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Displaying: 601-620 of 703 documents

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601. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Guillermo J. Cano Gómez Hilario de Poitiers, In In Matth. 7, 3-5 y la angelología
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Saint Hilary of Poitiers in his Commentary on Matthew explains the famous scene of the centurion and his servant (Mt. 8, 5-13). According to Hilary, the centurion represents the “prince of the nations,” but he does not explain who this “prince” is because he wants to speak about the servant. However, he gives two references in the Bible for those who want to know who this prince is. The hypothesis defended in this article maintains that the prince is an angel who looks after the Gentile nations. This hypothesis is grounded in research on Hilary’s biblical references and in the comparison with other texts in which he expounds his doctrine about this type of angel.
602. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero Venanzio Fortunato, Vita dei santi Paterno e Marcello, introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Paola Santorelli, Paolo Loffredo
603. Augustinianum: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Andrés Sáez Gutiérrez, Juan José Ayán Calvo Acerca del término ὑπόϑεσις en el Adversus haereses de Ireneo de Lyon
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The focus is on the meaning of ὑπόϑεσις in Irenaeus of Lyons’ Adversus haereses. Our case is to argue that two different elements converge in ὑπόϑεσις or its translations (especially argumentum) in the Latin version of AH. The first stems from the Greek literary field, in which ὑπόϑεσις means the “subject” or “plot” of a dramatic or poetic composition. The second is related to the philosophical meaning of ὑπόϑεσις as “that which is placed under” or “foundation”. On the one hand, Irenaeus uses ὑπόϑεσις theologically to express the plot of the historia salutis, so that the term can be understood as teaching or doctrine. On the other hand, this ὑπόϑεσις is at the same time a regula, the normative foundation of all the elements that take part in God’s economy of salvation.
604. Augustinianum: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Jerónimo Leal Mª Amparo Mateo Donet, La ejecución de los mártires cristianos en el imperio romano
605. Augustinianum: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
Jerónimo Leal Christophe Rico, Le traducteur de Bethléem: Le génie interprétatif de saint Jérôme à l’aune de la linguistique
606. Augustinianum: Volume > 58 > Issue: 1
José Luis Narvaja Agobard de Lyon, Œuvres Tome I, texte critique du CCCM 52 (ed. L. Van Acker), avant-propos Nicole Bériou, sous la direction de Michel Rubellin
607. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 1
Patricio de Navascués Nota a Ireneo, Adversus Haereses 1, 1, 1: Fuisse in immensis aeonibus
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At the beginning of Irenaeus of Lyons’ Adversus Haereses, the doctrine of the Valentinian Ptolemy is presented using terms from the semantic field of time and eternity, which were undergoing a semantic evolution in contemporary Middle Platonic philosophy. These allow us to identify three phases, from a chronological point of view, at the beginning of the Valentinian myth: strict, supra-durational, eternity – eternity of indefinite duration – moment ante tempus.
608. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero Escritos medievales en honor del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla, introducción, traducción, índices y notas por José Carlos Martín-Iglesias
609. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 1
José Raúl Mena Seifert José Alberto Hernández Ibáñez, Patrología didáctica
610. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 1
José Luis Narvaja St. Gregory of Nyssa, Anti-Apollinarian Writings, translated, with an introduction, commentary and notes by Robin Orton
611. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 2
Raquel Oliva Martínez Epifanio de Salamina en Barb. gr. 441
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Barb. gr. 441 is a miscellaneous manuscript that contains fragments of different Fathers of the Church (Basil of Caesarea, John Chrysostom, Sophronius of Jerusalem and Epiphanius of Salamis). The scope of these adnotationes is to delimit the folios belonging to each author and offer a more detailed information on Epiphanius’ passages.
612. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 2
Gonzalo Antonio Rebolledo Parada Pierluigi Cacciapuoti, La natura del peccato originale. Tra Paolo di Tarso e Agostino d’Ippona, Àncora Editrice, Milano 2017
613. Augustinianum: Volume > 59 > Issue: 2
José Luis Narvaja Johannes Arnold, Der Wahre Logos des Kelsos. Eine Strukturanalyse, Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2016 (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband 39)
614. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Antonio Bueno Ávila A vueltas con el Primer Testimonio (Io. 1,15-18) de Juan el Bautista y su identidad en el Commentarius in Iohannem de Orígenes de Alejandría
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This article analyses an old issue regarding the identity of John the Baptist in the Commentary on the Gospel of John by Origen of Alexandria in response to the Gnostic Heracleon and some enigmatic anonymous adversaries. Taking as a starting point the two hypotheses existing nowadays about this topic, a new approach is proposed through which it is shown that both hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. The present work has been structured into two large sections. The context where this debate emerges is presented in the first part. This context refers to the continuity or discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments. The second part is focused on the identity of John the Baptist adopting the point view related to the impossibility of identifying the disciple with no specific character, also revealed in the first section.
615. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Guillermo J. Cano Gómez Centurio, tribunus, princeps en Hilario de Poitiers, in Matth. 7, 3-5: texto bíblico y exégesis a la luz de gnósticos y Orígenes
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In this paper we shall examine a few texts by authors who predate Hilary in order to investigate a possible exegetical tradition or interpretative current that could include several gnostic groups cited by Irenaeus of Lyons (II c.), to Origen (III c.) and saint Hilary of Poitiers (IV c.). However, one of the interpretations that Origen presents in his Commentary on saint John is the same interpretation that Hilary gives, but it is more developed. Certainly, Hilary and Origen comment two different Gospels, but both comment homologous scenes; Hilary comments Mt. 8:5-13 and Origen, Io. 4:46-54. In addition, we believe some testimonies in Hilary’s commentary can reveal the influence of Origen’s commentary on Hilary/s. One of these testimonies could be the explanation of the strange reading transmitted by Hilary who calls tribunus to the centurio of the Gospel.
616. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
José Luis Narvaja Recepción de Ireneo en el siglo XII: El Liber de sectis hereticorum de Balduino de Canterbury, testimonio de un manuscrito perdido del Adversus Haereses de Ireneo
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The study of the reception of Irenaeus of Lyons in the Liber de sectis hereticorum of Baldwin of Canterbury (+ 1191) illuminates three aspects of the author’s context: (1) the theological and ecclesial context (the problem of Catharism and of Nihilism); (2) the context of the libraries in which Baldwin could have read the Adversus Haereses; (3) the context of the manuscript tradition of the Adversus Haereses. Here a study of the titles of the chapters and of the textual variants allows us greater precision concerning the manuscripts which we know in a stemma codicum. Our conclusion is that the work of Baldwin is the only witness which we have to the manuscript of Canterbury which, in turn, is shown to have a closer kinship with the manuscripts of the family of manuscripts preserved in Lyons, especially with the Arundel manuscript.
617. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 1
Raquel Oliva Martínez Orientaciones para el estudio del contenido del Vat. gr. 1196
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Vat. gr. 1196 is a miscellaneous manuscript that contains canonical, synodal and heresiological texts from different authors. These adnotationes offer its own foliation and contents.
618. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 2
Joel Varela Rodríguez Isidoro de Sevilla ante Gregorio Magno: aspectos de la teología moral
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This article studies Isidore of Seville’s reception of the moral theology of Gregory the Great. Examples will be offered from the Expositio in Vetus Testamentum and the second book of the Differentiae; the moral project of the Sententiae will also be explored. The most significant conclusion is that Isidore refuses to reproduce the most relevant innovations of Gregory’s teaching on charity.
619. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 2
Antonio Gaytán «Una sola fe… diversas costumbres». Las Cartas de Gregorio Magno y la Evangelización de los anglos, introducción, traducción y notas de Giancarlo Bellina Shols
620. Augustinianum: Volume > 60 > Issue: 2
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII et IX, cura et studio Juan Gil