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reading philosophy
41. Levinas Studies: Volume > 13
Adriaan T. Peperzak Toward the Infinite
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Levinas approaches the Infinite as beyond all possible ideas and totalities (especially the Hegelian ones).
reading literature
42. Levinas Studies: Volume > 13
Sarah Hammerschlag A World Without Contours: Levinas’s Critique of Literary Freedom
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This article argues that literature is the necessary foil to Emmanuel Levinas’s development of the category of religion, as the site of relation between the same and the other. The essay tracks Levinas’s dependence on literature to illustrate alterity, but also shows that literature functions as religion’s rival in Levinas’s thought. Playing the terms of religion, literature, and philosophy off one another, the article argues, Levinas was also making an interception into a larger post-World War II debate over which of philosophy’s competing discourses, literature or religion, would win the ascendant seat in the post-war context.
other essays
43. Levinas Studies: Volume > 13
Paul Davies Levinas’s Restlessness: “God and Philosophy” without Consolation
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The paper reflects on the experience of reading Levinas’s ‘God and Philosophy’ paying particular attention to the ways in which it would have us read the word ‘God.’ Levinas refuses to let the word become the property of even the most radical treatment of religious faith. The word, the biblical word, must never serve the self-consolation of philosophy. Many of Levinas’s readers regret this aspect of his writing, but the paper argues that ‘God and Philosophy’ offers an exemplary introduction to Levinas’s most developed style of writing and thinking, and it does so while bringing to mind the question of the relation between Levinas’s (and, by implication, the reader’s) philosophy and their religion. The second part of the essay considers possible contexts (religious, philosophical and cultural) in which this question and ‘God and Philosophy’ itself can perhaps best be understood.
44. Levinas Studies: Volume > 13
Mérédith Laferté-Coutu The Passage and Happening of Time in Levinas’s Otherwise than Being
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What can the passage of time mean for Levinas? Is there a passage of diachronic time? In its many iterations (passage, le se passer, se passe, and passe), passage—an expression that easily goes unnoticed, for it is ordinary, perhaps self-evident, yet almost pervasive in the French language—turns out to be at play throughout Levinas’s last major work. This paper traces the role of the notion in Otherwise than Being and shows its stakes for the remarkably numerous topics that it connects: Levinas’s critique of Husserlian temporality, the relation between the Infinite and the finite, as well as, most generally, justice and the ethical relation itself. Specifically, because the equivocal expression “se passer ” means both passing and happening, diachronic time not only passes but happens.
45. Levinas Studies: Volume > 13
Kaitlyn Newman “Feasting During a Plague”: Levinas and the Ethical Possibilities of Art
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In his early essay, “Reality and Its Shadow,” Levinas appears to take a strong position against art, and while the strength of his admonitions against aesthetics has been questioned, the fact remains that Levinas refers to art (post-Holocaust) as an act that is like “feasting during a plague.” Art becomes offensive. However, is it possible that we could imagine the artwork as a site where the encounter with the Other becomes possible? That is, when we encounter certain artworks, do we not also encounter the radical alterity of one whose experiences and very existence cannot possibly be assimilated to the Same, or to our own experiences? In this paper, I argue that art marks a site where the encounter with the Other is made possible by examining the post-genocide and post-war photographs of Simon Norfolk. I maintain that art thus contains ethical possibilities that actually align with Levinasian ethics, rather than run counter to it, as Levinas seemed to believe. This art cannot be understood through the lens of enjoyment—as “feasting during a plague”—but rather must be understood as an experience which throws us outside of ourselves and our interiority and, in so doing, forces us to confront an alterity and a horror that awakens responsibility and awareness of the Other.
46. Levinas Studies: Volume > 13
About the Contributors
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47. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Robert Bernasconi, Peter Giannopoulos Editors' Introduction
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48. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
François-David Sebbah, Mérédith Laferté-Coutu The Ethics of the Survivor: Levinas, A Philosophy of the Debacle
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49. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Lisa Guenther Dwelling in Carceral Space
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What is the relationship between prisons designed to lock people in and suburban fortresses designed to lock people out? Building on Jonathan Simon’s account of “homeowner citizenship,” I argue that the gated community is the structural counterpart to the prison in a neoliberal carceral state. Levinas’s account of the ambiguity of dwelling—as shelter for our constitutive relationality, as a site of mastery or possessive isolation, and as the opening of hospitality—helps to articulate what is at stake in homeowner citizenship, beyond the spectre of stranger danger: namely, my own capacity for murderous violence, and my investment in this violence through the occupation of territory and the accumulation of private property. Given the systemic nature of such investments, the meaning of hospitality in the carceral state is best expressed in abolitionist social movements like the Movement for Black Lives, which holds space for a radical restructuring of the world.
50. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Bettina Bergo “And God Created Woman”: Questions of Justice and Ontology
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This article reads Levinas’s “And God Created Woman” in light of its socio-political context, Mai soixante-huit. It explores themes from his “Judaism and Revolution,” in which he reframed concepts of revolution, exegesis, the revolutionary, and human alienation. Following these themes, which run subtly through his Talmudic remarks on women and indirectly on feminism, I examine his arguments about a “signification beyond universality” and the fraught relationship between formal equity in gender relations and the practice of justice, as embodied by the Antigone-like Rizpah bath Aiah and analyzed in Levinas’s Talmudic reading “Toward the Other.” I summarize the Rabbinic debate about the meaning of an extra yod in the term often translated as “to create” in Genesis, turning to the significance of dissymmetry between the Hebrew names of “man” and “woman,” Ish and Isha. In light of this, Biblicist and psychoanalyst Daniel Sibony opens further insights into gender, naming, and identity.
51. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Aminah Hasan-Birdwell Interrogating the Doctrine of the Univocity of Being: A Levinasian Critique of Immanent Causality (Contra Deleuze?)
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This paper attends to Emmanuel Levinas’s criticism of the univocity doctrine as it pertains to Baruch Spinoza and in view of Gilles Deleuze’s interpretation. The analysis will have a narrow focus on univocity because it will exclusively treat the univocity of cause in Spinoza and its ethical and political implications. Narrowing the approach will illustrate the importance of the doctrine in Levinas’s minor engagements with the modern philosopher and its convergence with Deleuze’s project in Difference and Repetition and Expressionism in Philosophy: namely, the univocal relation between Substance and the modes. Although both Levinas and Deleuze will converge on basic observations about the univocity of cause, they will depart at significant moments on the implications of the doctrine itself. The analysis will acknowledge Deleuze’s reflections on the Ethics, but it will focus on Levinas’s critique and indictment of Spinoza’s thought—that it eliminates singularity and that it is in itself a justification of perpetual war.
52. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Joel Michael Reynolds Killing in the Name of Care
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On 26 July 2016, Satoshi Uematsu murdered 19 and injured 26 at a caregiving facility in Sagamihara, Japan, making it the country’s worst mass killing since WWII. In this article, I offer an analysis of the Sagamihara 19 massacre. I draw on the work of Julia Kristeva and Emmanuel Levinas to argue that claims about disability experience are insufficient to justify normative projects. In short, disability is normatively ambiguous.
53. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Timothy Stock A Broken Fast: “The Bread from My Mouth” as Ethical Transcendence and Ontological Drama
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“The gift of bread from my mouth” serves as a byword for “Levinasian ethics,” the precise meaning of which is often taken for granted. It is not at all clear that a prescriptive ethics could ever be derived from these passages; it is also a hyperbole for responsibility. Discussion of this figure almost universally ignores the parallel, and explicitly ethical, discussion of Isaiah 58, where the breaking of bread represents the perplexity of hunger, the rejection of oppression, and the proximity of God. The breaking of bread is not a self-standing account of ethics but is paralleled by the ethics of the broken fast. The “gift of bread from my mouth” helps to explain the repeated references to fasting throughout Levinas’s authorship. The varying figures of the broken bread frame an ontological drama: sensibility, separation, proximity, and diachrony—and presses the sense that possession and the ego are ethically futile, as the alterity of hunger is proximal or “at the core” of the subject.
book reviews
54. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen Cynthia D. Coe. Levinas and the Trauma of Responsibility: The Ethical Significance of Time
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55. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
Zachary Tavlin Moshe Gold and Sandor Goodhart, eds., with Kent Lehnhof. Of Levinas and Shakespeare: “To See Another Thus.”
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56. Levinas Studies: Volume > 12
About the Contributors
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57. Levinas Studies: Volume > 11
Richard A. Cohen, Jolanta Saldukaitytė Editor’s Introduction
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58. Levinas Studies: Volume > 11
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59. Levinas Studies: Volume > 11
Irina Poleshchuk Transcendence and Sensibility: Affection, Sensation, and Nonintentional Consciousness
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60. Levinas Studies: Volume > 11
Brigitta Keintzel “Like a Virgin”: Levinas’s Anti-Platonic Understanding of Love and Desire
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