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301. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Günter Abel Der innere Zusammenhang von Denkformen, Sprachformen und Lebensformen
302. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Thomas Gutmann Genesis, Geltung, Genealogie
303. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Karl-Heinz Lembeck Metamorphosen des historischen Apriori
304. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Armin Grunwald Welchen Einfluss haben die großen Havarien der Kernenergie auf ihre ethische Beurteilung?
305. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Chung-ying Cheng Receptivity and Creativity in Hermeneutics: Focusing on Gadamer with Reference to Onto-Hermeneutics
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There are two aspects of the hermeneutic: the receptive and the creative. The receptive of the hermeneutic consists in coming to know and acknowledge what has happened, observing what there is as historically effected, foretelling what will happen as a matter of projection of future possibilities, and disclosing / discovering transcendental conditions, fore-structures or horizons of human understanding and interpretation; the creative of the hermeneutic, on the other hand, consists in realizing and demonstrating human sensibilities and human capabilities and needs, conceptualizing what is factual and real based on human cognitive and volitional faculties and experiences, developing values and pursuing regulative ideals of actions, and searching for best possible ways or methods to reach for individual and communal end-goals which will enhance human beings as autonomous entities and moral agents in the world. The receptive is represented by the phenomenological approach to Being and reality whereas the creative is conveyed by an ontology of reflection of human being for self-definition and self-cultivation of human faculties. This amounts to bringing out an existing distinction between ming (what is imparted) and li (the presupposed ground) on the one hand and xing ( human potentiality for being in oneself) and xin (human understanding and interpretation toward action) on the other in the tradition of Confucian metaphysics.Next, I shall focus on Heidegger and Gadamer as taking ontological receptivity (as a matter of fore-structures of Being or Language of human understanding) as the source of meaning of existence and meaningfulness of texts. Th ere are of course creative elements to be identifi ed with forming investigative projects of the Dasein for disclosing truth of the Being, but the main tone is to realize the Being or Language as base structures of our hermeneutic consciousness or hermeneutic space of understanding. Because of spacelimitation, however, I shall leave to another occasion the discussion of the creative formation and positive projection of a transformative cosmological philosophy in the Yijing tradition as represented in my onto-hermeneutics which takes experiences of ≫comprehensive observation≪ (guan) and ≫feeling- refl ection≪ (gan) as two avenues toward human understanding and hermeneutic enterprise of interpretation.
306. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Barbara Zehnpfennig Wahrheit in der Demokratie
307. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Peter Rohs Der Platz zum Glauben
308. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Erzsébet Rózsa Historische Innovation, kulturelle Transformationen und historische Erfahrungen am Beispiel der ›subjektiven Freiheit‹ ›im europäischen Sinne‹
309. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 8
Christian Tapp Über den Sinn des »Sinns des Sinns«: Anfragen und Uberlegungen zu Volker Gerhardts Buch »Der Sinn des Sinns«
310. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Carl Friedrich Gethmann Einführung
311. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Krassimir Stojanov Einführung
312. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Claudia Bickmann Immanuel Kants ›Grundlegung‹ der Metaphysik im Horizont: Von Martin Heideggers ›ontisch-ontologischer Differenz‹
313. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann Grund und Ungrund. Zur Metaphysik des Möglichen
314. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Markus Wild, Reinhard Brandt Introduction
315. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Catrin Misselhorn Bildwahrnehmung, Imagination und das Gefühl der Präsenz: Überlegungen zum besonderen Status von Bildern als Gründen
316. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Noël Carroll Philosophy and the Moving Image
317. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Wolf Singer Neuronale und bewusste Prozesse – Eine schwierige Beziehung
318. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Marcus Willaschek Normativität und Autonomie – Über Verpflichtungen als Handlungsgründe
319. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Armin Grunwald Ethik im Trend – ambivalente Beobachtungen
320. Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie: Volume > 4
Michael Quante Einführung