Displaying: 461-480 of 563 documents

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461. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 95 > Issue: 1
James M. Jacobs From Human Dignity to Natural Law: An Introduction. By Richard Berquist. Foreword by Steven J. Jensen
462. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 95 > Issue: 1
Philip Rolnick John Henry Newman on Truth and its Counterfeits: A Guide For Our Times. By Reinhard Hütter
463. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 95 > Issue: 1
Daniel Shields Intention, Character, and Double Effect. By Lawrence Masek
464. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 77 > Issue: 4
Kevin Hart Genealogy of Nihilism: Philosophies of Nothing and the Difference of Theology
465. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 77 > Issue: 4
Raymond Dennehy Faith and the Life of the Intellect
466. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 77 > Issue: 4
Michael Ewbank Being and Some Twentieth-Century Thomists
467. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 77 > Issue: 4
James Daly Marx
468. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 77 > Issue: 4
Bruce Ballard Alasdair MacIntyre
469. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 78 > Issue: 4
Constant J. Mews The Cambridge Companion to Abelard
470. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 78 > Issue: 4
Jeffrey Koperski The Design Revolution: Answering the Tough Questions About Intelligent Design
471. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 78 > Issue: 4
Gordon Rixon Transcendent Experience: Phenomenology and Critique
472. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 78 > Issue: 4
Joshua Parens Spinoza’s Book of Life: Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics
473. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 78 > Issue: 4
Gerard Casey Les Anges et la Philosophie: Subjectivité et Fonction des Substances Séparée à la Fin du XIIIe Siècle
474. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 80 > Issue: 4
Janet E. Smith The Pinckaers Reader: Renewing Thomistic Moral Theology
475. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 80 > Issue: 4
Cynthia R. Nielsen Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism?
476. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 80 > Issue: 4
Vincent Colapietro The Grace and the Severity of the Ideal: John Dewey and the Transcendent
477. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 80 > Issue: 4
Michael Ewbank Théologie négative et noms divins chez saint Thomas d’Aquin
478. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 80 > Issue: 4
Julia Schneider The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and the Debate Concerning the Supernatural
479. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 80 > Issue: 4
Salman Bashier An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions: Introducing Alfarabi
480. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: Volume > 81 > Issue: 4
William A. Frank From the Nature of Mind to Personal Dignity: The Significance of Rosmini’s Philosophy