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1. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 2 > Issue: 2
Mathias Grote Die „Kräfte des Organischen" Transformationen des Naturbildes in C.F. Kielmeyers Karlsschulrede
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The so-called .Karlsschulrede. (1793) of the German naturalist Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer can be considered as a keystone to the understanding of"Naturphilosophie" both in German idealism (Schelling) and the romantic period.Kielmeyer's work considers life as the result of specific forces in the organic realm and thereby searches to explain the harmony of organic existence anddevelopment. Taking into account Kant.s outlines for a lifescience in the "Kritik der Urteilskraft" (1790), Kielmeyer's notion of teleological processes in nature is sketched. The historical and epistemological relevance of this "vital-materialistic" (Lenoir) theory of life can be characterized by three major transformations in the understanding of nature in the "Karlsschulrede": First, the development of a holistic, organological view on the world, second, the emphasis on phenomena of life as historical processes and third the analogy between organism and mind. These issues found the strong influence of Kielmeyer's text on philosophy and science in the early 19th-century.
2. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 2 > Issue: 2
Christian Möckel Krisis der Wissenschaftlichen Kultur? Edmund Husserls Forderung nach „Besinnung"
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Phenomenological philosophizing is practiced out of a sense of responsibility for contemporary culture, which is experienced as existing in a profoundcrisis. The first part of this contribution contains a systematization of the theory of crisis, a theory developed in many of Husserl's works: the description of the main phenomena of the consciousness of crisis, the explanation of crisis with regard to its causes, and the demands raised in order to overcome the crisis of scientific culture (»reflection«). Husserl's teachings on crisis are placed into close relation with his idea of science and science's Greek origin, an origin from which, according to Husserl, modern science has tragically distanced itself. It is argued, however, that Husserl was not at all a philosopher of decline or decay. The second part of this contribution represents an attempt to provide a critical and complex answer to the question as to the modern relevance and usefulness of Husserl's theory of crisis.
3. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 2 > Issue: 2
Till Kinzel Johann Georg Hamann - ein Sokrates des 18. Jahrhunderts
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Johann Georg Hamann, a contemporary of Kant and Herder, was an important German philosopher of the 18th century, whose significance, however, is not sufficiently recognized today. His cryptic and short writings full of allusions and deep scholarship do not make him an easily accessible writer. He was a sharp critic of sophistry maskerading as philosophy, thus taking over the role of Socrates for his time, connecting a defense of Christian beliefs with a radical re-interpretation of enlightenment, thereby trying to enlighten enlightenment about itself. Hamann's concept of reason as language is an important contribution to the understanding of human nature as such, stressing the concreteness and historicality of human reason. Contrary to earlier interpretations, though, Hamann is no irrationalist, but a thinker who ridicules the absurdities of enlightenment rationalism and proved to be an important source of inspiration for writers like Sören Kierkegaard and Ernst Jünger.
4. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Ovidiu Balan Betrachtungen über die Anfänge der altgriechischen Lehre der Seelenwanderung
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In this article I argue that attendant on the acceptance of the idea of an immortal soul is a legitimate question concerning the soul's status before the individual's birth and after its death. Whether the Greeks were the originators of the doctrine of the transmigration of souls or this was an influence from another culture is still open to debate.
5. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 3 > Issue: 2
Alexandru Boboc Heideggers Ontologie und die Neuen Anwendungen der Phänomenologie und der Hermeneutik
6. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 3 > Issue: 2
Ovidiu Balan Ulysses Odyssea als innere Fahrt
7. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Till Kinzel Shakespeares philosophische Kunst der Dichtung
8. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Ovidiu Balan Umstrittene Anhänger der Seelenwanderungslehre
9. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Héctor Wittwer Einige Schwierigkeiten in Kants Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele
10. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 1
Nicolae Râmbu Schmerz und Kultur
11. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 5 > Issue: 1
Horst Baier „Gedankenbilder. Kultur als Konstruktion und Konstitution des Sozialen – am Leitfaden Max Webers“
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“Analytical construct. The Culture as construct and the constitution of the social – fallowing Max Weber”. The key of this paper is the chalange to determinate theplace of the cultural sociology in the context of the general sociology and of the other cultural sciences, like cultural anthropology and ethnology. For doing that it is necessary to analize Max Weber’s concept: Gedankenbild.
12. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 6 > Issue: 2
Raphael Bexten Was ist der zureichende für die unverlierbare Würde des Menschen?
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'What is the sufficient reason for the inalienable dignity of man?' If man has an inalienable dignity, there has to be an ontologically sufficient reason for the inalienable dignity of man. We find this ontologically sufficient reason for the inalienable dignity of man in the ontological being and essence of man, according to our thesis. We argue that the human being is a 'person in a body.' To be a person is an objective inestimable value, it is the objective value par excellence. We are persons from the beginning (conception), because it is not possible to become 'someone.' We argue that the intrinsic preciousness of being a person is the ontologically sufficient reason for the inalienable dignity of man. We do not want to separate values from beings; the inalienable dignity of the human person is the heart of his being and essence. Therefore we should speak more often of man, insofar as he is inestimably precious.
13. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 6 > Issue: 2
Alexandru Boboc Semitiotik und Ontologie - Interpretation und 'Mögliche Welten'
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This paper brings in discussion some key moments in semiotic field in the process of modern reconstruction of logic and of philosophy of language. We arefollowing the construction of logical semiotic (from Frege to Carnap and 'semantic of the possible worlds') and the central position of the concept 'possible worlds' in the interpretation process, which creates a meta-semantic. This concept is essential to understand 'the worlds from the poetic space'.
14. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 6 > Issue: 2
Horst Baier Die Vertreibung der Sinne Klangräume: Rufen und Hören in der verstehenden Soziologie
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Expulsion of senses. Acustic spaces: call and listening in interpretive sociology. Following the 'mental constructs' that are illustrative for Max Weber's Idealtypologie, the 'acustic spaces' in the cultural concept of education are developed. The study is an analysis of the organization of command and obedience in Weber's sociology of domination. His interpretive sociology is taken from Martin Heidegger. Another subject of the paper is an excursion into the sociology of music of Weber and Adorno. In the acoustic sounds of music, especially in the organ and piano works, we find the process of rationalization of the Western culture.
15. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Jun Wang Eine Vertiefte Interpretation Des Konfuzianistischen Begriffs “Ren” im Horizont Der Strukturphänomenologie
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In Heinrich Rombach’s structural thought the phenomenological tradition has been extended to an intercultural dimension. In Rombach’s opinion the idea of structure has been developed in the East much earlier and much further than in the West. In the following paper I will show from an Eastern perspective that the philosophy of Confucius in terms of “Ren” or “concrete humanity” has an affinity with the Structural Phenomenology, which strives toward the living situations as the original aim. The Structural phenomenology concepts here the “human person” (menschlicher Mensch): people should live with the return back to the life-world, in the origin of the construction of interpersonal relationships, “I” melts in the concrete life history, and the special relationship between people will be placed before the entity or personal “I”. This idea highly matches the concept “Ren” in the Confucian philosophy. Through the understanding of structural thought, we can get a new dimension of comprehension for the Confucian concept “Ren”. By this comparison, we can see the phenomenology and its latest development trends are included in the potential of linking eastern and western cultures. This potential does not come from the single texts, but from the fundamentalrecognition and understanding in the inter-cultural interaction.