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Displaying: 681-700 of 813 documents

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681. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 1
Anthony Natoli Plato and Inherited Punishment: An Interpretation of Republic 612e8-613b3
682. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 1
Brian Marrin Ariston of Chios and the Sage as Actor: On the Stoic Concept of Persona
683. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Anna B. Christensen As the God Leads: The Ethics of Platonic Suicide
684. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Emily A. Austin Socrates on Why We Should Not Practice Philosophy
685. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Antonio Pedro Mesquita People in a Siege: On the Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in Cyrenaic Philosophy
686. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Cristina Ionescu Images and Paradigms in Plato’s Sophist and Statesman
687. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Brian Julian Aristotle’s Considered Definition of Soul
688. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
John Proios The Cause of Cosmic Rotation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics xii 6-7
689. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
George Duke Law as Rational Constraint: Nicomachean Ethics x 9
690. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Georgia Mouroutsou The Plasticity of the Present Moment in Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations
691. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
David Machek Two Stoic Accounts of Conflict between Reason and Passion
692. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Diego E. Machuca Sextus on Ataraxia Revisited
693. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Luca Gili Categories in Alexander of Aphrodisias
694. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Richard Neels Heraclitus on the Nature of Goodness
695. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Olof Pettersson Power and Person in Plato’s Alcibiades I
696. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Travis Mulroy Censuring Oneself: On Socrates’ Rhetorical Device in Plato’s Hippias Major
697. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Jeremy Bell Parrhēsia and Statesmanship in Plato’s Gorgias
698. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Thomas M. Tuozzo Saving Diotima’s Account of Erotic Love in Plato’s Symposium
699. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Thomas Marré Telos and Apeiron in Aristotle’s Science of Nature
700. Ancient Philosophy: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Duane Long Jr. On the Necessity of Deliberation in Aristotle