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Philosophy Today

Volume 54, Issue Supplement, 2010
Recenterings of Continental Philosophy

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1. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Cynthia Willett, Leonard Lawlor Recenterings of Continental Philosophy
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plenary sessions
2. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Françoise Dastur Phenomenology and Anthropology
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3. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Jacques Rancière The Aesthetic Heterotopia
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david krell scholar session
4. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Peg Birmingham “An Incarnation Openly Bearing Its Emptiness”: Life, Animal, Fiction in the Work of David Farrell Krell
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5. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Walter Brogan The Impossible Voicing of Philosophy’s Double
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6. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
David Farrell Krell Response to My “Scholar’s Session,” Spep 2009
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ewa plonowska ziarek scholar session
7. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Rosalyn Diprose Dissensus, Melancholic Nationalism, and Biopolitics in the Work of Ewa Ziarek
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8. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Elissa Marder Ewa Ziarek’s Virtually Impossible Ethics
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9. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Ewa Plonowska Ziarek From a Feminist Ethics to a Feminist Aesthetics: On Dissensus, Possibility, . . . and Melancholia
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spep prize winners
10. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Carolyn Culbertson The Pre-Worldly Past: On Nostalgia in Freudian Psychoanalysis
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11. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Patrick Lee Miller Immanent Spirituality
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heidegger’s legacy: technology, poetics, epistemology
12. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Leslie MacAvoy Formal Indication and the Hermeneutics of Facticity
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13. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Richard A. Cohen Heidegger’s Dasein-Analytic of Instrumentality In Being and Time and the Thinking of The “Extreme Danger” of the Question of Technology, and Frederick Tonnies’Community And Society
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14. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Don Ihde Heidegger on Technology: One Size Fits All
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15. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Robert C. Scharff Technoscience Studies after Heidegger? Not Yet
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16. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Bernard Freydberg The Legacy of Heideggerian Poetics For Continental Philosophy: Lacoue-Labarthe and Sallis
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17. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Nancy J. Holland If I Know I Can Be Wrong: The Hidden History of Epistemologies of Ignorance
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phenomenology and psychology
18. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Nicola Zippel The Way to the Subject between Phenomenology and Psychology
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19. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Dermot Moran Sartre on Embodiment, Touch, and the “Double Sensation”
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deleuze and the art of the impossible
20. Philosophy Today: Volume > 54 > Issue: Supplement
Fred Evans Unnatural Participation: Merleau-Ponty, Deleuze, and Environmental Ethics
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