Displaying: 221-238 of 238 documents

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221. Augustinus: Volume > 32 > Issue: 125/128
Jean-Paul Dumont Les modèles de conversion à la philosophie chez Diogène Laërce
222. Augustinus: Volume > 32 > Issue: 125/128
Alain Michel La métanoia chez Philon d’Alexandrie: De Platón au Judéo-Christianisme en passant par Cicéron
223. Augustinus: Volume > 32 > Issue: 125/128
Jean-Claude Fredouille Conversion personnelle et discours apologétique, de saint Paul à saint Augustin
224. Augustinus: Volume > 32 > Issue: 125/128
Arlette Michel Aspects de la conversión dans la littérature du XIXe siècle français
225. Augustinus: Volume > 32 > Issue: 125/128
Aimé Becker Saint Augustin et Paul Claudel: La rencontre du Dieu vivant
226. Mayéutica: Volume > 45 > Issue: 99
Josiah Baker Amore amoris tui facio istuc: L’emploi par Augustin du témoinage dans les Confessions
227. Augustinianum: Volume > 58 > Issue: 2
Pierluigi Leone Gatti Le Faussaire et la Ville: la correspondance entre Sénèque et l’apôtre Paul mise à l’épreuve de l’archéologie
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In this article the author provides new external evidence demonstrating that the correspondence between the philosopher Seneca and the apostle Paul is a forgery. The author compares archaeological data offered by inscriptions, graffiti and regionarii with information conveyed by the apocryphal letters. The setting of the epistles, as well as information about the duration and damages of the Neronian fire, contrast with the archaeological data, indicating that the text should be considered a forgery. The contribution shows that the forger worked rather in a literary mode. Conversely, the only archaeological date (CIL XIV 566) that scholars have brought to support authenticity is probably not a Christian inscription and does not prove anything regarding a meeting between Seneca and Paul or Seneca’s conversion. The origin of the correspondence should instead be traced to the cult of the apostles Paul and Peter during the 3rd and 4th centuries.
228. Augustinianum: Volume > 58 > Issue: 2
Paul Mattei À propos des relations entre Ambroise et Gratien: Questions chronologiques et historiques que pose le De fide. Enjeux et portée du concile d’Aquilée
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The basic idea of the present work is this one: supposing the it is not naive nor anachronistic to read the situation psychologically, Ambrose never was a ‘mentor’ who used his friendship to dominate totally Gratian who would have been a weak character. The investigation considers almost the whole reign, in two parts: (1) De fide ad Gratianum libri V. (2) The Council of Aquileia. It aims to develop a more subtle understanding of: (1) the image of each of the two protagonists, as they mirror one another; (2) the history of their links, shaped of course by the existence of powerful cliques at court and by the strict rules governing the relations between a bishop and an emperor; (3) the notion, more broadly, of the progressive establishing of the Christian Empire. This, then, is a work of synthesis. Such an undertaking is timely, given the number, size and importance, of the studies on the subject.
229. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
M.-François Berrouard L'enseignement de saint Augustin sur le mariage dans le Tract. 9, 2 in loannis Evangelium
230. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Gerald Bonner Les origines africaines de la doctrine augustinienne sur la chute et le péché originel
231. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Charles Boyer L'eucharistie selon saint Augustin
232. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Wenzeslas Eborowicz Quelques remarques sur le "Contra Iulianum" de saint Augustin
233. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Adalbert Hamman Les repas religieux et l'agape chez saint Augustin
234. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Henri Holstein Le peuple de Dieu d'aprés la Cité de Dieu
235. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Anne Marie la Bonnardiére La Chananéenne. Préfiguration de l'Eglise des Gentils d'aprés saint Augustin
236. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Fr.-Joseph Thonnard Justice de Dieu et justice humaine selon saint Augustin
237. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
Luc M. J. Verheijen Le Père Ange Le Proust et la nature propre de la vie monastique augustinienne
238. Augustinus: Volume > 12 > Issue: 45/48
L. J. van der Lof La “correptio secreta" chez saint Augustin. Deux questions préliminaires