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Displaying: 501-520 of 1386 documents

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501. Renascence: Volume > 31 > Issue: 4
Thomas F. Staley "The Holy Ghost in the Ink Bottle": Joyce's Mystery of Faith
502. Renascence: Volume > 31 > Issue: 4
Edward J. Cronin James Joyce's Trilogy and Epilogue: "The Sisters," "An Encounter," "Araby," and "The Dead"
503. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 1
Lewis A. Lawson The Gnostic Vision in Lancelot
504. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 1
Kathleen H. Dolan Materia in Potentia: The Paradox of the Quintessence in Donne's "A Nocturnall Upon S. Lucies Day"
505. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 1
Renata R. Mautner Wasserman Backwards to Nineveh
506. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 1
Alfred Cismaru lonesco's Fall from Innocence
507. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 1
Francis Fike Correspondent Breeze: The Course of a Romantic Metaphor
508. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 1
Darrel Abel Robert Frost's "Flirting with the Entelechies"
509. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 2
Elaine B. Safer The Allusive Mode and Black Humor in Barth's Giles Goat-Boy and Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow
510. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 2
Carola Kaplan Graham Greene's Pinkie Brown and Flannery O'Connor's Misfit: The Psychopathic Killer and the Mystery of God's Grace
511. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 2
Stanley J. Kozikowski The Allegory of Love and Fortune: The Lottery in The Merchant of Venice
512. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 2
R. Barton Palmer The Novel of Revolt: Humanism and Style in The Plague
513. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 2
Charles F. Duffy From Espionage to Eschatology: Anthony Burgess's Tremor of Intent
514. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 3
Barrett J. Mandel Truth and Reality in the Life of St. Teresa
515. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 3
Mary Castiglie Anderson Staging the Unconscious: Edward Albee's Tiny Alice
516. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 3
Patricia Chaffee The Whale and the Rocket: Technology as Sacred Symbol
517. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 3
Bert Bender The Allegory of the Whale's Head
518. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 3
Sara Moore Putzell George Eliot's Location of Value in History
519. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 4
Frances M. Malpezzi Christian Poetics in Donne's "Upon the Translation of the Psalmes"
520. Renascence: Volume > 32 > Issue: 4
Eileen Jorge Allman Epithalamion's Bridegroom: Orpheus-Adam-Christ