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Philosophy Today

Volume 51, Issue Supplement, 2007
Refiguring Continental Philosophy

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1. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Peg Birmingham, James Risser Refiguring Continental Philosophy
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2. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
David Pellauer Remembering Paul Ricoeur
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issues in phenomenology
3. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
John K. O’Connor Anti-Psychologism and the Path Beyond Reductive Egology in Husserl
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4. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Adam S. Miller Reduction or Subtraction: Jean-Luc Marion, Alain Badiou, and the Recuperation of Truth
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5. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Chad Engelland Heidegger’s Distinction between Scientific and Philosophical Judgments
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6. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
April Flakne Contac/Improv: A Synaesthetic Rejoinder to Derrida’s Reading of Merleau-Ponty
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issues in hermeneutics
7. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Jens Zimmerman The Ethics of Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Challenge of Religious Transcendence
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8. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
David Vessey The Role of Language in Object Transcendence: A Gadamerian Response to Dreyfus and McDowell
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9. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
John Arthos The Hermeneutic Version of the Rhetorical Turn, or Heidegger and Gadamer in the Recuperation of a Humanist Rhetoric
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reflections of life
10. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Josh Hayes Heidegger, Aristotle, and Animal Life
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11. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Emanuela Bianchi Aristotelian Dunamis and Sexual Difference: An Analysis of Adunamia and Dunamis Meta Logou in Metaphysics Theta
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12. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Erinn Cunniff Gilson Zones of Indiscernibility: The Life of a Concept from Deleuze to Agamben
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psychoanalysis and desire
13. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Rudolf Bernet Drive: A Psychoanalytical or Metaphysical Concept? On the Philosophical Foundation of the Pleasure Principle
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14. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Brent Adkins A Rumor of Zombies: Deleuze and Guattari on Death
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the subject of politics
15. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Jason Read Politics as Subjectification: Rethinking the Figure of the Worker in the Thought of Badiou and Rancière
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16. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Todd May Equality as a Foucaultian Value: The Relevance of Rancière
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17. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Jill Petersen Adams Mourning, the Messianic, and the Specter: Derrida’s Appropriation of Benjamin in Specters Of Marx
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logics of thinking
18. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Kem Crimmins Transforming Necessity: Transcendental Logic after Cavaillès
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19. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Louise Burchill The Topology of Deleuze’s Spatium
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20. Philosophy Today: Volume > 51 > Issue: Supplement
Jessica Wiskus Beneath Platonism: Temporality and the Musical Idea According to Merleau-Ponty
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