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Displaying: 121-140 of 186 documents

book reviews
121. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Steven Baldner Frede, Michael, and David Charles, eds. Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda: Symposium Aristotelicum
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122. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Tom Rockmore Fried, Gregory. Heidegger’s Polemos: From Being to Politics
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123. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
John Denvir Habermas, Jürgen. The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays
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124. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Noel S. Adams Hannay, Alastair. Kierkegaard: A Biography
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125. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Christopher A. Decaen Hughes, Glenn, Stephen A. McKnight, and Geoffrey L. Price, eds. Politics, Order and History: Essays on the Work of Eric Voegelin
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126. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Robert Sokolowski Logik. Vorlesung 1902/03. Husserliana Materialienbände, vol. 2
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127. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Eva Brann Japaridze, Tamar. The Kantian Subject: Sensus Communis, Mimesis, Work of Mourning
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128. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
James Peterman Kallenberg, Brad J. Ethics as Grammar: Changing the Postmodern Subject
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129. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Kent Staley Lange, Marc. Natural Laws in Scientific Practice
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130. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Timothy B. Noone Long, R. James, and Maura O'Carroll, SND. The Life and Works of Richard Fishacre, O.P.: Prolegomena to the Edition of His Commentary on the Sentences
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131. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Brad Majors Lowe, E. Jonathon. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
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132. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Virgil Nemoianu Mahoney, Daniel. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideology
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133. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Thomas A. Michaud Gabriel Marcel’s Perspectives on “The Broken World”
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134. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Raymond Woller Moreland, J. P. Universals
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135. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Robert Sokolowski Perler, Dominik, ed. Ancient and Medieval Theories of Intentionality
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136. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Daniel E. Shannon Pillow, Kirk. Sublime Understanding: Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and Hegel
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137. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Miles Groth Polt, Richard, and Gregory Fried, eds. A Companion to Heidegger’s Introduction to Metaphysics
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138. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Helen S. Lang Reeve, C. D. C. Substantial Knowledge: Aristotle’s Metaphysics
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139. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
William Mountcastle Schlagel, Richard H. The Vanquished Gods: Science, Religion and the Nature of Belief
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140. The Review of Metaphysics: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Roger Paden Designing Democratic Institutions
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