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1. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 23
Marina Savi Comunità e Sentimento di Amicizia nell’Etica Kantiana
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A partir de Hegel, a filosofia moral kantiana foi interpretada em sentido solipsístico. Uma reconsideração abrangente da ética pondo em articulação um dos núcleos d a Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes, a saber, o conceito de “reino dos fins” com a secção da Metafísica dos costumes dedicada aos “De veres de virtude em relação aos outros”, permitiu-nos reconstruir o pensamento kantiano sobre as relações interpessoais. Do confronto da noção de “reino dos fins” com as reflexões sobre a amizade emerge um modelo de relações morais fundado sobre a reciprocidade. A amizade anima as relações de troca entre os membros do “reino dos fins”, personalizando-a. Numa relação entre amigos que possua uma valência moral existe de facto um precioso equilíbrio entre amor e respeito que cria o espaço comum em que se realizam a comunicação e a partilha. O amor tem portanto a tutelá-lo as exigências do respeito. Justamente por isto, Kant coloca reservas à compaixão que, sobretudo quando se exprime em termos de simpatia empática, priva o outro da sua dignidade.
2. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 30
Luca Silvestri Sinthomi Tardo-Capitalisti: Un’Analisi tra Godimento e Politica Attraverso il Pensiero di Slavoy Žižek
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Everybody must have heard the Andersen’s tale The Emperor’s new clothes. It tells about a vain Emperor who would get new and more elegant clothes made all the time. One day, two adept impostors visited the Emperor, declared themselves accomplished weavers and offered to craft a new suit for His Majesty with a textiles with the magical property of being invisible to those not at the height of their own charge or else unforgivably stupid. The weavers received the assignment and wove throughout the days before the parade that was organized to display the new garment. They pretended to weave on an empty loom and worked with such an ability that none of the Emperor’s civil employees, who were asked to supervise the job of the weavers, had the courage to admit that they could not see anything at all. Meanwhile, the news about the special properties of the burlap spread throughout the Empire. On the parade day, the Emperor wore his new invisible dress and exited the parade. There was not a soul who did not praise the beauty of the new dress. Everyone but a child who, unaware of the deceit, said: “the King is naked!” The trick was revealed but, despite that, the Emperor stood up forthrightly dissimulating the shame. Is this not a perfect example of how ideology works, that is, of how the socio-symbolic web is not at all based on facts but rather on predetermined symbolic fictions? The purpose of this essay is to analyse ideological mechanisms in relation to subjective fantasy. Andersen’s tale, presents in parodist form both the fact that, through the working of symbolic adjustments, we always have a pre-understanding of reality, and the fact that such reality has an intrinsically perverse and cynical core. In fact, even when the deceit is revealed, we keep acting as if this order were already effective.
3. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 18 > Issue: 36
Riccardo Pozzo Il Valore della Ricerca Lessicografica per lo Storico della Filosofia
4. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 19 > Issue: 37
Alessandro Ghisalberti Riflessioni Critiche Sulla Lezione di Maria Leonor Xavier - “A Questão do Argumento Anselmiano”
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These critical reflections esteem the historical and philosophical work developed in Xavier’s lesson about the question of Anselm’s argument. However some objections may be found to the first and the third articles. Concerning the first article, Xavier’s interpretation of the relation between real existence and existence in thought is contestable. Besides, her view on the relation between essence and existence in Anselm may be approached to Alvin Plantinga’s thought about universals and abstract entities. The second article is not criticized. Contrariwise, the third article is the most contested one. The construction of an argument for the existence of an unsurmountable evil is not authorized by Anselm’s argument. Evil cannot be an unsurmountable major; it can be just an unsurpassable minor.
5. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 39
Marco Sgarbi Il Cielo Stellato Sopra di Me e la Legge Morale in Me: Osservazioni sul Sublime e Sulla Logica dell'irrazionale in Kant
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«Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily reflection is occupied with them: the starry heaven above me and the moral law within me». With these famous words written on paper and inscribed in stone, Immanuel Kant concludes the Critique of Practical Reason. In this paper, I intend to show how this sentence is closely linked with: 1) the kantian doctrine on the sublime and 2) to the foundation of the logic of the irrational in the Critique of Judgement.
6. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 20 > Issue: 39
M. Elena Bentivegna Ensinar/Aprender Filosofia num Mundo em Rede (Simposio Sull'insegnamento e Sull'apprendimento Della Filosofia in un Mondo in Rete)
7. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 26 > Issue: 51
Vincenzo Nuzzo Edith Stein e l’Ebraismo Religioso
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La prossimità tra Edith Stein e l’Ebraismo religioso appare essere molto probabile per ovvi motivi. E quindi la sua conversione al Cattolicesimo e la sua indagine filosofica condotta nel pieno del pensiero cristiano, non dovrebbero costituire elementi necessariamente in contraddizione con tale ipotesi. Tuttavia, in assenza di documenti che possano provarla, abbiamo tentato in questa investigazione di risalire a posteriori ad alcuni elementi tipici del pensiero steiniano, partendo da altri relativi aspetti della dottrina cabalistica che inducono in maniera molto suggestiva il sospetto di una prossimità. Tali aspetti concernono in particolare alcuni elementi metafisico-filosofici che stanno in forte relazione con la dottrina emanatistica: – la caratterizzazione divino-femminile della Sapienza Divina (Sophia), la dottrina spiritualista dell’anima, la dottrina integralmente religiosa dell’Io cosciente (idealismo religioso).
8. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 26 > Issue: 52
Luca Onesti Gramsci e i Quaderni: Filosofia Della Prassi e Immanenza tra Materialismo e Idealismo
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Di contro alla lettura che inserisce la filosofia della prassi di Gramsci nella linea di continuità di un “paradigma italiano” che assolutizza il momento soggettivo, l’articolo si concentra sul particolare statuto ontologico su cui poggia la revisione che Gramsci fa del materialismo storico marxiano. Se da un lato la materia è vista come dipendente da una sfera intersoggettiva, che gli conferisce “oggettività” solo quando agisce su di essa in una prassi trasformativa, dall’altro è rimarcato il carattere “immanente” della stesso soggetto storico agente, che si trova in un campo di “contraddizioni oggettive” e solo nella concretezza dell’attività pratica può esercitare egemonia e con ciò inverarsi. Sulla scorta dell’analisi di questa problematica, conil confronto con il testo dei Quaderni, e attraverso la lettura di tre interpreti di Gramsci quali Frosini, Burgio e Losurdo, si riflette infine sul rapporto tra Gramsci e Labriola da un lato e tra Gramsci e Gentile dall’altro.
9. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 3 > Issue: 5
Giovanni Casertano L'ambigua Realtà del Discorso nel peri tou me ontos di Gorgia (con un accenno ail’Elena)
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The aim of this paper is to show the philosophical relevance of Gorgias' critique of Parmenides on language and reality. He not only manages to argue for a complete separation of discourse from, being, but also proves that one cannot be thought without the other. His message on the Peri tou me ontos should be read on par with the Helen, thus advancing beyond a mere eristical display of virtuosity at the expense of Parmenides’ thesis. In the Sophist Plato showed how well he had understood the philosophical acumen of his reasoning despite the fact that his critique of Gorgias missed one or two of his most interesting points.
10. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 47
Gaetano Albergo I Recenti studi sulla biologia di Aristotele come contributo per una critica all’interpretazione dei Naturphilosophen
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The work realized by Aristotle in his investigations on the natural world, in particular the biological world, has as backdrop two theoretical assumptions: the ability to organize phainomena in such a dialectically well structured, although at the same time open and flexible way, as the living reality that is studied, and the opportunity to offer to the theoretical knowledge, of axiomatic nature, not only information and tools for the understanding of individual species, but also methods, and its logic, which, if properly pursued, will lead to scientific knowledge. This, understood in the sense of causal knowledge, cannot be pursued in a purely formal way. Our aim is to demonstrate why Naturphilosophen did not get the Aristotelian lesson, up to refuse his teleologism because considered metaphysically regressive.