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81. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Luis Emilio Bruni Biosemiotics and ecological monitoring
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During the recent decades, a global culrural-institutional network has gradually grown lip to project, implement, and use an enormous technological web that is supposed to observe, monitor, communicate, inventory, and assess our environment and its biodiversity in order to implement sustainable management models. The majority of "knowledge tools" that have been incorporated in the mainstream of this "techno-web" are amply based on a combination of mechanistic biology, genetic reductionism, economical determinism and neo-Darwinian cultural and biological perspectives. These approaches leave aside many of the qualitative and relational aspects that can only be grasped by considering the semiotic networks operative in complex ecological and cultural systems. In this paper, it is suggested that a biosemiotic approach to ecology may prove useful for the modelling process which in turn will allow the construction of meaningful monitoring systems. It is aJso advanced that it may as well serve to better integrate our understanding and monitoring of ecosystems into the cultural process of searching for (human) sustainability.
82. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
John Deely Physiosemiosis in the semiotic spiral: A play of musement
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A main question for semiotics today is how far does the paradigm for the action of signs, semiosis. extend. There is general agreement by now that semiosis extends at least as far as awareness or cognition occurs, which includes the entire domain of animal sign usage, or zoosemiosis. The open question today is whether semiotics is broader still, and on this question two positions have emerged. The comparatively conservative position would extend semiotics to the whole of living things. This extension was first formally proposed and argued under the label phytosemiotics, the study of an action of signs in the realm of vegetable life. The conservative faction has rallied around the label of biosemiotics. The more radical faction argues that even this extension leaves something out, namely, the physical universe at large which surrounds and upon which depends all life. The radical argument is that what is distinctive of the action of signs is the shaping of the past on the basis of furore events, a shaping that can be discerned even in the rocks and among the stars - a veritable physiosemiosis, theoretical justification and practical exploration ofwhich marks the final frontier of semiotic inquiry.
83. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Timo Maran Mimicry: Towards a semiotic lmderstanding of nature
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Mimicry has been an important topic for biology since the rise of the Darwinian theory of evolution. However. by its very narure mimicry is a sign process and the quest for understanding mimicry in biology has intrinsically always been a semiotic quest. In this paper various theories since Henry W. Bates will be examined to show how the concept of mimicry has been shifted from perceptual resemblance to a particular communicative structure. A concept of mimicry will then be formulated which emphasizes its dynamic properties, and finally, mimicry will be considered in the framework of ecosemiotics.
84. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Claus Emmeche Bioinvasioon, globaliseerumine ja kultuurilise ning bioloogilise mitmekesisuse võimalikkused - ökosemiootilisi vaatlusi. Kokkuvõte
85. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
John Deely Füsiosemioosis semiootilises spiraalis: mõttejoon. Kokkuvõte
86. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Noam Chomsky Beyond "universal grammar"
87. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Solomon Marcus Conway "elu mäng" ja ökosüsteemi esirus Uexkülli omailma mudeli abil. Kokkuvõte
88. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Soren Brier Ecosemiotics and cybersemiotics
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The article develops a suggestion of how cybersemiotics is pertinent to ecosemiotics. Cybersemiotics uses Luhmann's triadic view of autopoietic systems (biological, psychological, and socio-communicative autopoiesis) and adopts his approach to communication within a biosemiotic framework. The following levels of exosemiosis and signification can be identified under the consideration of nonintentional signs, cybernetics, and information theory: (1) the socio-communicative level of self-conscious signification and language games. (2) the instinctual and species specific level of sign stimuli signifying through innate release response mechanism and sign games, and (3) the level of structural coupling, signal recognition, and languaging, where cybernetic feedback loops evince differences. Signification and communication levels arise whenever autopoietic systems interpenetrate (I) with the language system's semiotic and the psyche's phenosemiotic processes based on imaging, emotion, and volition and (2) between the psyche's phenosemiotic and the body's endosemiotic processes. It is at these two levels that we have the ecosemiotic signification processes of nonintentional signs in nature. Humans are linguistic cyborgs as animals are sign cyborgs because signs at different levels interpenetrate and form our embodied processes. Sign producing and interpreting capability has had selective influence on both animals and humans in evolution.
89. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Winfried Nöth Ecosemiotics and the semiotics of nature
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Ecosemiotics is the study of sign processes (semioses) in relation to the natural environment in which they occur. The paper examines the cultural, biological, and evolutionary dimensions of ecosemioses on the basis of C. S. Peirce's theory of continuity between matter and mind and investigates the ecosemiotic dimensions of natural signs. Ecosemiotics and the semiotics of nature are distinguished from pansemiotism, and the coevolution of sign processes with their natural enviromnent is discussed as a determining factor of ecosemiosis.
90. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 1
Christina Ljungberg Metsik loodus ökosemiootilises perspektiivis. Kokkuvõte
91. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Paul Cobley Narratiivsete žanrite analüüs. Kokkuvõte
92. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Marina Grishakova Metafoor ja narratiiv. Kokkuvõte
93. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Ivan Mladenov Unlimited semiosis and heteroglossia (C. S. Peirce and M. M. Bakhtin)
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The article draws paralles between Bakhtin's literary theory and some of the Peirce's philosophical concepts. The comparisons with Bakhtin go beyond the theory of heteroglossia and reveal that related notions were implicitly originated by Dostoevsky. The elaboration of the concepts of dialogue, "self" and "other" continue into the ideas of consciousness, iconic effects in literature, and the semiotic aspect of thought. Especially important in this chapter is the aspect of Peirce's theory concerned with the endless growth of interpretation and sign building, or unlimited semiosis. Peirce's discussion of unlimited semiosis is not among the less elaborated ones. Quite on the contrary, it is one of the most important of his ideas of sign. As a semiotic notion it is widely exploited in many related areas. However, it is not often used as an analytical tool to examine literature or to other works of art. Here, we will employ this notion in conjunction with Bakhtin's doctrine of heteroglossia.
94. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Maria-Kristiina Lotman Prosody and versification systems of ancient verse
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The aim of the present study is to describe the prosodic systems of the Greek and Latin languages and to find out the versification systems which have been realized in the poetical practice. The Greek language belongs typologically among the mora-counting languages and thus provides possibilities for the emergence of purely quantitative verse, purely syllabic verse, quantitative-syllabic verse and syllabic-quantitative verse. There is no purely quantitative or purely syllabic verse in actual Greek poetry; however, the syllabic-quantitative versification systems (the Aeolian tradition) and quantitative-syllabic versification systems (the Aeolian tradition) were in use. The Latin language, on the other hand, has a number of features, which characterize it as a stress-counting language. Since at the same time there exists also the opposition of short and long syllables, there are preconditions for the syllabic, accentual and quantitative principle, as well as for the combinations of these. The Roman literary heritage shows examples of purely accentual, syllabic-quantitative, quantitative-syllabic, as well as of several other combinatory versification systems.
95. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Paul Bouissac Märkidest. meemidest ja mikroelektromehhaanilistest süsteemidest: evolutsioonilise ökosemiootika suunas. Kokkuvüte
96. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Rodney J. Clarke Sotsiosemiootiline panus tegevuspraktika süsteemsesse semiootilisse analüüsi. Kokkuvõte
97. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Anti Randviir Sociosemiotic perspectives on studying culture and society
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The article analyses the position of sociosemiotics in the paradigm of contemporary semiotics. Principles of studying sociocultural phenomena are discussed so as they have been set for analysing the inner mechanisms of sign systems in the semiology of F. de Saussure on the one hand, and for studying sign systems and semiotic units as related to referential reality in the semiotics of C. S. Peirce on the other hand. Three main issues are touched upon to define the scope of sociosemiotics: the general methodology of sociosemiotics. its particular methods, and possible objects of analysis. The relevance of the features of objects in different humanitarian disciplines (cultural unit, historical fact, social fact, institutional fact, social process, etc.) is surveyed to define the object of study in sociosemiotics. Also, the article comments on the description of social organisations via cultural processes and on relations between an individual and society as controllable by social action models.
98. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Han-liang Chang Loomade nimetamine Hiina kirjas. Kokkuvõte
99. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Elin Sütiste Tõlkides seitsetteist silpi. Kokkuvõte
100. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 29 > Issue: 2
Rodney J. Clarke Social semiotic contributions to the systemic semiotic workpractice framework
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The workpractices associaied with the use of an information system can be described using semiotic theories in terms of patterns of human communication. A model of workpractices has been created called the systemic semiotic workpractice framework that employs two compatible but distinct semiotic theories in order to explain the complexity of information systems use in organisational contexts. One of these theories called social semiotics can be used to describe atypical workpractice realisations, where a user renegotiates one or more canonical sequences of activities typically associated with a specific system feature. In doing so the user may alter the staging of the workpractice, redefine the goal of the workpractice, or renegotiate the usual role they adopt within the workpractice. Central concepts in social semiotics are explained and applied to an actual atypical renegotiated workpractice associated with the loan of materials to students in a smalloperational level information system called ALABS.