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Philosophical Topics

Volume 27, Issue 2, Fall 1999
The Intersection of Analytic and Continental Philosophy

Table of Contents

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1. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall Introduction
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2. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Hubert L. Dreyfus The Primacy of Phenomenology over Logical Analysis
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3. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Mark A. Wrathall Social Constraints on Conversational Content: Heidegger on Rede and Gerede
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4. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Mark Okrent Heidegger and Korsgaard on Human Reflection
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5. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Dermot Moran “Our Germans Are Better than Your Germans”: Continental and Analytic Approaches to Intentionality Reconsidered
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6. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Sean D. Kelly What Do We See (When We Do)?
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7. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Jeff Malpas Locating Interpretation: The Topography of Understanding in Heidegger and Davidson
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8. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Joseph Rouse Truth, Scientific Understanding, and Haugeland’s Existential Ontology
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9. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
William Blattner Is Heidegger a Representationalist?
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10. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Taylor Carman The Body in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty
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11. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Andrew A. Cross Fear and Trembling’s Unorthodox Ideal
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12. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Steven G. Affeldt Captivating Pictures and Liberating Language: Freedom as the Achievement of Speech in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations
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13. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
Edward H. Minar The Thinging of the Thing: A Late Heideggerian Approach to Skepticism?
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14. Philosophical Topics: Volume > 27 > Issue: 2
David R. Cerbone Composition and Constitution: Heidegger’s Hammer
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