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semiotics of literature
21. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Bruno Osimo Veider, väga veider, nagu unenäos: piirid ja tõlked filmis “Strogij Junosha” (“Range noormees”). Kokkuvõte
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semiotics of mimesis
22. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Timo Maran Mimesis as a phenomenon of semiotic communication
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The concept of mimesis is not very often used in the contemporary semiotic dialogue. This article introduces several views on this concept, and on the basis of these, mimesis is comprehended as a phenomenon of communication. By highlighting different semantic dimensions of the concept, mimesis is seen as being composed of phases of communication and as such, it is connected with imitation, representation, iconicity and other semiotic concepts.
23. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Timo Maran Мимесис как явление семиотической коммуникации. Резюме
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24. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Timo Maran Mimees kui semiootilise kommunikatsiooni nähtus. Kokkuvõte
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25. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Jelena Grigorjeva Lotman on mimesis
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The article considers some basic notions of semiotics of mimesis by Juri Lotman, such as model, similarity, and relations between an object and its representation. The way Lotman defines and interprets these notions is compared with definitions given by adherents of the “semiotics of the transcendence” (German and Russian romanticism and Neoplatonism, Russian symbolism, theory of mystical symbol). A certain typological proximity ofsome important theoretical statements ensures the necessity to revise the traditional image of Tartu semiotics as a purely positivistic school of thought.
26. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Jelena Grigorjeva Лотман о мимесисе. Резюме
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27. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Jelena Grigorjeva Lotman mimeesist. Kokkuvõte
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semiotics of culture
28. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Maria del Mar Llera Pragmatic approaches to intercultural ethics: the basis for fostering communication among nationalist groups
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This research is part of a more extensive programme that deals with intercultural ethics from different perspectives. All of them share a common inspiration sprung from UNESCO’s Intercultural Ethics Project. The main goal of this paper consists in offering pragmatic/theoretical tools in order to analyse a cultural and political issue which is currently very important in Spain: the confrontation between those promoting Spanish national culture and those promoting the Basque one. I approach this confrontation in terms of discursive praxis, reaching the conclusion that only if both groups are capable of self-understanding will they be capable of reciprocal-understanding, and only then will it be possible to maintain peace in our country.
29. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Maria del Mar Llera Прагматический подход к межкультурной этике: Основные черты развития коммуникации между национальными группами. Резюме
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30. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Maria del Mar Llera Pragmaatilisi lähenemisi kultuuridevahelisele eetikale: Rahvusgruppide vahelise kommunikatsiooni edendamise põhijooni. Kokkuvõte
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31. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Dalia Satkauskytė The myth of the nation of poets and mass poetry in Lithuania
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There are two problems discussed in the article. The first one is the phenomenon of mass literature and semiotic approach to it. According to Lotman, mass literature of the 20th (and 21st) centuries is not so much an object of semiotics as of sociology. However, it is possible to consider mass literature of earlier times as an object of semiotics of culture. Lotman discusses Russian mass literature of the 18th and 19th centuries as such an object in the article “Massovaya literatura kak istoriko-kulturnaya problema”. Considering mass literature a dynamic factor of the semiotic system, Lotman distinguishes its main features: a high degree of automatization and syndrome of retardedness. In the second part of the article the author discusses the phenomenon of mass poetry in contemporary Lithuania. This kind of mass literature is much more similar to the phenomenon discussed by Lotman than to the mass literature of the postmodernist epoch. Lithuanian mass poetry employs the codes of national romanticism (the end of 19th century) and considers itself an ignored part of high culture. This sort of poetry unknown to Western societies exhibits archaising tendencies in the modern postsoviet culture.
32. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Dalia Satkauskytė Миф народа поэтов и феномен массовой поэзии в Литве. Резюме
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33. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Dalia Satkauskytė “Poeetide rahva” müüt ja massikirjanduse fenomen Leedus. Kokkuvõte
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34. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Marcin Brocki Semiotics of culture and New Polish Ethnology
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The paper deals with the contemporary state of semiotic ethnology in Poland (connected with New Polish Ethnology group), its internal and external influences, its specifics, subjects and its reaction to the other theoretical propositions. The “neotribe” of New Polish Ethnology was established by few younger scholars, ethnologists in the early 1980s, in an opposition to the dominant stream of positivistic ethnology. Today they have become classics of Polish anthropology, masters that have educated a new generation of their students, and lead some anthropological institutes. The most inspiring set of theories that influenced the group and its heirs was taken from Soviet semiotics of culture (Lotman, Uspensky, Toporov, Ivanov), and French structural-semiotics (Levi-Strauss, Barthes), but there are some individual differences also. On that basis they have developed a specific scope, aim and methods of interpretation with as its key terms myth and mythical thinking. They have explained many cultural events (relation we-others, body image, commercials, and anthropology itself) within the framework ofmythical thinking, making it the most productive and attractive frame of interpretation within Polish humanities and social sciences. In the 1990s they had to face critical ethnography, deconstruction and postmodern anthropology and they did it with perfect flexibility that even strengthened their project, because the potential of reflexivity and self-consciousness lied within semiotics from its beginning.
35. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Marcin Brocki Kultuurisemiootika ja uus poola etnoloogia. Kokkuvõte
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36. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Marcin Brocki Семиотика культуры и новая польская этнология. Резюме
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37. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Morten Tønnessen Umwelt ethics
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In this paper I will sketch an Umwelt ethics, i.e., an ethics that rests heavily on fundamental features of Jakob von Uexküll’s Umwelt theory. In the course of an interpretation of the Umwelt theory, a number of concepts are introduced. These include ontological niche, common-Umwelt, total Umwelt and bio-ontological monad. I then present an Uexküllian reading of the deep ecology platform. It is suggested that loss of biodiversity, considered as a physio-phenomenal entity, is the most crucial aspect of the ecological crisis, which can be understood as an ontological crisis.
38. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Morten Tønnessen Omailma eetika. Kokkuvõte
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39. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Morten Tønnessen Этика умвельта. Резюме
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40. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Myrdene Anderson Rothschild’s ouroborus
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