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1. Logos & Episteme: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Christian Möckel Phänomenologische Begriffe bei Ernst Cassirer. Am Beispiel des Terminus ‘Symbolische Ideation’
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The decisive occasion for the following paper was the discovery, during the editorial work, of the expression “symbolische Ideation” (symbolic ideation) in theposthumous manuscript of Ernst Cassirer, “Prägnanz, symbolische Ideation”. The occurrence of this expression raises one more time the question of the relation between Cassirer and the system of concepts of Husserl’s phenomenology. The present research gets to the conclusion that Cassirer uses the concept of “symbolische Ideation” (symbolic ideation) in a sense which basically expresses his own philosophical position, rather than Husserl’s, who links the “symbolische Ideation” with the term “Ideation”, meaning the unmediated self-giveness of the General, of the Identical. But still, one can also discover some common points between Cassirer and Husserl.
2. The Monist: Volume > 64 > Issue: 4
Hans-Georg Gadamer Heidegger und Die Geschichte Der Philosophie
3. Logos & Episteme: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Christian Möckel ‘Philosophie der Symbolischen Strukturen’? Zu einigen Parallelen bei Ernst Cassirer und Claude Lévi-Strauss
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In order to answer the question formulated in the title, we firstly need to point out some theoretical constraints. A lot of parallels allow us to speak about a‘philosophy of symbolic structures’ or, better, about a ‘philosophy of structural symbolic systems’ in Lévi-Strauss theory. This is possible only if we establish an equivalence between the concepts ‘Form’ and ‘Structure,’ as they are used by Lévi-Strauss and Cassirer. The orientation of this implicit philosophy of Lévi-Strauss is not that of a philosophy of culture based on a philosophical-anthropological reflection (as it is the case with Cassirer), but a scientific research of concrete primitive societies, together with their empirical cultures and their unconscious, hidden laws of formation.
4. Logos & Episteme: Volume > 2 > Issue: 3
Christian Möckel “Lebendige Formen.” Zu Ernst Cassirers Konzept der “Formwissenschaft”
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The following text analyses the essays Cassirer made in his published articles and in his manuscripts of the exile period in order to dismiss the possibility of a unique science based on the physical causality (Wiener Kreis) and thus to assert the autonomy and specificity of the Kulturwissenschaft. In the same time, it guards against the identification of cultural knowledge and historical knowledge (Windelband, Rickert). The specific way to build concepts within the Kulturwissenschaften targets the objective relation between the Particular and the General and is to be found in the consideration of the form or stylebased on the experience of the expression (Ausdruckserleben). History or biology offers fruitful analogies to the understanding of the concepts or methods of Kulturwissenschaft.