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Displaying: 41-60 of 79 documents

book discussion: jennifer mensch, kant's organicism: epigenesis and the development of critical philosophy
41. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 3
Dalia Nassar The Critical Function of the Epigenesis of Reason and Its Relation to Post-Kantian Intellectual Intuition
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42. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 3
Jennifer Mensch Neither Ghost Nor Machine: Kant, Epigenesis, and the Life of the Mind
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special issue: on philosophical education
43. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Santiago Zabala Introduction to the Special Issue: On Philosophical Education
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44. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Gianni Vattimo, Gabriel Serbu Towards (Back to?) a Philosophical Education: An Interview with Gianni Vattimo
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The aim of this interview has been to rekindle the debate surrounding the meaning and purpose of education in today’s society. Is a humanistic education still relevant in a world obsessed with scientific proof and driven by a problem-solving mentality, or is it becoming obsolete, as some experts in education seem to suggest? ( While recalling, often humorously, his own experience as both a student and an educator, Vattimo stresses the importance of freedom for the emergence of critical thinking—or, better, actual thinking; and since freedom has mainly been the prerogative of humanistic disciplines he warns against the ongoing tendency to subject all spheres of knowledge (including philosophy and literature) to the rigours of a scientific approach.
45. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Simon Critchley, Alexander Kardjian Elnabli A Dialectic of Dissatisfaction: Interviewing Simon Critchley on Education and Philosophy
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Simon Critchley discusses his views on education and philosophy, reflecting on his experiences as a student from childhood to the present, his anxieties about teaching, and what philosophical writing he wants from his students. By discussing his relationships with influential teachers in his life, Dr. Critchley explores the problem of teachers as masters; the need to develop philosophy’s approach to tradition while engaging problems posed to it by work on race and gender; his experience conducting online, public philosophy through The Stone; and the politics of student and adjunct labor in higher education.
46. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Jaume Casals Teaching and Learning at the Autonomous University during Barcelona’s Seventies: The Remains of Philosophy
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The memories of the teaching we had during the seventies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona show, forty years later, that this teaching was not a matter of a premeditated learning program. However, the diversity of the teachers we knew, their characters and examples, project a certain shadow of a philosophical experience that has been shared by several generations of contemporary Catalan philosophers.
47. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Barry Allen Richard Rorty: The Philosopher as Man of Letters
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A memoir of Richard Rorty as a teacher, a philosopher, an intellectual, and a man of letters, by a former student.
48. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Judith Butler, Gayle Salamon Learning How to See: An Interview with Judith Butler
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In this interview, Judith Butler remembers her teacher, the phenomenologist Maurice Natanson. Natanson observed that learning how to see is central to both teaching and learning, and Professor Butler reflects on Natanson’s views of the relation between perception, pedagogy, and world-making. She discusses the possibilities and limits of phenomenology, and its engagements with intentionality, reason, and faith. Professor Butler also reflects on the influence of phenomenology on her theory of gender performativity as well as her recent work on bodies in alliance.
49. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Sandra Shapshay Danto as Educator
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This essay offers a discussion of how Arthur Danto educated me philosophically both through his personal example and through his work. Along the way, I detail what I take to be his most important lesson: to engage deeply and seriously with the subject of one’s philosophy, in his case predominantly art, and thus always to retain contact with the world outside of philosophy. Danto modeled a truly engaged philosopher of art, attending to history, actual practices and contemporary currents, without sacrificing philosophical clarity and depth.
50. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
C. Long Care of Death: On the Teaching of Reiner Schürmann
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A homage in the guise of an essay, this is the story of the last course Reiner Schürmann taught. As a text, it attempts to describe, situate, and come to terms with the power of Schürmann’s teaching in the context of his last lectures on Heidegger’s Being and Time. But if it is to be true to the deepest lessons of Schürmann’s thinking, it will also need to be heard as an invitation to interpret together the significance of his reading so that it may be permitted to shape the course of the lives of those who encounter it.
51. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Samir Haddad Philosophy and Its Relation to Other Disciplines in Derrida’s Writings on Education
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In this essay I examine Derrida’s attempts to transform how philosophy is conceived, specifically as this occurs in his writings on education. In these writings Derrida challenges two understandings of philosophy—in his interventions into debates on lycée education he targets philosophy in France, while in texts related to the founding of the Collège International de Philosophie at stake is philosophy understood as a broader European institution. I argue that in each case key in Derrida’s challenge is his rethinking of philosophy’s relation to other disciplines, and I suggest that this rethinking can aid us in our own attempts to transform education in philosophy.
52. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Creston Davis Today's Psychotic Academy: Risking the Pedagogy of "Žižek's 180"
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This essay examines Slavoj Žižek’s radical pedagogy by drawing on his concepts of parallax and his gloss on objet petit a.
film review
53. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Martin Woessner Cosmic Cinema: On the Philosophical Films of Terrence Malick
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It is well known that the American director Terrence Malick studied philosophy under Stanley Cavell and translated the work of Martin Heidegger. He eventually traded Harvard and Oxford for Hollywood, though. This essay traces Malick's evolution from budding academic philosopher to cinematic innovator. It suggests that Malick's cinematic career should be viewed as both a rejection of academic philosophy and a celebration of the examined life.
book discussion: allison weir, identities and freedom: feminist theory between power and connection
54. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Margaret A. McLaren Complex Identities and Relational Freedoms
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55. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Johanna Meehan "What’s Love Got To Do With It?": Alison Weir’s Identities and Freedom, Feminist Theory Between Power and Connection
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56. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Allison Weir Identities and Freedom: Power, Love, and Other Dangers
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book discussion: andrew cutrofello, all for nothing: hamlet's negativity
57. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Jennifer Ann Bates The Rub of the Negative: Concrete Universality, the Sache selbst, and Noumena in Cutrofello’s All for Nothing
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58. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Andrew Benjamin The Ends of Negation: Cutrofello's Hamlet
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59. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Andrew Cutrofello Hamlet’s Potentiality: Reply to Jennifer Bates and Andrew Benjamin
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special topic on heidegger and paul klee
60. Philosophy Today: Volume > 61 > Issue: 1
Ian Alexander Moore General Introduction
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