Displaying: 161-180 of 634 documents

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161. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Danielle Poe Asking to be Welcomed: Luce Irigaray and the Practice of Receiving Hospitalityn
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Recently, Irigaray scholars have paid attention to the notion of hospitality in Irigaray’s work. Judith Still, who has traced this idea through the work of Levinas and Derrida as well, emphasizes that while most scholars use a notion of identity and sameness to frame the conditions for hospitality, Irigaray grounds the conditions for hospitality in respect for sexuate difference. I agree with Still’s analysis of the importance of preserving space, difference, and autonomy in our notions of hospitality, but I want to develop these notions further by thinking through the implications of what I ought to do when I am seeking hospitality rather than offering hospitality. This work is both academic and practical. Academically, I want to contribute to scholarship on Irigaray’s concept of hospitality because she adds an emphasis on sexuate difference and possibilities for transformation that other philosophers fail to address. Yet, those who are writing about hospitality and Irigaray are not addressing the question of seeking welcome in contexts where my presence risks perpetuating oppression. Practically, I want to prepare myself for an upcoming research trip to Brazil where I will meet with people who are victims of human trafficking. The purpose of the trip is to learn from the people who are exploited what research and actions, U.S. students and faculty can offer in support of them since we are already in relationship with them. In this paper, I will use Luce Irigaray’s work on hospitality that emphasizes dialogue/silence as well as space and difference to think about how those of us who have unconsciously benefitted from human trafficking have an obligation to make ourselves worthy of hospitality instead of reproducing relationships of subordination.
162. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Luke Pigott The End of Prisons: Reflections from the Decarceration Movement. Edited by Mechthild E. Nagel and Anthony J. Nocella II
163. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Daniel Cosacchi Faith, Resistance, and the Future: Daniel Berrigan’s Challenge to Catholic Social Thought. Edited by James L. Marsh, and Anna J. Brown
164. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Notes on Contributors
165. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Peter O’Connell Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI. John C. Cavadini, ed.
166. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Justin Pierce Conflict Analysis: Understanding Causes, Unlocking Solution by Matthew Levinger
167. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Brion White Petra Kelly And Dorothy Day: Peace Activists Working Inside and Outside the Traditional Government Structure for Social Change
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This paper details how Petra Kelly and Dorothy Day looked at peace from inside and outside the government structure. The paper gives some background information about the two women and their lives. The paper then examines personalism, social movement theory and peace studies theory to establish a lens to look at the lives of each woman. The paper states how Kelly, while retaining her activist philosophy, worked within the government structure to establish new ways to involve peace in public policy. The paper also states how Day established an alternative community to fight for peace in an everyday existence devoid of government support. The paper finishes with some key ideas to develop further study about both Day, Kelly and peace activism.
168. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Erin Feldman Table Mountain
169. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Rebecca A. Chabot Ethics and Experience: Moral Theory from Just War to Abortion by Lloyd Steffen
170. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Roger Bergman Toward a Sociology of Conscience: The Example of Franz Jagerstatter and the Legacy of Gordon Zahn
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In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI beatified the Austrian peasant Franz Jägersttätter as a martyr for his refusal to serve in the Nazi military, over against the counsel of his wife, his pastor, and his bishop, which led to his court-martial and execution, in 1943. Recognition of Blessed Franz came to pass only because of the discovery of the Jägerstätter story by the American Catholic sociologist Gordon Zahn in the process of researching his classic account, German Catholics and Hitler’s Wars (1962). Jägersttätter was introduced to the world through Zahn’s second classic study, In Solitary Witness: The Life and Death of Franz Jägersttätter (1964, revised 1986). In these two books, Zahn has contributed substantially to a sociological understanding of conscience, which is otherwise lacking in many Catholic accounts of moral conscience. This essay will offer a narrative analysis of Jägerstätter’s life and writings and elaborate Zahn’s “sociotheology” of conscience.
171. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Andrew Blom Democracy, Peace and the War System: The Democratic Peace Project
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The idea that peace prevails in the relations among liberal democratic states, given its first expression in Kant’s essay “Toward Perpetual Peace,” has gathered a great deal of attention in the post-Cold War period as both a testable hypothesis and a proposal for expanding peace through democratization. This article examines the explanations for how a democratic peace is achieved and sustained. It argues that, despite tendencies within democratic state relations toward peaceful conflict resolution, such a peace is destabilized by continued adherence to a set of assumptions and practices which we might call, following Jane Addams and John Dewey, ‘the war system.’ In the context of the ideological and institutional supports of militarism, democratic states remain subject to the dynamics of conflict escalation that produce occasions for war. This war system is the undoing of the democratic peace.
172. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Abosede O. Babatunde Youth Militias and the Militarisaton of the Niger Delta: Interrogating Institutional Mechanisms
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The Nigeria’s Niger Delta region has been associated with oil-induced violence characterised by confrontations between the security forces and youth militias. It has been argued that the State’s approach to security is dominated by the character of deterrence at the slightest hint of insecurity. This has given rise to formation of armed ethnic militias that reject the authority and legitimacy of the government and operate outside the effective control of traditional governance institutions. This article, thus, examines the linkages between the militarisation of the Niger Delta and the emergence of youth militia. It also interrogates the state management of the intractable conflicts in the Niger Delta. Conclusively, any effort to arrest the perennial violent conflict in the Niger Delta would require a critical policy review. Providing viable employment opportunities for the youth, and channelling their energies into the development of sustained livelihoods can reduce the insecurity in the Niger Delta.
173. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 23 > Issue: 2
Matthew T. Nowachek Challenging the Violence of Retributivism: Kierkegaard, Works of Love, and the Dialectic of Edification
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This essay begins with a brief critical outline of the retributivist view of interpersonal justice, specifically focusing on the tendency of retributivism to leave victims with neither healing nor closure, but rather with a negative emotional remainder. It is argued that this phenomenon is indicative in part of a certain form of violence, what I identify as the perpetual retribution that extends from fixation of the identity of the offender as offender. In response to this issue, I draw on the categories developed by Søren Kierkegaard in his Works of Love. More specifically, Kierkegaard’s reflection “Love Hides a Multitude of Sins” serves as a powerful critique of the retributivist position, and the reflection “The Victory of the Conciliatory Spirit in Love” provides an insightful account of the requirements of interpersonal justice if it is to avoid violence. In the end, it is argued that Kierkegaard’s account of love and edification represents a promising alternative to retributivism.
174. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Lydia Schoeppner The Role of International Institutions and Organizations in Sovereignty Conflicts in the Arctic
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Increased melting of Arctic sea ice due to climate change attracts interests of national states who sense the potential that opening northern waters will enhance access of the Northwest Passage (NWP) and subsoil resources. Claims for Arctic sovereignty include conflicts around the status of the NWP, ownership of resources, but also attempts of Inuit to decolonize through the establishment of self-government in their respective countries that receive a new urgency due to the effects of climate change. From a review of different existing institutional and organizational bodies and mechanisms that serve as intervention tools in the sovereignty disputes in the Arctic (the UN, the Arctic Council and the Inuit Circumpolar Council) it emerges that such actors can ultimately only provide a non-binding platform for orientation and exchange and eventually leave nation-states as ultimate power-holders which reinforces and is in accordance with realist theory and its understanding of the international system as anarchic (i.e. as lacking a decision-making and binding overarching authority beyond the state-level). Despite their good intentions, external general acceptance and partial success, the potential of the organizations and institutions analyzed here is also ultimately challenged by nation states, who seem to prefer circumventing such intervention tools to be able to interact instead with each other via officialdiplomacy or by making singular and autonomous decisions to maximize their power and sovereignty.
175. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Kiku Huckle What’s Gone Wrong? South Africa on the Brink of Failed Statehood by Alex Boraine
176. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Cabrini Pak A Call to Conscience: The Anti-Contra War Campaign by Roger Peace
177. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Masako Nakagawa Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen by Nakazawa Keiji
178. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
John A. Berteaux Justice through Apologies: Remorse, Reform, and Punishment by Nick Smith
179. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Eduardo Soto Parra Energy from the South towards Peace: The Role of UNASUR in Preventing Internal Political Conflict
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This article is about the novel role of the Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (South American Nations Union) - UNASUR as a peacekeeper in the SouthAmerican region. It begins with an overview of UNASUR, its history, legal framework, and its mandate related to peacekeeping activities. Then, the efforts for regional integration and peacekeeping are addressed, with an explanation of the different frameworks backing those intents and the new peacemaking body known as UNASUR. Examples of political conflict are outlined, namely those in Bolivia and Venezuela, and the ways in which the novel intervention of UNASUR deescalated the violence. After providing a brief description of South American history, its recent conflicts, and a review of some applicable conflict causation theories, the article concludes with a theoretical explanation of the role of UNASUR and its intervention for building peace in the region. This leads to questions and suggestions about how the work of UNASUR can be protected and enhanced to benefit the creation and maintenance of harmonious relationships within South American states.
180. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Daniel Cosacchi Jesus Christ, Peacemaker: A New Theology of Peace by Terrence J. Rynne