Cover of Teaching Philosophy
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book reviews
21. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Chad Brockman Hatred: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion, by Berit Brogaard
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22. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Benjamin L. Curtis Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Leafning, by Ken Bain
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23. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Robert Earle Living with Animals: Rights, Responsibilities and Respect, by Erin McKenna
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24. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Tom Godfrey When All Else Fails: The Ethics of Resistance to State Injustice, by Jason Brennan
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25. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Joe Higgins Phenomenology: A Contemporary Introduction, by Walter Hopp
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26. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Iraklis Ioannidis Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy: Conversations on Pandemics, Politics and Society, edited by Fernando Castrillón and Thomas Marchevsky
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27. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Anton Killin Philosophy of Western Music: A Contemporary Introduction, by Anderw Kania
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28. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Matt LaVine The Carnap Book, by Graham Leach-Krouse
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29. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Kiasha Naidoo Pandemic! COVID-19 Shakes the World, by Slavoj Žižek
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30. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 3
Ian A. Smith A Philosopher Goes to the Doctor: A Critical Look at Philosophical Assumptions in Medicine, by Dien Ho
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31. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Alejandro Arango, Maria Howard Re-envisioning the Philosophy Classroom through Metaphors
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What is a philosophy class like? What roles do teachers and students play? Questions like these have been answered time and again by philosophers using images and metaphors. As philosophers continue to develop pedagogical approaches in a more conscious way, it is worth evaluating traditional metaphors used to understand and structure philosophy classes. In this article, we examine two common metaphors—the sage on the stage, and philosophy as combat—and show why they fail pedagogically. Then we propose five metaphors—teaching philosophy as world-traveling, wondering, conducting an orchestra, storytelling, and coaching—that can better respond to the needs of increasingly diverse student bodies. Further, these metaphors find their ground in long-standing beliefs about what philosophy is, how it is done, and what it can do for those willing to engage in it. While no single one of them is comprehensive, we think that these models can help us enliven our own thinking about our teaching and the roles we and our students play in our classrooms.
32. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Ben Baker Referee Report of (Hypothetical) Philosophy 101 Textbook by Professor Unspecified
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This piece offers a critique of what is commonly the structure of introductory philosophy textbooks, syllabi, and courses. The basic criticism is that this structure perpetuates the systematic devaluing of the views of historically marginalized and exploited people. The form my critique takes is that of a referee report on a hypothetical manuscript for an introductory philosophy textbook, authored by “Dr. Unspecified.” I examine what the manuscript chooses to focus on and what it chooses to omit from discussion. I thereby outline much of the content typically used to introduce newcomers to philosophy, while illustrating that presenting exclusively that content supports a prejudiced view of philosophy. I try to show how this representation of philosophy marginalizes the concerns and insights of many and reinforces the disproportionate extent to which those who can do philosophy for a living are white, straight, men with typical body morphology. My report also identifies various ways that the content of an introductory philosophy textbook or course could be modified or supplemented in light of the sort of critique my report makes.
33. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Graham P. McDonough Exaggerating Emile (and Skipping Sophie) while sliding past The Social Contract: Why Philosophy of Education Textbooks Require a Comprehensive View of Rousseau’s Work
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This paper examines how philosophy of education textbooks present Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s views on women and socialization. It reviews ten texts, involving nine authors, and finds that they generally focus on the concepts of Nature, Negative Education, and Child Development from Books I-III of Emile, but severely restrict mentioning its Book V and The Social Contract. While these results implicitly reflect Rousseau’s historical influence on “progressive” educators, they do not seriously attend to well-established critiques of Rousseau’s sexism and omit acknowledging his intent that Emile’s Negative Education in Nature leads toward his socialization in the General Will.
34. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Kit Rempala, Katrina Sifferd, Joseph Vukov Philosophy Labs: Bringing Pedagogy and Research Together
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Conversation is a foundational aspect of philosophical pedagogy. Too often, however, philosophical research becomes disconnected from this dialogue, and is instead conducted as a solitary endeavor. We aim to bridge the disconnect between philosophical pedagogy and research by proposing a novel framework. Philosophy labs, we propose, can function as both a pedagogical tool and a model for conducting group research. Our review of collaborative learning literature suggests that philosophy labs, like traditional STEM labs, can harness group learning models such as Positive Interdependence Theory (PIT) to engage in meaningful discussion and execute projects and research. This article distills PIT into four essential tenets which we argue support student success at both the individual and group levels. Our argument is grounded in two case studies detailing our experiences facilitating different philosophy labs, and demonstrations of how they can foster the continued evolution of philosophical research and pedagogy beyond the single-occupancy armchair.
35. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Jake Camp A Short Philosophical Guide to the Fallacies of Love, by José A. Díez and Andrea Iacona
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36. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Emily Esch Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women, by Kate Manne
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37. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Liz Goodnick Women Philosophers of Seventeenth-Century England: Selected Correspondence, edited by Jacqueline Broad
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38. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Catlyn Keenan Unmuted: Conversations on Prejudice, Oppression, and Social Justice, by Myisha Cherry
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39. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
Steven Kelts The Hidden Curriculum: First Generation Students at Legacy Universities, by Rachel Gable
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40. Teaching Philosophy: Volume > 44 > Issue: 2
John Kinsey Dao De Jing, by Laozi, adapted and illustrated by C. C. Tsai, translated by Brian Bruya
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