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1. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 28
Irina Avramets On the definition of genre of Dostoevsky's works
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On the definition of genre of Dostoevsky's works. The article mostly addresses Dostoevsk's own definitions of genres of his works, either explicated in the texts (subtitles, prefaces) or contained in the writer's letters; or rather the relationship between the scholarly strategies of defining genres and the writer's own view, as evidenced. by subtitles which, in some sense, are part of the text (in nearly, but not precisely, the same way as the titles themselves are). The writer's own definitions, then, can be regarded as possible objects of the scholarly interpretation. Agreement, or lack thereof, between the author's and the scholars' definitions may be due both to similarity vs dissimilarity between the definition standards inherent in the respective epochs and to specific interpretation aspects. In the latter case, agreement is more cornman in studies focusing on vastly different problems unrelated to genre, whereas disagreement is more frequent in studies concerned with the genres of Dostoevsky's works. One of the reasons why his own definitions must be critically revisited is that certain titles of his workscan be basically viewed as subtitles or genre definitions insofar as they in some way define the variety of the text regardless of the underlying criterion: narrative, "discourse", type of source, genre, or genre variety. Indeed, both these subtitles and, sometimes, the writer's own genre definitions tum out to be pretense, an imitation of "standard" subtitles or genre definitions, respectively. Titles themselves sometimes look like subtitles, thus "exposing the device" and demonstrating this mimicry not merely by violating semantic and syntactic relations in the case of subtitles (sign/name/title/ subtitle and virtual reference/"reality" of text - and relationships such as those between title and subtitle; title and the principal text; and subtitle and principal text), but also by the fact that their position is "marked". Dostoevsky not just failed to follow his own "final genre definitions" within the text, as reflected in the subtitles, and not just changed them repeatedly in his letters, but in the official documents, too, he sometimes defined genres in a way which did not agree with either the subtitles or his own definitions given in his letters.Dostoevsky frequently changed the genre definitions not merely during his work on a text, which would be only natural, and not merely many years after it had been completed, published, revised, and republished (which might be ascribed to memory errors), but also shortly after the completed manuscript had been shipped to the publishers or after the text had been published or republished. While the logic underlying these changes must be studied and interpreted, it is evident that the scholars are often unable to accept the author's own "final genre definitions" both because these are often unavailable in subtitles, and because of the "Proteic" nature of their use by the writer in various contexts.
2. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 28
Tomi Huttunen From "word-images" to "chapter-shots": The imaginist montage of Anatolij Mariengof
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From "word-images' to "chapter-shots: The irnagiuist montage of Anatolij Mariengof. The article discusses the three dominant imaginist principles of Anatolij Mariengofs (1897-1962) poetic technique, as they are translated into prose in his first fictional novel Cynics (1928). These principles include the "catalogue of images", a genre introduced by Vadim Shershenevich, i.e. poetry formed of nouns, which Mariengof makes use of in his longer imaginist poems. Another dominant imaginist principle, to which Mariengof referred in his theoretic articles and poetic texts, is similar to the creating of shocking images typical of Russian futurism. Mariengofs application is the juxtaposition of "pure" (chistyj) and "impure" (nechistyj), either a conflict between the vehicle and the object within a metaphor or a conflict between metaphors. This is an essential poetic feature in both Mariengofs poetry and prose. The third, maybe the most Mariengofian imaginist principle, relevant to the study of Cynics, is the poetics of transition (poetika sdviga), i.e. a certain fragmented structure of the text, which is related to Mariengors use of heteroaccentual rhyme. All these principles can be treated as fundamental elements in Mariengofs use of montage technique in his fictional prose.
3. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 28
Peeter Torop The intersemiotic space: Adrianopol in F. Dostoevsky's "Crime and punishment" St. Petersburg
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The intersemiotic space: Adrianopol in F. Dostoevsky's "Crime and punishment" St. Petersburg. The article focuses on the peculiarities of the intertextual space of culture and the means of its analysis. Level analysis, compositional analysis and chronotopical analysis are juxtaposed in the paper. Textual and intertextual chronotopical analyses are considered separately. Two aspects of textual processuality are juxtaposed: the history of text production and the role of the manuscript page structure as a reflection of the writer's style and mode of thinking (especially in the interserniotic relationship between picture, drawing andword); the history of text reception, its intersemiotic translation into different sign systems and its existence in culture in a scattered state. In this connection the notions of the individual and mental text are juxtaposed. As an example a page of F.Dostoevsky's notebook is taken, where an intricate combination of picture, calligraphy and text offers an interesting infonnation on the methods of formation of text conception.
4. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 28
Michail Lotman Russian verse: Its metrics, versification systems, and prosody (Generative synopsis)
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Russian verse: Its metrics, versification systems, and prosody (Generative synopsis). In the article the general verse metre theory and its application to Russian verse is adressed, allowing us, thereby, to observe not the single details, but only the most general characteristics of verse. The treatment can be summarised in the five following points:1) the basis for the phenomenon of verse is its metrical code: the special feature of verse text is the presence of its metre (this feature is common to every verse type, to the most regular verse, as well as to vers libre);2) the nature of verse metre is extralinguistic, there is no metre within a language, the latter can only induce certain limitations in choosing a metre;3) metre is an abstract chain of translational symmetry, the elementary period of which is called verse foot (i.e. firstly, verse feet are contained in every versification system, incl. syllabic verse and free verse, and, secondly, verse feet can not be defined in terms of natural language, e.g., as the combination of short and long or accented and unaccented syllables).4) in verse text, metre appears through the medium of natural language: verse metre is coded in terms of natural language; the nature of its codification is detennined by the versification system. Hence, every verse metre can be realised in different versification systems, e.g. iambus can occur in syllabic-accentual, syllabic-quantitative, and some other versification systems;5) verse prosody is a consequence of the influence of verse metre on the prosodies of language; the range of transformation of a language system by verse metre extends from the unification of the strength of verse accents in accentual verse to such artificial formations as the origination of long syllables in languages which lack phonological quantity.
5. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Mihhail Lotman The semiotics of culture and the phenomenology of fear
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The semiotics of culture and the phenomenology of fear. In the paper fear is treated as semiotical phenomenon. The semiotical speciality of fear is that while being a strong semiotical factor, its semiotical nature is often overshadowed and fear is treated proceeding from the scheme of stimulus-reaction. In the paper fear is analysed in the context of both Peirce's semiotics and Saussure's semiology and it will be demonstrated that these approaches allow to open up different aspects of fear: while in Peircean perspective frightful evokes fear, then proceeding from the Saussure's approach we could say that fear creates the frightful, fear appears to be creative; we could even speak of fear as semiosis.
6. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 30 > Issue: 2
Mikhail Gasparov Intertextual analysis today
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Mikhail L. Gasparov. Intertextual analysis today. The paper provides a discussion about recent results and perspectives of intertextual analysis — the method that has been a contemporary with Tartu-Moscow school. The connections between the classical philological methods and intertextual analysis are described, together with specifying the concept of intertext and emphasizing the need for the correctness of a researcher, because such an analysis always carries a danger of overinterpretation. Several examples are used to illustrate how the imagination of a researcher can create arbitrary allusions that are not based on the original text and are usually misleading. As a result, the text under study will not become more clear, vice versa, it turns to be less understandable.
7. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Maria del Mar Llera Прагматический подход к межкультурной этике: Основные черты развития коммуникации между национальными группами. Резюме
8. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Augusto Ponzio Моделирование, диалог, глобальность: биосемиотика и семиотика самости. 1. Семиозис, моделирование, диалогизм. Резюме
9. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Torkild Thellefsen, Christian Jantzen Чем являются отношения: изучение концептуальных связей, сдвиг значения и профилирование знания. Резюме
10. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Jelena Grigorjeva Лотман о мимесисе. Резюме
11. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Loreta Mačianskaitė Семиотика вины (на основе анализа двух текстов литовской литературы). Резюме
12. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Bruno Osimo Странный, очень странный, как во сне: границы и переводы в фильме “Строгий юноша”. Резюме
13. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Dalia Satkauskytė Миф народа поэтов и феномен массовой поэзии в Литве. Резюме
14. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Susan Petrilli Моделирование, диалог, глобальность: биосемиотика и семиотика самости. 2. Биосемиотика, семиотика самости и семиоэтика. Резюме
15. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Timo Maran Мимесис как явление семиотической коммуникации. Резюме
16. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Marcin Brocki Семиотика культуры и новая польская этнология. Резюме
17. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Han-liang Chang Является ли язык первичной моделирующей системой? О понятии семиосферы у Юрия Лотмана. Резюме
18. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Frederik Stjernfelt Онтология шпионажа в реальности и в литературе: проблема иконичности. Резюме
19. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 1
Morten Tønnessen Этика умвельта. Резюме
20. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 31 > Issue: 2
Han-liang Chang К семиотике паразитизма. Резюме