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1. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
James Barry Editor's Introduction
2. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Jerome Kohn Introduction to Hannah Arendt's "Nation-State and Democracy"
3. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Hannah Arendt Nation-State and Democracy
4. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Larry May Hannah Arendt: A Remembrance
5. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Celso Lafer On the Confluence of Thinking, Judging, and Action: An Experience with the Thought of Hannah Arendt
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The text is an analysis by a former student of Hannah Arendt, with the living experience of her thought in public life. As Brazil’s Foreign Minister on two occasions and as Ambassador to Genève, the Author discusses how her thought shaped many facets of his outlook in dealing with the challenges of international life. Diplomatic judgement as a reflective judgement is the unifying thread of the issues discussed. Among them, environment and sustainable development, human rights, nuclear disarmament, authority, power, violence, factual truth and lies.
6. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Robert P. Crease Arendt and the Authority of Science in Politics
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Arendt’s explorations of the dynamics of politics, facts, and truth in the public sphere contain important insights into the authority of science and science denial. This article reviews and contextualizes Arendt’s views on modern science and technology, discusses her views on authority, and identifies some insights that her writings provide on the dynamics of science denial. Arendt’s writings point to another possible source of authority besides Weber’s three categories (traditional, legal-rational, charismatic), based on a relationship between ruler and ruled that precedes the issuance of commands. Her writings help clarify what makes scientific findings vulnerable to denial, expose some of the specific tactics of science denial, and include some clues for what it would take to keep the public space open, and to nourish the compelling element that would have to underlie scientific authority.
7. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Ian Storey The Politics of Defining Today: Towards a Critical Historicism of Judgment
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Greater and greater attention is being paid to Hannah Arendt’s iconic The Origins of Totalitarianism as a way to understand contemporary politics and particularly the global rise of the Far Right. With this promising resurgence, though, comes a distinct danger that was a central concern of Arendt herself in her post-war writings and the development of the book. Arendt was sharply critical of her contemporaries, particularly the social sciences, for their loose historical methods. An unthinking historical sensibility led, in her view, to the too-easy drawing of analogies between past dominations and totalitarianism. In her pre-Origins talks and writings, Arendt slowly built an entire historiographic methodology around her concern with political judgment, a radical historicism that argued for the preeminence of progenesis and novelty in the politics of history. This paper looks to excavate that historicism and draw out its full implications not only for Arendt’s theoretical orientation, but for the broader praxis she demanded of all those who would be politically minded. Arendt’s radical historicism, which can rightly be called the groundwork for writing Origins and her turn to judgment, represents the beginning of what became her thorough-going practice: an ethics of responsibility, to the past and present.
8. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Olga Kirschbaum Hannah Arendt, 1945–1950: A “European” Public Intellectual?
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In this paper I ask how Arendt, a relatively obscure Zionist activist, became a public intellectual in postwar US and Europe. I argue that Arendt’s idealization of Europe—that is her presentation of a federal Europe as the political and cultural ideal for other peoples to imitate—accounts for her postwar success in both Euro-American and German and Jewish-American public spheres. An analysis of Arendt’s writings during the period shows that she idealized Europe despite also condemning European fascism, imperialism, and totalitarianism (to which she considered Jews to have contributed). I also show that Arendt’s idealization of Europe determined her self-presentation. While much has been made of Arendt’s insistence on identifying as a Jew, in fact in the postwar period she identified alternatively, as a Jewish, European, and non-national public intellectual. She held these varying identifications precisely because her idealized view of Europe led her to conflate Jewish and European identities despite also considering these to be separate.
9. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Wade Roberts Resisting the Neoliberalization of Higher Education: Arendt and the Subversive Potential of Thinking
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In this essay, I examine both the neoliberalization of higher education, as well as a powerful alternative which is implicitly sketched out in the work of Hannah Arendt. This paper is divided into three parts. In part one, I briefly discuss important neoliberal features of contemporary American higher education, with a specific focus on the ways in which neoliberal ideology is transforming contemporary higher education along vocational and utilitarian lines. In the second part of the essay I argue that there are ways in which thinking (as Arendt describes it) is an especially powerful ideal for proponents of the liberal arts to seize upon in order to establish a contrast with the demand that we reconfigure higher education along vocational and corporatist lines in order to fulfill neoliberal imperatives. In the third and final part of the paper, I will attempt to address objections to this proposal.
10. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Shmuel Lederman Arendt and Blücher: Reflections on Philosophy, Politics, and Democracy
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The importance of Hannah Arendt’s intellectual dialogue with her husband, Heinrich Blücher is widely acknowledged, yet it has rarely been systematically studied. In this paper, I use Blücher’s lectures to highlight the way some of his reflections and insights shed new light on Arendt’s political thought. Blücher, I seek to show, offers through the figure of Socrates an alternative under­standing of the meaning of philosophy and its relation to politics. His reflections help us see that Arendt worked with two conceptions of philosophy: not only the dominant one in the Western philosophical tradition, of which she was famously critical, but also an alternative one in which philosophy and politics become mutually supportive, rather than mutually exclusive activities. What emerges from the comparison between Arendt’s and Blücher’s reflections on the relationship between philosophy and politics, I argue, is a joint and life-long commitment on the part of both to question the philosophical tradition in order to offer new theoretical foundations for participatory democratic citizenship.
11. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Dianna Taylor Butler and Arendt on Appearance, Performativity, and Collective Political Action
12. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Jan Maximilian Robitzsch The Aporias of Grounding the Right to Have Rights in Hannah Arendt
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In this paper, I argue that Hannah Arendt is a kind of foundationalist when it comes to grounding the right to have rights. However, I also show that the solution Arendt herself provides is untenable by her own standards and that some alternative suggestions that scholars have advanced on her behalf, while Arendtian in spirit, do not emphasize the practical political dimension of Arendt’s analysis enough. Rather than looking for answers to the problem of how the right to have rights can be established philosophically, I therefore suggest that Arendt’s texts are better read as attempts to think through difficult problems in regard to the right to have rights and to stress the importance of providing practical political answers.
13. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
James Hatley Hannah Arendt and Theology. By John Kiess
14. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Kevin J. McGravey Arendt and America. By Richard H. King
15. Arendt Studies: Volume > 1
Richard Shorten Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination: The Holocaust, Plurality, and Resistance. By Michal Aharony
16. Arendt Studies: Volume > 2
Ronald Beiner The Presence of Art and the Absence of Heidegger
17. Arendt Studies: Volume > 2
Wolfgang Heuer Plurality
18. Arendt Studies: Volume > 2
Annabel Herzog The Perplexities of Instrumentality
19. Arendt Studies: Volume > 2
Adriana Cavarero Human Condition of Plurality
20. Arendt Studies: Volume > 2
James Barry Editor's Introduction