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Displaying: 121-140 of 153 documents

book reviews
121. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Michael W. Tkacz Aristotle. De historia animalium translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Pars prima: libri I-V
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122. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Mitchell P. Jones Arp, Kristana. The Bonds of Freedom: Simone de Beauvoir’s Existentialist Ethics
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123. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
David Vincent Meconi On the Trinity, Books 8–15
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124. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Nathaniel Goldberg Buzaglo, Meir. The Logic of Concept Expansion
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125. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Patricia A. Johnson Dunayevskaya, Raja. The Power of Negativity: Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx
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126. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Joe McCoy Die Univozität des Seienden: Texte zur Metaphysik
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127. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Mark Roberts Ferrari, Donald. Consciousness in Time
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128. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
A. T. Nuyen The Sovereignty of Taste
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129. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Miles Groth Heidegger, Martin. Supplements: From the Earliest Essays to "Being and Time" and Beyond
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130. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Jude P. Dougherty Hittinger, John P. Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory
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131. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Virgil Nemoianu Kimball, Roger. Lives of the Mind: The Use and Abuse of Intelligence
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132. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Carl N. Still Leslie, John. Infinite Minds: A Philosophical Cosmology
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133. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Ronald E. Santoni Losurdo, Domenico. Heidegger and the Ideology of War: Community, Death and the West
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134. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Robert C. Miner McCarthy, John C., ed. Modern Enlightenment and the Rule of Reason
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135. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Amita Chatterjee Mohanty, J. N. Explorations in Philosophy: Indian Philosophy, Essays by J. N. Mohanty
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136. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Robert C. Miner Moore, Gregory. Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor
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137. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Daniel McInerny Natural Law and Practical Rationality
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138. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Raymond Woller Newman, Andrew. The Correspondence Theory of Truth: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Predication
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139. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Glenn Parsons Nogales, Patti D. Metaphorically Speaking
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140. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Paul Raymont O'Connor, Timothy. Persons and Causes: The Metaphysics of Free Will
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