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41. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Helena Zbudilová Spásná trýzeň: Miguel de Unamuno a nesmrtelnost
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The study deals with the conception of personal immortality in Miguel de Unamuno’s works. The starting point of his reflections is a particular person of “flesh and blood“ and his authentic existence. Unamuno’s “hunger of immortality“ is inspired by man’s confrontation with the phenomenon of death. For Unamuno existential phenomena of suffering and anxiety seem to be the keyword to the authentic existence and God then becomes a guarantor of individual immortality. The study concentrates on Unamuno’s conception of God in the spirit of panentheism and Spanish Krausism. It observes Unamuno’s philosophical sources of information when discussing the question of immortality from Pythagoras to Platon while opposing the views of impersonal immortality (e.g. B. Spinoza). His theological argumentation is based mainly on S. Kierkegaard, St. Paul and Spanish mystics. His philosophical ideas are extracted especially from his works The Tragic Sense of Life, The Agony of Christianity and The Intimate Diary. His novella Saint Emmanuel The Good, Martyr serves as a fictional illustration of his ideas. The study concludes with the evaluation of Unamuno as an author writing “philosophizing literature“ and as a predecessor of existentialist literature, who was orientated towards Christian personalism.
42. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Lenka Hořínková Kouřilová Pelikánova reflexe Hoppeova díla
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This article presents how Pelikan reflected Hoppe’s work in Ruch filosofický. Pelikan dealt with Hoppe’s philosophical development and simultaneously noticed philosophers that were inspiring for Hoppe’s philosophy. Pelikan appraised the significance of Hoppe’s work in Czech philosophical thinking of the first half of the twentieth century and his acccent of spiritual life. Pelikan agreed with Hoppe’s extension of the doctrine of intuition although his conception of intuition was different from Hoppe.
43. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Jan Zouhar Existencialismus a české myšlení 1945–1948
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After 1945, Czech philosophy and culture were first introduced to existentialism. First it was the original works of French existentialists (Sartre, Camus, Marcel), later by means of the journal Letters (1947) and Václav Černý (The first book on existentialism, 1948). The acceptance of existentialism in Czech context was not univocal. Besides factual analyses (J. Patočka, V. Navrátil, V. T. Miškovská), existentialism met with criticism and rejection mainly from Marxists and Catholic scholars for its rational weakness, pessimism, helplessness and intellectual decline.
44. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Jesús Padilla Gálvez Euklidovský prostor a zorný prostor jako estetický problém
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The aim of this article is to reconstruct the contributions that Wittgenstein made to the field of aesthetics. The focus of interest lies on the theory of sensory perception. This theory is characterized as a program of “minimal visibilia” and will be analyzed by employing the phenomenological method. Three problems are addressed in the context of the visual space, such as blurredness, indistinctness and sensory impressions. A distinction between the visual space and the Euclidean space can only be made by comparing their respective typical structures. We will particularly analyze the relation that exists between the perceiving human being on the one hand and the visual space on the other hand. In order to get a deeper insight into this problem the visual space shall be compared to a two-dimensional picture. Moreover the role and function of the colours have to be clarified to establish a “minimum visibilia”.
45. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Vladan Hrdlička F. A. Hayek a náboženství. Liberalismus na hranici mezi vědou a vírou
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The essay deals with the religious and moral elements in philosophy of F. A. Hayek, as well as his personal attitude to religion. The topics are discussed on the background of liberal ideology, the relationship of cognitive sciences to the determination of human action and approximation of critical rationality to dogmatic authoritarianism in its enforcement. Attention is also paid to the scientific concept of Hayek’s defense of liberal ideology.
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46. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Miloš Dokulil Sémantika a překlad (nejen Lockova „understanding“)
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Terms do not always cover the same meaning all the time. While translating into another language we have to take care of possible shifts in meaning in each of both languages. Some examples have been shown here from the new translation of Locke‘s Essay into Czech.
recenze • book reviews
47. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Miloš Dokulil Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Univerzitní přednášky I. Praktická filozofie, Spisy TGM 4, eds. J. Ga­briel – M. Jelínek – H. Pavlincová – J. Zouhar
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48. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Ivana Holzbachová Jean-Paul Cointet, Hippolyte Taine: Un regard sur la France
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49. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Ivana Holzbachová Maria Ossowska, Měšťanská morálka
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50. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Ivana Holzbachová Hayden White, Metahistorie: Historická imaginace v Evropě devatenáctého století
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51. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Jan Zouhar Marcel Martinkovič (ed.), Idey a vývoj slovenského národotvorného myslenia
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52. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Marek Hrubec Petr Bláha, Zotročení svobodou: filosofický pokus o genealogii moderního otroctví
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53. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Břetislav Horyna Joseph Heath – Andrew Potter, Kup si svou revoltu! O mýtu kontrakultury aneb proč revolta proti konzumnímu kapitalismu není pro systém hrozbou, ale naopak hnací silou
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54. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Jiří Gabriel Karel Floss, Hledání duše zítřka
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55. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Josef Petrželka, Jan Váně Josef Petrželka
Filosofie a divadlo
Filosofie a divadlo

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56. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Jan Váně, Josef Petrželka Jan Váně
Abélard a Heloisa
Abelard and Heloise

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57. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Jan Váně, Josef Petrželka Jan Váně
Jan Hus a Stanislav ze Znoyma
John Huss and Stanislav of Znoymo

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58. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Josef Petrželka, Ondřej Sládek Josef Petrželka
Filosof(ie) a žena
Philosophy(-pher) and the woman

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59. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Josef Petrželka, Rudolf Šnajder, Jana Gajdošová Josef Petrželka
Tenkrát ve filosofii
Once Upon a Time in Philosophy

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60. Studia Philosophica: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Ištván Tračník Ištván Tračník
BRAIN MAN aneb Ať žije evoluce!
Brain Man or Long Live Evolution!

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