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1. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 2 > Issue: 2
Traian D. Stänciulescu La pensée cosmologique, entre mythos et logos: une approche herméneutique
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Mediated by a hermeneutic/semiotic reading of symbols, searching out and finding some similitudes between mythical constructions concerning the genesisof the world and scientific hypotheses can be considered fruitful from at least two viewpoints, since: (a) it allows the validation of a truth which is difficult to prove through other means, that early humans had intuitive-cognitive resources much more profound than appearances seem to allow; (b) it enables the utilization of some of the suggestions offered by the mythic language in the scientific language context. Using such correspondences, the author proposes the integrative model of a structurally named "Cluster Universe" or the functionally named "Pulsatory expansion", able to solve some major difficulties of the cosmological thinking.
2. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 2 > Issue: 2
Ludmila Bejenaru, Vladlen Babcinetchi L'icône russe: depuis l'école novgorodénne à la "Céne" d'Alexandr Ivanov
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The Russian icon was always related to the soul of the Russian painter, his anxiety and his emotions. Through the icon the russian has always expressed his faith and mentained the bundle with God. The icon has been considered by the russian people a bridge between human and divinity. The Russian people belive into an russian Christ. The Russian icon embodys the russian nature, his strength of creation and of adaption, but especially the russian soul. It is been capitalized the icon painting of the greatest painters: Andrei Rubliov, Teofan Grecul Dionisie, as well as icon painting, starting from the novgorodiana school (the 11th century) till the 20th century, when big names of icon artists appared, such as Kondrafiev, Filatov, Zubov, A. Ivanov.
3. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Marly Bulcão Réflexion ou dialogique: chemins pour la constitution d'une éthique
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Reflections or Dialogicals: Ways for Making up an Ethics. This purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between reason and ethics in the thoughts ofLéon Brunschvicg and Gaston Bachelard. It will demonstrate that although the positions of these two authors have points in common as far as the development of their philosophical trajectories, there are also profound divergences in regards to their ethical conceptions. In affirming the passage from intellectual reason to moral consciousness, the ethical humanism of Brunschvicg takes as foundation a monological conception of reason. In showing that the constitution of ethical principles is modeled after the dialogical nature of the scientific city, Bachelard opts for a conception of reason and ethics that passes thorough a reflection on the path taken by man, a path filled with contradictions, but that it is nonetheless as true as the one established by Brunschvicg.
4. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 34 > Issue: 2
Eric Landowski L’épreuve de l’autre. — Testing the other
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Testing the other. It is nowadays a commonplace of academic discourse on social sciences, especially when it comes to such disciplines as anthropology and semiotics, to oppose the old (and old-fashioned) methods of the “structuralists” to post-modern and post-structural epistemological attitudes. Structuralism, it is said, was based on the idea that it is possible to apprehend the meaning of cultural productions from an exterior and therefore objective standpoint, just by making explicit their immanent principles of organization. Today, on the contrary, a totally distinct approach of cultural productions would stem from the consciousness of a strict interdependence, or even of an identity in nature between subject and object at all levels of the process of knowledge, at least in the area of the humanities. However, such a crude opposition proves insufficient when one observes the effective practices of current research. The example here analysed is the account given by the American anthropologist Paul Rabinow of his first mission abroad: Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco. The analysis, based on the use of a semiotic modelling of interaction, consists in exploring the variety of positions respectively adopted by the anthropologist and his informants according to circumstances and contexts. Four regimes are in principle distinguishable: programmation, based on regularity and predictability of the actors’ behaviour, manipulation, based on some kind of contractualization of their relationships, adjustment, based upon reciprocal sensitivity and various strategies permitting to both partners of the interaction to test one another, and a regime of consent to the unexpected or the unforeseeable. The main result of the analysis resides in the possibility of showing that at each of these styles of pragmatic interaction corresponds a specific regime at the cognitive level as well. This leads tostressing the complexity, if not heterogeneity, of the strategies of knowledge involved at various stages of anthropological research, from the collection ofdata to the cooperative production of new forms of understanding. Taking the risk of generalization, one might also consider the interactional device, which ishere tested through the reading of P. Rabinow’s report as a metatheoretical model describing the various epistemological stances at work and at stake in thepractices of research in social sciences at large.
5. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 34 > Issue: 2
Eleni Mouratidou De la sémiotique de la représentation théâtrale à l’anthropologie culturelle: Pourquoi le théâtre (résiste)? — From the semiotics of theatrical representation to cultural anthropology or why theater (resists)?
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From the semiotics of theatrical representation to cultural anthropology or why theater (resists)? In this paper I propose an epistemological approach to the field of theatre semiotics from the beginning of the 20th century to our days. Firstly, I point out two different periods that have influenced theatre semiotics. The first one centres on reflections and studies by the Prague School of Structuralism. More precisely, I address Jan Mukařovsky’s essays about art and society as well as Jindrich Honzl’s contributions to the study of sign and system in theatre. The second period presented here is that of theatre semiotics in the early 70s and late 80s in France.My goal here is to expose the main reasons that led theatre semiotics to a deadlock in the early 90s. Theatre semiotic research has been rich and fruitful in the beginning of last century. However, in our days it is generally deemed unadvisable to describe theatre representation in terms of sign and system.Although theatre semiotics used to be presented in French university classes, it is no longer possible to do so.Even though general semiotics has progressed by denying the importance of structure and by refusing to search for the minimal sign and its code, theatre semiotics has remained faithful to old communicational semiotics research.Throughout my contribution, I would like to examine the kind of semiotic field best fit to approaching an artistic domain such as theatre. In other words, I would like to show that Western theatre, granted it can be seen as a semiotic object, is first and foremost an artistic and cultural one.In order to do so, I propose a theoretical and methodological framework based on a specific semiotic model: the “indicial semiology” proposed by Anne-Marie Houdebine. Inspired by Juri Lotman’s essays about culture and art, I will try to set “indicial semiology” in the general field of a cultural anthropology.
6. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 34 > Issue: 2
Eva Toulouze, Liivo Niglas Parler de soi pour changer le monde. — Speaking about oneself in order to change the world
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Speaking about oneself in order to change the world. Juri Vella is a Forest Nenets reindeer herder, writer and fighter for his people’s rights. In his private life, he enjoys silence, as it is a rule in his culture. But the public man, who is graduated from the Literature Institute in Moscow, is aware of the power of speech, and knows how to use it for his goals, to support his vision. He had to realise that the native peoples in Western Siberia have lost much of their skills and acquired none during the Soviet period, in which they were compelled to integrate in the society and to attend Soviet institutions as school or the army. This process has been intensified in the latest fifty years, with the invasion of their traditional territories by oil industry. But Juri Vella expects the oil reserves to finish one day, and then the aborigines will lack the goods bestowed upon them by “Western” society and will have to survive with the help of the traditional skills. He tries to promote his vision of the natives able to live in both worlds and able to recover their dignity. This article analyses his public speech in this behalf and the way Juri Vella speaks about himself, enlarging his “ego” both to his clan and the native peoples in general and connecting it very directly with the space around him. The mainsources are Eva Toulouze’s fieldwork at Juri Vella’s taiga camp, living with the family five months, and the film Liivo Niglas has shot about him in 2003.
7. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 34 > Issue: 2
Richard Pottier Carré sémiotique et interprétation des récits mythiques
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Semiotic square and the interpretation of myths. Greimas’ semiotic square is built upon the hypothesis that the concept of elementary structure of signification is operational only if subjected to a logical interpretation and formulation. However, Greimas’ commentaries on that model are questionable. On the one hand, he asserts that logical nature of the connection between any two terms, s1 and s2, is undetermined; on the other hand, he provides the relations s1 – non s1, s2 – non s2, s1 – non s2 and s2 – non s1 with a logical status. Now, since these two statements are inconsistent, a choice must be made: either these four relations have a logical significance, and then the semiotic square is a logical square, so that s1 – s2 has to be interpreted as an incompatibility relation; or s1 – s2 has no logical meaning, and then not only the status of the other relations given in the model is not logical either, but also the simple fact of applying negation to the terms s1 ands2 is meaningless.That dilemma follows from an argument, that Greimas has laid down as a principle, under which linguistic communication depends on the existence of a deep level (or immanent level) of the significance, that is supposed to precede its manifestation in speech. If, conversely, we assume that significance is produced at discursive level, and that consequently the patterning of linguistic codes relies on what could be called a semantic sedimentation process, which comes out from linguistic activity, there is no more dilemma.Such a thesis, which implies that the elementary structure of signification must be seen as the schematization by the describer of speakers’ mental activity, leads to a point of view inversion. Nevertheless, the two conditions which, according to Greimas, are required for catching the meaning are still relevant, except that, contrary to Greimas’ opinion, they now apply at the speech level: two discursive units can be opposed if they simultaneously include a common feature which join them, and a distinguishing feature which disjoin them.
8. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 34 > Issue: 2
Gabriella D’Agostino La construction de la mémoire coloniale en Érythrée: les Erythréens, les Métis, les Italiens. — The construction of memory in colonial Eritrea: Eritreans, Mestizos and Italians
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The construction of memory in colonial Eritrea: Eritreans, Mestizos and Italians. Focusing on some passages of life histories collected in Asmara and based on the ‘memory of Italy’, I study the representation of the past in order to reveal the shaping of the subjective experience by the colonial discourse in Eritrea. If the main aim of my essay is the understanding of the play of interactions between individuals and collectivity, one more important element I take into account is ‘memory’ seen as a “social selection of remembering” (Halbwachs). I try to connect the social position and narrative role of single members (of the Eritrean society) to the meaning it takes the ‘going back to the past’ for them as individuals belonging to a group (an Eritrean, a Mestizo, an Italian) in relation to the past and the present. The consequence is that the logic dominant/dominated is inadequate to explain the internal articulations of the colonial context and that the focus must be shifted on individual and collective systems of expectations and on the negotiations of meaning resulting from a “past always to be recovered” and a “present always to be rebuilt”.
9. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 3 > Issue: 1
Simona Mitroiu L’histoire comme résultat du jeu entre la mémoire et l’oubli
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The memory and the oblivion are the two coordinates which define the cultural identity. In this context the history is the result of the interactions between these two coordinates. The paper presents the relationship between memory and oblivion, emphasizing the special role of the oblivion and also trying to diminish the categorical opposition between memory and oblivion. The history is the product of a selection process of information, a process which is intimately bound up with the dynamics of the two most important coordinates of the individual and national cultural identity.
10. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 3 > Issue: 1
Ioan Alexandru Tofan Métaphore et réflexion chez Hégel
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My essay deals with two problems. First, I want to verify the possibility of a „non-metaphysical” perspective on Hegels writings and second, I want to answer the question „What kind of language is appropriate in order to express the speculative thought?”. I begin by discussing the Derrida’s view of Hegel as a metaphysician and then I try to give the alternative to his interpretation by analizing some pages fron Hegel’s Logic.
11. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 3 > Issue: 1
Traian D. Stănciulescu La génèse du langage, entre nature et culture: une approche sémiotique
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The paper propose an assemble of (un)conventional explanatory hypotheses regarding insufficiently known aspects of the genesis and evolution of the human language. The causes and mechanisms that justify the hypothesis of an original linguistic nucleus generating ethnic dialects later on have been studied here. These aspects, regarded from the interdisciplinary perspective of such sciences as semiotics and linguistics, neurology and biophotonics, psychosociology, logic and philosophy, are sustaining that the human language (word) history presupposes: an “iconicity phase” (naturalist theory), permitting an essentially motivated communication, and an “arbitrary phase” (conventionalist theory). The “Babel language” myth, for which the “power of the word” means an archetype of reference, has been selected as a symbolic frame in order to describe the stages through which the human language passes on its way from Nature (“language of living“) to Culture (“language of spiritual meanings“).
12. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 3 > Issue: 1
Paul Valadier SJ L'anarchie des valeurs
13. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Radu I. Petrescu Poésie et parole prophétique (sur Benjamin Fondane)
14. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Horia Bădescu A la rencontre de soi
15. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Doina Grigoraş Sur la vertu dans le dialogue Ménon
16. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 5 > Issue: 1
Daniel Ungureanu De paidéuma à la shari`a
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“From Paideuma to Shari’a”. Paideuma, concept developed by Leo Frobenius at the beginning of the XXth century, seems to regain its proper actuality when we try to understand the Islamic civilization. Among the roots which define a paideuma, in the particular case of Islam we identified the shari’a as being the most significant one. Shari`a also brings with it a new dimension: the continuous extension of the paideuma, which overpasses frontiers and national identities. The famous sartrian expression “hell is the other” may occur only if we don`t know the Other enough.
17. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 5 > Issue: 1
Radu I. Petrescu Le baromètre de Flaubert ou Littérature et Réalité
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”The Barometer of Flaubert or Literature and Reality”. Discussing the relationship between literature and reality, this study focuses on the analysis of the“reality effect” (effet de réel) which is applied to the narrative technique in Gogol’s novel Dead Souls by revisiting it through a Nabokovian perspective.
18. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 5 > Issue: 1
Kazimierz Mrówka Le Concept de Logos chez Héraclite. L’Analyse Du Fragment B1
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“The concept of Logos at Heraclitus. The analyze of B1 fragment”. “Logos” is the most important word in the Heraclitus’ philosophy. One can tell, that Heraclitusis the philosopher of logos. The way of interpretation of this notion influences the comprehention of all work of the Greek thinker.The word appears eleven times in the following fragments : B 1, B 2, B 31, B 39, B 45, B 50, B 72, B 87, B 108, B 115 [numeration of Diels-Kranz]. Logos contains several notions, and it can not be reduced to one, as for exemple reason, speach, fire or god. The analyse of B1, where the logos apperas for the first time, shows the complexity of this term.
19. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Aida Farhat Le Statut Personnel: Exemple : Le Serment du Dos (zihâr)
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In this article, I will try to explain the meaning of the word zihâr, translated as oath of the back, trying only to situate it in its context and to bring an elucidation of the subject`s origin. The zihâr is a type of repudiation used by a husband against his wife in the times of gâhiliyya (the ante-Islamic period), by using a solemn divorce formula which consists in saying: "let (her) be from now on as the back of my mother". Therefore, backing up on this formula, I want to try to clarify this concept.
20. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Kazimierz Mrówka Les Routes de Nuit et de Jour. L'analyse du fragment B1 du Poème de Parménide
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In my article I analyze one fragment (B1) of the poem On Nature of Parmenides, which introduces the entire work. I describe the journey of the young man,from darkness to light, as a mystic way to the Truth (Aletheia), the way of gnosis.