Displaying: 541-560 of 563 documents

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541. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 87 > Issue: 4
Mariusz Tabaczek, O.P. Aristotle's Concept of Chance: Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism. By John Dudley
542. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 87 > Issue: 4
Jason T. Eberl Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? Edited by Georg Gasser
543. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 3
John Macias Love And Politics: Persistent Human Desires as a Foundation for Liberation
544. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 3
Allison Krile Thornton Atonement and the Death of Christ: An Exegetical, Historical, and Philosophical Exploration
545. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 3
Charles Duke Believing Philosophy: A Guide to Becoming a Christian Philosopher
546. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 4
Gary Michael Atkinson The Abuse Of Conscience: A Century Of Catholic Moral Theology
547. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 4
Turner C. Nevitt Thomas Aquinas On The Immateriality Of The Human Intellect
548. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 4
Caleb Estep After Certainty: A History Of Our Epistemic Ideals And Illusions
549. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 4
Mirela Oliva Ethics
550. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 96 > Issue: 4
Patrick Toner Eternal Life and Human Happiness in Heaven: Philosophical Problems, Thomistic Solutions
551. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 1
Gaven Kerr Is There a God? A Debate. By Graham Oppy and Kenneth L. Pearce
552. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 1
Caleb Estep Platonism and the Objects of Science. By Scott Berman
553. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 1
Daniel John Sportiello The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity. By Toby Ord
554. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 3
Heidi M. Giebel The Way of Medicine: Ethics and the Healing Profession
555. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 3
Thomas M. Osborne, Jr. Conscience: Four Thomistic Treatments
556. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 3
Anthony J. Scordino By Way of Obstacles: A Pathway Through a Work
557. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 3
John F. Crosby The Two Greatest Ideas: How Our Grasp of the Universe and of Our Minds Changed Everything
558. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 97 > Issue: 3
John J. Conley What Happened to Civility: The Promise and Failure of Montaigne's Modern Project
559. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Daniel P. Moloney Reason, Revelation & Metaphysics: The Transcendental Analogies by Montague Brown
560. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 98 > Issue: 1
Mark K. Spencer An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius by St. Thomas Aquinas