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book notes
121. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "La Communication," 2 volumes. "Actes du XVe Congres de l'Association des Societes de Philosophie de Langue Française, Universite de Montreal, 1971"
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122. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Critique of the Psycho-physical Identity Theory," by Eric P. Polten, preface by John Eccles
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123. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Cosmo e Divinità: La struttura logica della teologia aristotelica," by Carlo Natali
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124. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Eros et Logos: Esquisse de phénoménologie de l'intériorité créatrice," by A.-T. Tymienicka
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125. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Fisico-teologia e principio di ragion sufficiente," by Marco Paolinelli
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126. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Vernon J. Bourke "Gedenkband zu Ehren des heiligen Thomas von Aquin (1274/1974)," ed. Zeno Bucher, Ansgar Paus, and Maximilian Roesle
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127. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Richard J. Blackwell "Four Pragmatists: A Critical Introduction to Peirce, James, Mead, and Dewey," by Israel Scheffler
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128. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Heidegger: Esistenza e Sacro," by Umberto Regina
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129. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
M. B. McNamee "Marxism and Form: Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature," by Fredric Jameson
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130. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
James Hitchcock "The Philosophy of History," ed. Patrick Gardiner
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131. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Platon," vol. 5: "Coleccion de Estudios Filosoficos," by Arturo Andres Roig
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132. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Leo Sweeney "Porphyry's Place in the Neoplatonic Tradition: A Study in Post-Plotinian Neoplatonism," by Andrew Smith
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133. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Dominic J. Balestra "Precepts, Concepts, and Theoretic Knowledge: A Study in Epistemology," by Harold N. Lee
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134. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Il Problema morale nella civiltä tecnologica," by Antonino Poppi
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135. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Linus J. Thro Roberto Grosseteste: Suma de los Ocho Libros de la "Fisica" de Aristóteles (Summa Physicorum). Texto latino, traduccion y notas de J. E. Bolzán y Celina Lértora Mendoza
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136. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Lee C. Rice "Sobre el amor y el poder," by Hector Delfor Mandrioni
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137. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Richard J. Blackwell "Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar," by P. F. Strawson
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138. The Modern Schoolman: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Books Received
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