Cover of Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy
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21. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Fabio Samuel Esquenazi Le Refus Lévinassien de la Mystique: Raisons et Observations
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Despite recognizing the Other, particularly the needy person, as a prime location for a meaningful experience of God and the metaphysical nature of his interpretation of the fundamental ethical experience, a careful reading of Levinas’ corpus reveals the modulations of his rejection of the mystical phenomenon. This paper analyzes the main arguments that justify his « Lithuanian » distrust of mysticism and the consequent reduction of religion as ethics in his thought, as a result of forgetting that the perception of and adherence to the same transcendent principle present in the deep consciousness –conversio cordis – that directs one’s gaze towards the need and suffering of others –conversio morum – is common to the mystical experience, faith – as core of religious experience to Jewish-Christian tradition –, and ethical commitment.
22. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Alice Mara Serra Do Fenômeno Pleno ao Testemunho que Falta: Gradações da Verdade em Husserl, Marion e Derrida
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Dieser Text geht von der Frage nach der Wahrheit, die durch die Rekonstruktion der Auseinandersetzung zwischen drei Vertreter des zeitgenössischen philosophischen Denkens dargelegt wird, nämlich: Edmund Husserl, Jean-Luc Marion und Jacques Derrida. Wenn bei Husserl das Problem der Wahrheit mit der Analyse der verschiedenen Modalitäten der Anschauung zusammengehört, in denen sich das Phänomen bewusst eintritt, wiederum mag Marion de Darstellungsweise des Phänomens mit dem Begriff „Gegebenheit“ (donation) umfassen: somit schließt diese nicht nur die Modalitäten der Anschauung ein, sondern auch die Intentionalität selbst, die sich irgendein etwas wendet. Nun weißt Derrida durch die Dekonstruktion der phänomenologischen Begriffe Anschauung und Gegebenheit darauf hin, dass die phänomenologische Betrachtung nicht ausreicht, um Zusammenhänge und Umstände nachzudenken, in denen sich die Wahrheit ohne anschaulichen Zug, ohne subjektive Intentionalität und in Widerstand gegenüber ihrer eigenen Sichtbarkeit anzeigt. Solche Nuancen hebt Derrida hervor, indem er die Gegebenheit und die „Gabe“ (don) kontrastiert, und schließlich, indem er der Wahrheit den Charakter des Zeugnisses (témoignage) zuschreibt.
estado da questão
23. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Elisabete M. de Sousa Sobre o Estético em Kierkegaard
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This article describes the state of the art of the issue of the aesthetic in the work and thought of Søren Kierkegaard. It does not aim at being an exhaustive analysis of the reception of the aesthetic. Instead, it is conceived in order to show the main misunderstandings that have sentenced the idea of the aesthetic to secondary roles in face of the ethical and the religious. In addition, it presents an update of a sample of the most recent works which already take the aesthetic as a key category, and it draws attention to what still lies ahead to be done, namely to study the philosophical and theoretical sources that inspired Kierkegaard in order to be able to define the philosophical role of the aesthetic, in particular its pivotal role in the Kierkegaard’s existential philosophy.
24. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Georg Simmel, Adriana Veríssimo Serrão L’Art Pour L’Art
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25. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Bruno C. Duarte Maria Filomena Molder, Diana Soeiro, Nuno Fonseca (Eds.), Morphology. Questions on Method and Language
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26. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira Francisco José Martinez, Próspero en el Laberinto. Las dos caras del Barroco
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27. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Ana Raquel Nunes, A educação estética de Schiller na contemporaneidade: O uso da arte para uma educação moral
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28. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Prémio Prof. Doutor Joaquim Cerqueira Gonçalves (2015)
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29. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Instruções aos Autores – Normas de Publicação
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30. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Instructions to Authors – Publication Procedures
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