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21. Augustinianum: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Rocco Ronzani La consacrazione di Novaziano in una notizia di Eulogio di Alessandria trasmessa da Fozio (Phot., codd. 182, 280)
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After a short presentation on the figure and work of Novatian to give context to the evidence, this article examines the sources on the episcopal consecration of Novatian as a rival to Cornelius, the bishop of Rome. We learn of this from Photius’ Bibliothecae codices 182 and 280, which preserves fragments of the lost works against the Novatians of Eulogius, Chalcedonian patriarch of Alexandria, which draw in turn on the lost Acta Nouatiani. This study proposes to identify Tibur (Tivoli) as the episcopal see of one of the three prelates who consecrated Novatian, thus allowing us to include in the episcopal succession of that Church two more names (one certain, the other fictitious, perhaps referring to one of Novatian’s entourage) for the middle of the third century. This is unique for an Italian see outside the city of Rome.
22. Augustinianum: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe Caruso Ripensare la santita in Sicilia. Raccolta di studi, edd. V. Lombino - M. Re
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23. Augustinianum: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Paul Mattei Vittorino Grossi, Agustin de Hipona. Vida, escritos, legado historico
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24. Augustinianum: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Fabio Ruggiero Giovanni Marcotullio, Le migrazioni dei popoli all’inizio del V secolo. Teologie politiche in Agostino, Orosio e Salviano
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25. Augustinianum: Volume > 63 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe De Spirito Chiara Paniccia, I cantieri della Bibbia. Pittura e miniatura: Il dialogo tra libro e parete in Italia centro-meridionale (secoli XI-XIII)
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26. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Gianmarco Cerreti Osservazioni sulle fonti sui Συλλογισμοί del marcionita Apelle
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The paper offers a preliminary treatment of the problems of profiling Apelles as a Marcionite of the late second century. It takes into consideration the available sources on one of the two works of Apelles, the context of which content can be partially reconstructed, namely the Συλλογισμοί. The tradition concerning this work is traced back to three different lines, the first going back to Rhodon’s treatise against the Marcionites, the second to Theophilus of Antioch’s work against Marcion and the third one to Origen’s Commentary on Genesis. Only Origen seems to have quoted the Συλλογισμοί explicitly and all the fragments we possess are transmitted by him, directly or via Ambrose’s treatise On Paradise.
27. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Jeronimo Leal La prosa métrica en Tertuliano (con un estudio estilístico del De testimonio animae)
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This paper is about the integration between metrical clausulae and rhetorical structure. First, there is a comparison of Waszink’s results using the Zielinski method with Laurand’s system, and my findings on the same group of clausulae. Secondly, we analyze the concluding words of every book of Tertullian, to identify the more frequent clausulae, and the initial words, in which we can find often a cretic. Thirdly, we analyze the metrical prose of Tertullian’s De testimonio animae, to establish a rhetorical scheme for the very first time.
28. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Vincenzo Ceci I nomi del Padre nei Dialoghi di Cassiciacum
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This article begins by surveying the names of the Father and their occurrences in the Cassiciacum Dialogues, then moves from language to ideas. It explores the meaning, sources and content of notions associated with each named Father. It concludes with a philosophical synthesis focused on the theoretical features of the figure of “the Father”, which conforms with Christian faith as interpreted through careful use of neoplatonic thought.
29. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Rashad Rehman A Thomistic Reading of Alypius’ Curiositas in Augustine’s Confessiones (6, 8, 13)
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What is Augustine’s commentary on Alypius’ curiosity (curiositas) at the gladiatorial show in Confessiones 6, 8, 13 fundamentally about? Augustinian scholars have interpreted the story widely. Following recent scholarly developments, this work argues for a distinctively Thomistic reading of Alypius’ curiositas. In 1987, Joseph Torchia interpreted this passage as putting only a secondary focus on the story’s emphasis on, in his words, «conflict with God, its inner self, and others». However, this triadic conflict is found in Aquinas: in his Commentary on the Gospel of John (14, 7), Aquinas argues that a conflict with God, self and others is what it means to lack peace (pax). Confessions 6, 8, 13 is read here through a Thomistic lens: the presentation of Alypius’ curiositas is fundamentally a statement about Alypius’ lack of peace.
30. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Mattia Antonio Agostinone Un paradosso agostiniano nella concezione del Dio-amore? Il rifiuto della similitudine familiare in De Trinitate XII
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In De Trinitate XII Augustine refuses the idea that a family could be the image of God. This is curious, because the theologian that in De Trinitate elaborates a “communitarian model” of the Trinity – the Lover, the Beloved and the Love – at the same time does not see the image of God in the first natural community, the family. The purpose of this paper is to show the deeper reasons for this refutation. After the exposition of Augustine’s argument, the paper identifies Augustine’s polemical reference to a part of the Eastern Tradition, which used the example of the first family (Adam, Eve and Abel/Seth) in order to express the mystery of the Trinity. It examines also how the example of the first family was used by Gregory of Nazianzus in his fifth theological discourse (which some scholars identify as the possible source of the idea of the family as the image of God for Augustine) in a trinitarian way. This study then considers two aspects of Augustine’s argument: that his refutation is not justified by the association of the Holy Spirit with the mother and the bride; that the real reason for it is exegetical, and dependent upon Augustine’s reading of Gn. 1:26. Finally the paper shows that the view of gender differences as merely corporeal is what prevents the Doctor of Grace from reading Gn. 1:27 in a relational-dialogical way to express the intimate communion of the Trinity.
31. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Antonino Isola Forme di bullismo in ambiente monastico del IV secolo secondo l’Historia Lausiaca di Palladio
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This article uses the Historia Lausiaca of Palladius (cc. 33-34) to identify in a monastic and ecclesiastical community some verbal, psychological and physical violence that reflects what today would be framed as bullying.
32. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Giuseppe De Spirito Sei scritti in cerca di autore: il Corpus Caspari
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The main aim of this study is to provide some new considerations to support the contested thesis that the Corpus Caspari has to be understood as a unified set of texts drawn up by a single author. Both theological and biographical considerations allow the safe identification of the composer of this ensemble with the future Sixtus III (432-440). Moreover, all the projects that the pontiff carried out, from Santa Maria Maggiore to the monastery he founded in the vicinity of the catacombs, testify to the same opinions on asceticism, virginity and material goods as are expressed in the six letters. Even the signature of some of those letters-treaties should be evaluated as authentic, and it can be connected only to Sixtus III.
33. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Carlo dell’Osso La carità del papa. Gregorio Magno tra storia e agiografia
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This article discusses the charity towards the poor that characterized the so-called cura animarum of Pope Gregory the Great. It draws its information first from the Registrum Epistularum and then from the Vita Gregorii Magni of John the Deacon. From the Registrum the author gathers information on the honesty and competence of the administrators of the ecclesiastical patrimony, and on the use of goodness and rigour in the exercise of power. From the Vita, the author highlights some hagiographic aspects related to donations to the poor. This article presents the theme of Pope Gregory’s charity by drawing on both historical and hagiographic sources, highlighting how certain events and aspects of his life flourished in later hagiographical legend.
34. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Rossella Valastro L’or. 44 Εἰς τὴν καινὴν Κυριακήν di Gregorio di Nazianzo
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This article includes details about Oration 44 of Gregory of Nazianzus, taken from ‘Gregorio di Nazianzo, orazione 44’ a book by Rossella Valastro, published in 2018. This oration was proclaimed during the first Sunday after Easter in 383, in conjunction with the inauguration of the church of St. Mamas of Caesarea. Gregory of Nazianzus, however, reports only a little information to his devotees about this little-known Cappadocian martyr. The oration highlights many themes, especially spiritual renewal that comes to humanity from Christ's death and resurrection. Through many biblical quotes, the bishop exhorts all humanity to a spiritual change, creating an oration with a complex and irregular structure that is probably derived from several orations that Gregory of Nazianzus proclaimed in different times and places and were brought together into a single text.
35. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Massimiliano Ghilardi Giovanni Battista de Rossi, archaeologiae christianae fundator, nel bicentenario della nascita
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Since the end of the 16th century, when the perfectly preserved remains of an ancient early Christian underground cemetery were discovered accidentally along the Via Salaria in Rome, Christian antiquities were studied mainly for apologetic propaganda purposes, i.e. to defend the primacy of the Church of Rome, which was faltering under the blows of the Protestant reformers. Everything changed, however, around the middle of the 19th century, thanks to Giovanni Battista de Rossi, a famous archaeologist whose 200th birthday falls this year. This essay sets in the context of his biography the main coordinates of his training, his numerous and fundamental discoveries and his main publications, which brought him recognition in international cultural circles of the time as the “founder of Christian archaeology”, a science that was finally recognised as such, and no longer seen as just a learned pastime for amateur antiquarians.
36. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Matteo Monfrinotti μαθηματικῶς ἀκουστέον (Clemente Stromateo, Quis dives salvetur? 18, 1)
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This paper focuses on the expression μαθηματικῶς ἀκουστέον (q.d.s. 18, 1) in light of which it is possible to confirm the close relationship that Clement establishes between the teaching of the Savior and the duty of those who, confronting the wisdom of divine teaching, cannot exempt themselves from a careful investigation of the Word and are required to conduct research with the utmost awareness of the message so that, given the “parabolic” character of the Scriptures, every notion is understood “with mathematical rigor” without altering divine teaching in the least.
37. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Felipe Suarez Izquierdo Vittorino Grossi, Agustín de Hipona. Vida, escritos, legado histórico
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38. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Antonio Gaytán Fernando Zarazúa Trejo, Apocalipsis: Iluminación de la historia. Orientaciones para leer y comprender el libro del Apocalipsis
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39. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Massimiliano Ghilardi Ottavio Bucarelli, Hic requiescit papa. Le iscrizioni funerarie dei papi nella basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano (secoli VXII)
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40. Augustinianum: Volume > 62 > Issue: 2
Kolawole Chabi Augustine and Tradition. Influences, Contexts, Legacy. Essays in Honor of J. Patout Burns, edd. D.G. Hunter - J.P. Yates
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