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Philosophical Inquiry

Volume 38, Issue 3/4, Fall/Autumn 2014
In Honour of Alexander Nehamas

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1. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Theodore Scaltsas Knowledge as ‘True Belief Plus Individuation’ in Plato
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In Republic V, Plato distinguishes two different cognitive powers, knowledge and belief, which operate differently on different types of object. I argue that in Republic VI Plato modifies this account, and claims that there is a single cognitive power, which under different circumstances behaves either as knowledge or as belief. I show that the circumstances which turn true belief into knowledge are the provision of an individuation account of the object of belief, which reveals the ontological status and the nature of the object. Plato explores many alternative candidates of individuation accounts of objects of true belief, which he discards. I conclude with a Platonic sketch of a teleological account of individuation which would satisfy his requirements of turning true belief into knowledge.
2. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
D. Z. Andriopoulos Alcmeon's Epistemological Framework
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3. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Vassilis Karasmanis Plato’s Timaeus 31b4 – 32c4: Why do we need two bonds between fire and earth?
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4. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Virvidakis Stelios Living well and having a good life: interpreting the distinction
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5. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Theodoros Christidis, Ioannis Antoniou The art of living in Heraclitus’ philosophy
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6. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Panos Dimas Knowing and Wanting in the Hippias Minor
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7. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Chloé Balla Catharsis Without Pessimism? Nehamas versus Foucault on Reading the Phaedo
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8. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
D. Anapolitanos Hume on Space and Time
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9. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Fay Zika How Synaesthesia Matters in Aesthetics
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10. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Emmanuel J. Mikrogiannakis Diametrically Opposite Evaluation and Criticism of the King of Macedonia Archelaos by Thucydides and Plato
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book review
11. Philosophical Inquiry: Volume > 38 > Issue: 3/4
Anastasia Marinopoulou Alexander Nehamas: Virtues of Authenticity, Essays on Plato and Socrates
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