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semiotics of naming
21. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Ülle Pärli Имя собственное как объект семиотического исследования. Резюме
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22. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Ülle Pärli Parisnimi semiootilise uurimuse objektina. Kokkuvõte
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23. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Mari Niitra Mapping the child’s world: The cognitive and cultural function of proper names in the book series Paula’s Life
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The article regards children’s literature as a certain cultural tool. This approach enables to reveal various characteristic aspects of the poetics of children’sliterature, while relating them to children’s cognitive and cultural development. Focusing on a book series Paula’s Life by Estonian author Aino Pervik, it can beseen how two different ways of understanding — the initial, so-called mythological type of thinking of preschoolers and the emerging conceptual thinking — arecombined.The article draws mostly on the concepts of cultural psychology and the authors of Tartu–Moscow school of semiotics, who have elaborated the idea thatproper names form one of the central components of mythological consciousness, the latter being comparable to “the language of proper names”. The main attention is drawn on the functioning of names and the topic of naming and categorizing in these texts.
24. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Mari Niitra Когнитивная и культурная функция имени в книжной серии ≪Жизнь Паулы≫. Резюме
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25. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Mari Niitra Lapse maailma kaardistamine: parisnimede kognitiivne ja kultuuriline funktsioon raamatusarjas Paula elu. Kokkuvõte
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theoretical semiotics
26. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Juri Lotman The place of art among other modelling systems
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This article by Juri Lotman from the third volume of Trudy po znakovym sistemam (Sign Systems Studies) in 1967, deals with the problem of artistic modelling. The general working questions are whether art displays any characteristic traits that are common for all modelling systems and which could be the specific traits that can distinguish art from other modelling systems. Art is seen as a secondary modelling system, more precisely, as a play-type model, which is characterised simultaneously by practical and conventional behaviour and constant awareness of the possibility of alternate meanings to the one that is currently being perceived. At the same time art has play-like elements but is not the same as play, since play is inherently rule-bound, whereas art is a more flexible model thepurpose of which is truth. Art is a special type of modelling system, since it is on one hand suitable for storing very large amount of complex information, but onthe other hand it can increase the stored information and transform the consumer.
27. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Juri Lotman Искусство в ряду моделирующих систем. Резюме
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28. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Juri Lotman Kunst modelleerivate susteemide seas. Kokkuvõte
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29. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Silvi Salupere Semiotics as science
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The present article gives an overview of different approaches on semiotics as science, its objects of investigation, methods and genesis (where, how and when does semiotics begin?). The author does not aim at establishing one prescriptive approach. Quite the opposite, by leaving the question open, the author aspiresto encourage further discussion about the criteria for scientificity, establishing the borders of scientific disciplines, and the productivity of the dialogic (or, rather,polylogic) scientific meta-discourse in science in general and in semiotics in particular.
30. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Silvi Salupere Semiootika teadusena. Kokkuvõte
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31. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Silvi Salupere Семиотика как наука. Резюме
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history of semiotics
32. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Ekaterina Velmezova, Kalevi Kull Interview with Vyacheslav V. Ivanov about semiotics, the languages of the brain and history of ideas
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The interview with one of the founders of the Tartu–Moscow school, semiotician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov (b. 1929) from August 2010, describes V. V. Ivanov’s opinions of several scholars and their work (including Evgenij Polivanov, Mikhail Bakhtin, Andrej Kolmogorov, Nikolaj Marr etc.), his relationships with his father Vsevolod Ivanov, as well as V. V. Ivanov’s views on the past and future of semiotics, with some emphasis on neurosemiotics, zoosemiotics, semiotics of culture, cybernetics, history of linguistics, study and protection of small languages. The interview also deals with V. V. Ivanov’s book Even and Odd.
33. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Ekaterina Velmezova Интервью с Вячеславом Всеволодовичем Ивановым о семиотике, языках мозга и истории идей. Резюме
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34. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Ekaterina Velmezova, Kalevi Kull Intervjuu Vjatšeslav V. Ivanoviga semiootikast, aju keeltest ja ideede ajaloost. Kokkuvõte
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35. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Kalevi Kull, Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman The institution of semiotics in Estonia
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The article gives a historical overview of the institutional development of semiotics in Estonia during two centuries, and describes briefly its current status. The key characteristics of semiotics in Estonia include: (1) seminal role of two world-level classics of semiotics from the University of Tartu, Juri Lotman and Jakob von Uexkull; (2) the impact of Tartu–Moscow school of semiotics, with a series of summer schools in Kaariku in 1960s and the establishment of semiotic study of culture; (3) the publication of the international journal Sign Systems Studies, since 1964; (4) the development of biosemiotics, notably together with colleagues from Copenhagen; (5) teaching semiotics as a major in bachelor, master, and doctoral programs in the University of Tartu, since 1994; (6) a plurality of institutions — in addition to the Department of Semiotics in the University of Tartu, several supporting semiotic institutions have been established since 1990s; and (7) a wide scope of research in various branches of semiotics, including theoretical studies, empirical studies, and applied semiotics projects on governmental and other request.
36. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Kalevi Kull, Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman Семиотика в Эстонии. Резюме
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37. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Kalevi Kull, Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman Semiootika institutsioon Eestis. Kokkuvõte
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38. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Kalevi Kull Juri Lotman in English: Bibliography
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The bibliography provides a list of all known English-language publications by Juri M. Lotman (including in co-authorship and reprints), in chronologicalorder, described de visu. The first English translation of J. Lotman’s work appeared in 1973, altogether there is 109 entries in the list. The bibliography demonstrates that in the 1970s and 1980s, most of the translations were published in the context of slavistics, whereas after 2000 Lotman’s work starts to appear in the anthologies of general semiotics.
39. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Kalevi Kull Юрий Лотман на английском: библиография. Резюме
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40. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2/4
Kalevi Kull Juri Lotman inglise keeles: bibliograafia. Kokkuvõte
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