. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Andre de Macedo Duarte Becoming Other: Heidegger and the Trace of a Post-Metaphysical Ethics
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Criticizing traditional interpretations that stress the “existential solipsism” of the resolute Dasein, this essay emphasizes the Heideggerian contribution to the question of otherness in Sein und Zeit. The key to uncover the post-metaphysical ethical dimension of Heidegger’s existential analytic is to be found in the theoretical articulation established between the phenomenological analyses of anguish and the call of conscience. My contention is that resolute Dasein already carries within himself the strange appeal of otherness, which, in turn, is the existential condition for the acknowledgment of the other as other.
115. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Anibal Fornari Narracion (Ricoeur) e Interpelacion (Levinas): la identidad personal como acontecimiento generador de historia
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Th is paper deals with the ontological-critical question about identity as posed in the productive confrontation between “narrative identity” (Ricoeur) and “prescriptive identity” (Levinas). It examines the structural character of the human disproportion disclosed in action as an ontic relationship invested with the totalizing and at once alterative dynamism of desire. The analysis of desire, in which both authors converge, dismisses, on the one hand, the projective modes of identifi cation and, on the other hand, stresses a mode of identity conceived as a selfhood that emerges as an ontic-alterative traumatization of desire-ofbeing and of being-in-time. An ontic and experiential event, as a historical possibility that unexpectedly corresponds to human disproportion, makes the selfhood of the ego come to pass through the revelation of the Other/other as an untimely presence that takes over and surmounts narrative mediation and ethical interpellation by introducing hope.
116. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Julia Valentina Iribarne Edmund Husserl: On the Foundations of Ethics
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Th is essay deals with the foundations of ethics in Edmund Husserl’s thought. Th e first concern takes into account his idea of reason and its capability of shaping praxis. A historical approach shows an enrichment of the starting point in which ethics is seen in parallel with logic. In the last period of Husserl’s meditation, the corresponding texts surprisingly manifest that, although Husserl often deals with important ethical issues, he does not refer to ethics explicitly. The kernel of this last topic examines the meaning of Husserl’s concept of teleology and asks whether teleology can be thought of as a new foundation of ethics.
117. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Rosemary R.P. Lerner 'ό ἄνθρωπος άριθμητίζει': Intuitive Finitude and Symbolic Infinitude in Husserl’s Philosophy of Arithmetic
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Since its inception, Husserl’s phenomenology oscillates between a positive valuation of technical calculus in order to compensate for the limited capacity of human beings, and a denunciation regarding the blindness that its extraordinary development has brought about regarding the true nature of scientific and philosophical thinking, in their sense as logos. Likewise, regarding intuition phenomenology oscillates between on one side a positive valuation of the foundational and authentic character of the basic intuitive representations and, on the other, the observation of their radical fi nitude. This paper explores some salient features of these oscillations.
118. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Zeljko Loparic Heidegger on Anthropology
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Based on Sein und Zeit (1927) and on Zollikoner Seminare (1987), the present essay reconstructs some aspects of Heidegger’s proposal for a scientific anthropology as a general framework for the development of a science of healthy human beings as well as for the Daseinsanalytic account of human pathology and therapy. Thomas Kuhn’s concept of paradigm is used as a guiding idea in reconstructing Heidegger’s, scattered and unsystematic remarks.
119. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Paula Mousinho Martins Por uma intencionalidade não-noética: a superação do dualismo mente-corpo à luz da noção merleau-pontyana de expressão
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Th is paper aims at analyzing the concept of expression, by which Merleau-Ponty intended to neutralize the traditional opposition—still present in Husserl’s phenomenology—between the sign and its meaning. This and other correlative distinctions are in fact due to the classical scheme/content dualism, which is kept by Husserl as he maintains the hylé as an irreducible, exterior element in regard to noesis. With this criticism, Merleau-Ponty tried to overcome the obstacles that historically prevented (empiricist and rationalist) philosophy to conceive a really mobile, embodied subject, whose movements are no longer seen as product of an external decision of “spirit”.
120. Phenomenology 2005: Volume > 2 > Issue: Part 1
Jose Carlos Michelazzo Dupla transcendência e historicidade: a divida de Heidegger para com Mestre Eckhart
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We know the Heidegger’s relations with Master Eckhart don’t reduce only to sporadic employments of words or expressions that he does of medieval mystic, but on the contrary, serve as inspiration for his audacious notion of man’s essence that is interpreted from its common-pertinence (Zusammengehorigkeit) with Being and oriented by a circular movement of double transcendence. In the midst of this various circles, so present in the philosopher’s thought, there is the circle of historicity, central aim of our paper, which affi rms that existence originates from abyss of future (first transcendence). From that abyss germinates the last human possible gesture, his death. In order to the man to be able to apprehend this final gesture in your authentically historical (geschichtlich) character, he needs the courage to take over the weight of his finitude and then to reach a free existenceguided by a “futural-vigorous past” [zukunftig-Gewesenheit] (second transcendence).Sabemos que as ligações de Heidegger com Mestre Eckhart não se limitam apenas aos usos esporádicos de termos ou expressões que ele faz do místico medieval, mas, ao contrário, servem de inspiração para a sua ousada concepção da essência do homem, interpretada a partir de sua co-pertinência (Zusammengehörigkeit) com o ser e orientada pelo movimento circular de uma dupla transcendência. Dentre esses vários círculos, presentes no pensamento do filósofo, está o da historicidade, foco central deste trabalho, no horizonte do qual a existência tem a sua origem no abismo do porvir (primeira transcendência), de cujo interior germina o último gesto humano possível, o seu morrer. Para que o homem apreenda esse seu derradeiro gesto em seu caráter autenticamente historial (geschichtlich), ele precisa ter a coragem de apropriar-se do peso de sua finitude a fim que ele possa alcançar a liberdade de existir, guiado por um “futural-vigor de ter sido” [zukunftig-Gewesenheit] (segunda transcendência).