Displaying: 1-20 of 170 documents

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1. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Panayiota Vassilopoulou Teaching Philosophy through Metaphor
2. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Maughn Gregory, Megan Laverty Philosophy and Education for Wisdom
3. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
4. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
5. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Phil Hutchinson, Michael Loughlin Why Teach Philosophy?
6. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Gillian Howie Teaching Philosophy in Context: Or Knowledge Does Not Keep Any Better Than Fish
7. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Maya Levanon Pedagogy of Recovery
8. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Michael McGhee Wisdom and Virtue: Or What Do Philosophers Teach?
9. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Andrea Kenkmann Introduction
10. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Christina Rawls Student Interlude III
11. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
William Edelglass Philosophy and Place-Based Pedagogies
12. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
13. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Brendan Larvor Feeling the Force of Argument
14. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Mark Moreau, Aleksandar Božić, Sam Penman Student Interlude I
15. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Richard Shusterman Teaching Philosophy: A Somaesthetic Approach
16. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Matt Lavery, Rupert Read Philosophy is/as the Power of Words
17. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Select Bibliography
18. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Drew Leder Escaping the Cave: Experiential Learning in the Classroom, Community and Correctional Institutions
19. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Corinna Casi, Joe Kim, Phillip Brightmore, Christopher Fischer Student Interlude II
20. Teaching Philosophy: Year > 2009
Finn Thorbjørn Hansen Philosophical Praxis as a Community of Wonder in Education and Professional Guidance