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61. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017 > Issue: 53
Hsiu-Lin Ku 古秀鈴
On the Very Idea of a Minimal Proposition

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Can the idea of a minimal proposition be successfully held? I will first formulate what the minimal proposition is in the minimalist’s mind, taking Emma Borg as the representative. What a minimalist seeks for a minimal proposition is the abstract and skeletal core meaning of a sentence, and this faith is founded on the notion of minimal word meaning—an atomic, code-like, conceptual thing. I show that the problem of this notion of minimal proposition lies in the three features, intuitive read-off, invariantness, and truth-evaluability, that Borg ascribes to it. I shall argue, first, that positing a conceptual-like thing as the invariant minimal content of word cannot support the invariantness of the minimal proposition of a sentence, and second, that the skeletal content, as the minimal proposition of a sentence, is a grammatically analyzed product and thus is hardly truth evaluable. According to the analyses, the idea of a minimal proposition with these three features identified by minimalists cannot be maintained.
62. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
Chang Ko-chuan 張柯圳
The Problem of Unity in the Philosophy of Plato
從性質團結問題觀點分析 柏拉圖哲學(中女提要)

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63. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
Denis Hsin-An Tsai God and the Problems of Evil in Berkeley
64. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1984 > Issue: 7
Paul Yun-ming Jiang 美允明
The Concept of Mind in Chu Hsi's Ethics

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65. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1984 > Issue: 7
Roger T. Ames 安樂哲
On The Contingency of Confucius' Emergent Tao
孔子思想中「時中J 之道

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66. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1984 > Issue: 7
Rahner and Ricoeur 傅佩崇
An Understanding of Original Sin - Through the Interpretations of Tennant, Rahner, and Ricoeur
論「原罪J 概念之理解 一一一亨利汗泰他特、拉內、與宇榕的設釋

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67. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1985 > Issue: 8
Fu-Tseng Liu Fu-Tseng Liu
The Functions of 'Yes' and 'No' in Chinese and English
中丈和英丈'是' (Yes) 和電 '不' (No)

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68. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1985 > Issue: 8
Fu Pei-Jung 傅佩崇
The Justification of William James's “Religious Experience"

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69. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1986 > Issue: 9
Fu-Tseng Liu 劉福增
Pegasus, Monkey King and Existential Sentences in Chinese

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70. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 57
Wim De Reu, C. Lynne Hong 魏家豪
What is the Wheelwright Bian Story About?

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《莊子•天道》中輪扁斲輪故事,看似旨在說明技藝之不可言傳性;若 連結到其他論及技藝與語言之《莊子》篇章來看,如此詮釋誠然有跡可循,而在現代學界也確實傾向以此脈絡來理解或應用輪扁之故事。鑒於《莊子• 天道》中,另有其他段落以「書」為題,本文擬從《莊子•天道》整章的脈 絡來探討輪扁故事之旨趣。本文將根據輪扁故事中有關書的問題,分別探 究:書的功能何在?為何批判書?書中少了什麼?依據《莊子•天道》提供 之線索探討上述諸問題時,可以發現輪扁之故事應視為政治論述之一環;換 言之,技藝與語言等議題,或許無關於其宏旨。
71. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
Foong-Ee Pong 馮鳳儀
The Affordance of the Graceful Fish Metaphor: An Interdisciplinary Approach Exploring the Practical Dimension of the Zhuangzi

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This article explains Zhuangzi’s philosophy by analyzing the metaphor of the graceful fish. I argue that to discover the essence of the graceful fish metaphor, we have to look into the relationship between the fish and the water in which it dwells. The article consists of five sections. First, I start by a brief review of common readings of the metaphors of the water and the fish and their insufficiency to relate to the idea of Dao/daos in the Zhuangzi. Second, I propose an interdisciplinary approach based on the notion of “affordance”─a substitute for “value/meaning”─that enables us to unveil the underlying key element pertaining to the image of the graceful fish: the ground. Third, an analysis of the graceful fish metaphor is presented after the explanation of affordance. Forth, I draw on the concept of vulnerability to explain the natural ability we are born with but buried due to a dominant completed heart-mind. I explain how vulnerability steers our way by comparing two images found in the Zhuangzi: infants vs. Hundun. Fifth, I sum up my findings and conclude that the Zhuangzi provides pragmatic advices for individuals─especially those who now live in a modern society that embrace social plurality─to live their lives to the fullest within any given social context by constantly adapting to the situation and therefore creatively exploring the limitless possibilities in the social world.
72. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2019 > Issue: 58
Kok Yong Lee 李國揚
Knowledge and Pragmatic Factors

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The stakes-shifting cases suggest that pragmatic factors such as stakes play an important role in determining our intuitive judgments of whether or not S knows that p. This seems to be in conflict with intellectualism, according to which pragmatic factors in general should not be taken into account, when considering whether or not S knows that p. This paper develops a theory of judgments of knowledge status that reconciles intellectualism with our intuitive judgments regarding the stakes-shifting cases. I argue that pragmatic factors affect only our epistemic perspectives, i.e., the ways in which we evaluate S’s epistemic position. Therefore, pragmatic factors only have an indirect impact on our judgments of knowledge status.
73. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2021 > Issue: 61
Jerry J. Yang 楊景德
A Response to Rosenthal’s Arguments against the Intrinsic View of Consciousness

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Rosenthal argues that if consciousness is seen as intrinsic, it will appear to be simple and unanalyzable, and therefore not amenable to scientific explanation, which requires a relational structure involving an extrinsic property of the mind. I shall first criticize Rosenthal's argument against intrinsicalism by way of conceptual analysis. I shall then examine three of his arguments against the intrinsic view of consciousness: the argument from the distinction between transitive and intransitive consciousness, the argument from reporting and expressing, and the argument of the individuation of mental states. I suggest that the content of a mental state can be considered to be an information space, which will allow for an explanation of consciousness. My rejection of Rosenthal's position relies on distinguishing two different forms of intrinsicalism: with and without self-representation. We shall find that both versions have explanatory traction from a naturalistic perspective.
74. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2021 > Issue: 61
Tsung-Hsing Ho 何宗興
How to Locate Pain in Mandarin: Reply to Liu and Klein

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Some philosophers argue that pain is an object located in bodily parts because the locative form of pain report is permissible in English. To examine this argument, Liu and Klein recently argue that the linguistic argument cannot work because the locative form is impermissible in Mandarin. They are wrong, however. I demonstrate that the locative form in Mandarin is not only permissible but also common.