Displaying: 701-720 of 4364 documents

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701. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
María Amparo Mateo Donet La estrella de Belén, presagio y símbolo de la realeza de Cristo
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This paper focuses on analyzing the meaning of the appearance of the star at the birth of Christ from the ideological point of view of the ancient citizen. Romans understood this phenomenon as an omen of royalty or future power for the newborn; the Fathers of the Church interpreted it in different ways and attempted to explain it both to Christians as well as to Jews and Pagans.
702. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Diego Elias Arfuch Una nota sulle donne “diacono” nell’agiografia cipriota dal secolo V al VII
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Cypriot hagiography attests the presence of women deacons during the 5th and 7th centuries. This paper presents the ordination (ceirotoniva) of these women, and tries to clarify the role of ministry played out in different places on the island (Tamassos, Salamis-Constantia, Soloi), according to three hagiographic testimonies: Acts of Heraclides, Vita Epiphanii, Vita Auxibii.
703. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna Sul viaggio dell’anima dopo la morte: Qualche annotazione ad uno studio di Peter Brown
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This paper analyzes a book on the afterlife, The Ransom of the Soul: Afterlife and Wealth in Early Western Christianity, by the well known scholar Peter Brown, published in English in 2015 and translated into Italian in 2016. The Author proceeds by examining thoroughly Brown’s insights and conclusions.
704. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Manlio Simonetti Enrico dal Covolo - Emmanuele Vimercati, Filosofia e teologia tra il IV e il V secolo. Contesto, figure e momenti di una sintesi epocale
705. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Nello Cipriani Michel Corbin, La doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité
706. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Bengt Alexanderson Alan Mugridge, Copying Early Christian Texts. A Study of Scribal Practice
707. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
José Luis Narvaja Andrea Cavallini, La penna del pavone. Bibbia ed esegesi in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena
708. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna Peter Brown, Treasure in Heaven: the Holy Poor in Early Christianity
709. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Giulio Maspero Chiara Curzel, Studi sul linguaggio in Gregorio di Nissa
710. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Bengt Alexanderson Punto di forza dell’edizione di Serge Lancel
711. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Davide Fiocco La Conferenza di Cartagine 411, a cura di Alessandro Rossi
712. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna Outi Lehtipuu, Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing Early Christian Identity
713. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Donato Bono Amicorum Societas. Mélanges offerts à François Dolbeau pour son 65e anniversaire, études réunies par Jacques Elfassi, Cécile Lanéry et Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk
714. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Raffaele Coppi Maxime le Confesseur, Questions à Thalassios, Tome III (Questions 56 à 65) traduction par Françoise Vinel, notes par Jean-Claude Larchet
715. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Accepta Opera
716. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Index Voluminis LVI
717. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
A. Romeo Mussner, F., Was lehrt Jesus über das Ende der Welt? Eine Auslegung von Markus 13
718. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
J. Hartmann Schnackenburg, R., The Moral Teaching of the New Testament
719. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Ferdinand Leopold Miksch Johann Gregor Mendel, O. S. A. 1822 -1884
720. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
A. Farinaro Abbagnano, N., La Filosofia Antica: antologia di testi - Abbagnano, N., La Filosofia Medioevale, antologia di testi