Cover of The Philosophical Review
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Displaying: 1-20 of 22 documents

1. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
John R. Searle Meaning and Speech Acts
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2. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Carl Wellman Wittgenstein's Conception of a Criterion
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3. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Mary Mothersill Anscombe's Account of the Practical Syllogism
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4. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Charles E. Caton An Apparent Difficulty in Frege's Ontology
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5. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Richard Cole Ptolemy and Copernicus
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6. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Julius R. Weinberg Cogito, Ergo Sum: Some Reflections on Mr. Hintikka's Art
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7. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
James D. Carney Cogito, Ergo Sum and Sum Res Cogitans
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8. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
R. H. Vincent The Paradox of Ideal Evidence
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9. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Harry G. Frankfurt Memory and the Cartesian Circle
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10. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Bruce Aune Fatalism and Professor Taylor
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book reviews
11. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
John Herman Randall, Jr. Aristotle's System of the Physical World: A Comparison With His Predecessors
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12. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Leonard Linsky Modes of Referring and the Problem of Universals: An Essay in Metaphysics
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13. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
C. W. K. Mundle Sensation and Perception: A History of the Philosophy of Perception
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14. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Leonard G. Miller Science and the Structure of Ethics (Vol. I, No. 3 of the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science)
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15. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Warner Wick The Political Reason of Edmund Burke
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16. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
T. A. Roberts Our Experience of God
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17. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Keith S. Donnellan Logic: The Theory of Formal Inference
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18. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
H. S. Harris Benedetto Croce, Philosopher of Art and Literary Critic
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19. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Monroe C. Beardsley The World of Art
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20. The Philosophical Review: Volume > 71 > Issue: 4
Gregory Vlastos Héraclite ou l'Homme entre les choses et les mots
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